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Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Chain Code, Smart Contracts, Golang, CouchDB etc. My personal notes, example codes, best practices and sample projects..


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My personal notes, example codes, best practices and sample projects.


Aditya Hajare (Linkedin).

Current Status

WIP (Work In Progress)!


Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Important Notes

Blockchain Basics

  • It is a decentralized system. Decentralized means the network is powered by its users (Peers) without having any third party, central authority or middleman controlling it.
  • Every Peer has a record of the complete history of all transactions as well as the balance of every account.
  • This bookkeeping is not controlled by one party or a central authority (E.g. Central Bank).
  • Its all Public, and available in one digital ledger which is fully distributed across the network. i.e. everybody sees what everybody is doing.
  • The Blockchain acts as a public ledger.
  • In blockchain all the transactions are logged including:
    • Time
    • Date
    • Participants
    • Amount of every single transaction
  • Each node in the network owns the full copy of the blockchain.
  • The nodes automatically and continuously agree about the current state of the ledger and every transaction in it.
  • If anyone attempts to currupt a transaction, the nodes will not arrive at a consensus and hence will refuse to incorporate the transaction in the blockchain.
  • So every transaction is public and thousands of nodes unanimously agreed that a transaction has occurred on date X at time Y.
  • Everyone has access to shared single public source of truth.
  • Blockchain in first instance is all about optimizing Shared B2B Processes.

Why Blockchain As Opposed To An Ordinary Database

  • In a nutshell, a Database solves a Data Problem whereas a Blockchain solves a Digital Asset Problem.
  • Database Solves a Data Problem:
    • Mature technology exists.
    • Centralized or Distributed.
    • Fit for purpose.
    • One party governs the data.
  • Blockchain solves a Digital Asset Problem:
    • Trade, trust and ownership.
    • Digital Assets.
    • Transactionality.
    • Multiple parties govern the data.
    • Remove intermediaries.
    • Solve double spend problem.
    • Need for time and trust in a network.
    • Gives birth to new business models.

Key Concepts

  • Blockchain: It is a shared, replicated transaction system (Distributed Ledger) which is updated with the help of Smart Contracts and kept consistently synchronized through a process called Consensus. It is a append-only transaction system.
    • Distributed Ledger: It is a database that is concensually shared and synchronized across multiple sites, institutions or geaographies and it is accessible by multiple people.
    • Smart Contracts: It is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of codes. The code and the agreement contained therein exists across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network.
    • Consensus: The majority of opinion, agreement amoung a group of people.
    • Private Blockchain vs. Public Blockchain: In public blockchain, anyone can send a transaction, while in private blockchain, only participants who are approved can send transactions.
    • Permissioned Blockchain vs. Permissionless Blockchain: Permissionless blockchain allow people to act anonymously (you do not know their identity), while in permissioned blockchain the identities of participants are known.
    • Examples of Public and Permissionless Blockchain: Bitcoin, Etherium.
    • Examples of Private and Permissioned Blockchain: Hyperledger Fabric, JP Morgan.
    • Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Etherium etc.): Cryptocurrency is not same as a blockchain. Cryptocurrency use blockchain to store transactions. Most of the cryptocurrencies use their own type of blockchain with some aspects that make them unique and best for their own usecase.
  • Distributed Ledger:
    • Distributed Ledger platforms are used for tracking the State of an Asset.
    • An Asset is a digital representation of any real world thing.
    • So anything in a real world, whether it's a tangible or intangible, that may be digitally represented, can be managed on a Distributed Ledger.
    • Tangible assets examples: Cars, Houses, etc.
    • Intangible assets examples: Stocks, Bonds, Certificates and any other kind of financial instruments.
  • Transactions:
    • The state of an Asset on the Distributed Ledger is managed by the way of Transactions. In other words, Transactions manages the States of an Asset.
    • Transaction represents the invocation of business logic that changes or manages the State of the Assets on the Distributed Ledger platform.
    • Chaincode encapsulates the business logic.
    • All Transactions are recorded in the Ledger.
    • The recorded Transactions are immutable. i.e. they cannot be updated or deleted.
  • Chaincode:
    • Chaincode implements the business logic and exposes the State management features by way of one or more functions.
    • The functions exposed by Chaincode are executed from the Applications by way of Transactions.
    • Not all of the Transactions lead to the creation of entry in Ledger. Some Transactions are performed to read State of an Asset in the Ledger.
    • Fabric Chaincode can be developed in Golang, NodeJS or Java.
    • Any real world asset that can be degitized can be represented as a Model in the Chaincode.
    • Each of the chaincode in the network is identified by a name which is unique across Channel.
    • Instantiation Policy determines which Org can Endorse the Transaction for creation of the Chaincode.
    • Peers receive the chaincode package in the instantiate transaction and hence the installation of chaincode on peer is automatic: FALSE.
    • Shim API is used for coding the Chaincode.
    • Not all Orgs need to install Chaincode. Following entities has the Chaincode:
      • Orgs participating in the transactions.
      • Orgs that will query the ledgers.
      • Chaincode Endorsers
    • Important points about Chaincode:
      • Chaincode may implement multiple Smart Contracts.
      • Chaincode is packaged in standard Tar file format.
      • Installation generates the Package-ID.
      • Each Org approves the specific Package for their Org.
      • Package-ID may be different across Orgs.
      • Whenever a Chaincode is approved by an Org, the Approval is added as a Transaction into the Ledger of that Org.
    • By default State Data is setup in LevelDB but we can configure Peer to store State Data in CouchDB instead of LevelDB.
    • CouchDB is a NoSQL database which can be setup as a State Data store for Peer node.
    • CouchDB allows to execute rich queries against State Data whereas LevelDB doesn't allow it.
    • Each Chaincode owns the State Data it manages.
    • Direct access to State Data from one Chaincode to another is not allowed. However, Chaincode can Invoke or Query other Chaincode to access it's State Data.
    • Invoke Chaincode from another Chaincode:
      • Since the Chaincode is invoked locally, both the Chaincodes (caller and the called Chaincode) must be on the same Peer.
      • Transaction executes in the same Txn Context.
      • State changes on both the caller and the called Chaincode take effect only if they share a common Channel.
      • No State change takes place on the called Chaincode if the caller and a called Chaincodes are on different Channels.
      • Transaction message is passed from the caller Chaincode to the called Chaincode.
      • On common Channel: State changes take effect for both caller and a called Chaincode.
      • On different Channel: State changes take effect only for the caller Chaincode.
  • Channel Events:
    • Events are emitted by the Peers.
    • Applications may subscribe to the events.
      • Subscription is on Channel level. i.e. Subscription requires the specification of the Channel.
      • Subscribers can also specify the filter criteria on which the events are evaluated on the Peer.
    • There are 3 types of Events:
      • Block Event: Emitted by the Peer when a new Block is added by the Peer to the Ledger.
      • Transaction Event: Emitted by the Peer when a specified Transaction is received in a Block.
      • Chaincode Event: Emitted by the Chaincode. Chaincode Events are generated in response to the Transactions against the Chaincode.
    • Chaincode Events are not received by the subscriber when the Chaincode is executed by the Endorsers. The events are received by the subscriber when the Peer adds the Transaction to the Ledger.
    • The subscriber can provide the name of the Event in which they are interested.
    • The Transaction Event and Chaincode Events are in the Block payload.
  • Chaincode Lifecycle Endorsement Policy Rule:
    • Network members sets up the Lifecycle Endorsement Policy.
    • It decides:
      • How many approvals are needed for a commit to be successful.
      • It may have a rule that says some specific Organization must Endorse the Transaction for it can be committed successfully.
    • This Policy is embedded in the Channel Genesis.
    • Rules can be updated with Channel update transactions.
    • Lifecycle Endorsement Policy can be specified as ImplicitMeta Policy or a Signature Policy.
    • Default Policy is the Rule = "MEJORITY Endorsement". It means that More than HALF the members of the network MUST approve the Chaincode definition for it to be committed successfully.
    • The Policy rule Rule = "ANY Endorsement" requires Only one approval for committing the Chaincode.
    • With the help of Signature Policy, we can create complex/flexible expressions.
  • Peer Launch Modes:
    • Net mode: Chaincode instance launched by Peer. This is the Default mode.
      • Used in live network.
      • Chaincode Logs are written to the container's file system.
    • Dev mode: Chaincode instance launched by Developer.
      • Development time only.
      • Chaincode Logs are written to the console.
      • No need to install/upgrade for changes.
      • To launch Peer in Dev mode:
      # 1. Launch peer in dev mode
      peer node start --peer-chaincodedev
      # 2. Install chaincode to Peer
      # 3. Run chaincode on Terminal/Shell
      # 4. Instantiate the chaincode to Peer
      • NOTE: Chaincode instance is not launched in the Docker container.
      • Helper scripts:
      ##### BOTH COMMANDS USE ENV VARS! #####
      # Builds the Golang chaincode
      /network/bin/ # go build $CC_PATH
      # Runs the Golang chaincode
      /network/bin/ # go run $GOPATH/src/$CC_PATH/*.go
      • Example commands:
      cd /network/bin/
      # Initialize dev environment in Dev mode.
      # -d: Dev mode
      ./ -d
      # Set env vars for "acme" Org
      source ./ acme
      # Check/verify env vars for Org
      # Package and install chaincode on Peer
      # -p: Package chaincode
      ./ install -p
      # In new terminal, ssh into vagrant
      # Set Org context in new terminal
      source acme
      # Start chaincode in Terminal mode
      # In other terminal, we can run following commands instantiate # To instantiate the chaincode invoke # To invoke chaincode query # To query chaincode
  • Client Side API:
    • Chaincode gets deployed on the Peer.
    • Applications use the Fabric Client SDK for interacting with the Chaincode.
    • There are 2 APIs that are used by the Applications.
      • Invoke API: Used for executing the business logic in the Chaincode by way of Transactions.
      • Query API: Used for reading the State of the Assets from Distributed Ledger platform.
    • Both Invoke API and Query API executes the functions exposed by the Chaincode.
  • Arguments Sent To Chaincode:
    • The Client Side API executes the functions by passing data in JSON format to the Chaincode.
    • The JSON object has a key called Args, which is set to an array of string types. The first element in the Args array is the function name which will be executed by the Chaincode in response of this API invocation on the client side. Rest of the arguments in the Args array are the parameters passed to the function called by Chaincode.
        "Args": ["FunctionName", "Param1", "Param2", "Param..n"]
  • Transaction Flow:
    • When client executes an Invoke API, the Transaction Proposal is created and it is sent to the Endorsing Peers. If everything is good with the proposed transaction, the Endorsing Peers Sign the Transaction Proposal and send it back to the client. The client then sends the Signed Transaction Proposal to the Orderer Service for including the transaction in the Block. Orderer Service at some point creates the Block and sends the Block to the Peers in the Network. Not all of the Peers have Chaincode installed on them. Those Peers will still receive the Block sent by Orderer Service.
    • When client executes a Query API, any of the Peer with a Chaincode installed on it, will execute the Chaincode Function and return response to the client. In this invocation, the client does not go through the Orderer Service.
  • Chaincode Interface:
    • All Golang Chaincode must implement following 3 functions:
      • Init(): Chaincode initialization logic. Called with invoke --is-init flag.
      • Invoke(): Contains business logic. Executed on Query and Invoke [Without init flag].
      • main(): Registers chaincode with the fabric runtime.
  • The Fabric Model: What makes fabric ideal as an enterprise blockchain solution?
    • Assets:
      • Asset definitions enable the exchange of almost anything with monetory value over the network. For e.g. Whole foods, antique cars, currency features, bonds, stocks, digital goods etc.
      • Asset within the network are represented as a collection of key-value pairs with state changes that records the transaction on the ledger or distributed ledger.
      • Assets can be represented in Binary and JSON format.
      • There are 2 types of Assets viz. Tangible Assets and Intangible Assets
        • Tangible Assets: Tangible assets are typically physical assets or properties owned by a company. For e.g. Computer equipment. Tangible assets are the main type of assets that companies use to produce their product and service.
        • Intangible Assets: Intangible Assets don't exists physically, yet they have a monetory value since they represent potential revenue. For e.g. stock, bond, copyright of a song. The record company that owns the copyright would get paid a royalty each time the song is played.
    • Chaincode/Smart Contracts:
      • Chaincode contains the smart contracts.
      • Many times chaincodes and smart contracts are used interchangeably because in most cases they mean exactly the same.
      • Chaincode defines the asset and also enforces rules for interacting with the asset or any other information that is stored on the distributed ledger.
      • Chaincode functions execute against the ledger's current state database and are initiated through transaction proposals.
      • Chaincode execution results in a set of key-value pairs which are also called a Right Set.
      • Right Set can be submitted to the network and thereby append to the ledger.
      • Chaincode execution is partitioned from transaction ordering, limiting the required level of trust and verification across node types, and optimizing network scalability and performance.
      • Chaincode or Smart Contracts define all the business logic.
      • Chaincode/Smart Contracts are stored on Peer nodes.
    • Ledger:
      • Ledger contains all of the state mutations or transactions. These state changes are produced by the invocation of chaincode.
      • The immutable, shared ledger encodes the entire transaction history for each channel, and includes SQL-like query capability for efficient auditing and dispute resolution.
      • Ledgers store all of the data.
      • Ledgers are stored on Peer nodes.
    • Privacy:
      • Channels and Private Data Collections enable private and confidential multi-lateral transactions that are usually required by competing businesses and regulated industries that exchange assets on a common network.
    • Security And Membership Services:
      • In Fabric Network, all participants have known identities.
      • Public key infrastructure is used to generate cryptographic cenrtificates. These certificates can be tied to an organization, a network component, a user or a client application. These certificates can be used to manage data access control.
      • Role based governing with the help of certificates is the thing which made Fabric Permissioned.
      • Permissioned membership provides a trusted blockchain network, where participants know that all transactions can be detected and traced by authorized regulators and auditors.
    • Consensus:
      • At a very high level, we can say Consensus Model has something to do with multiple participants agreeing on something.
      • A unique approch to Consensus enables the flexibility and scalability needed for the enterprise.
  • Identities:
    • Every actor in a network has a digital identity. It is represented by X-509 certificate.
    • Identities determine resources and access to information for actors.
    • This determination is done based on attribute called Principals in certificate.
    • The identity with attribute are called Principals. We can think of a Principal as some sort of a userid.
    • Identities are created by a trusted Certificate Authority. In fabric, we can use a Certificate Authority.
    • The process of handing out certificates is called PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). PKI provides a secure way of communication.
    • Just having certificate is not enough for any actor. We also need the network to acknowledge the certificate. For e.g. we need organization to say - "Yes this certificate belongs to my organization". The Identity must be registered in the organization's MSP (Membership Service Provider).
    • MSP (Membership Service Provider) turns verifiable identities into members of the blockchain network.
    • PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is a collection of internet technologies that provides secure communication in the network.
    • PKI (Public Key Infrastructure):
      • Digital Certificates
      • Public and Private Keys
      • Certificate Authorities
      • Certificate Revocation Lists
    • MSP - For a member to have an access to the network, we need 4 things:
      • Have an identity issued by a CA that is trusted by the network.
      • Become member of an organization that is recognized and approved by the network members.
      • Add the MSP to either a consortium on the network or a channel.
      • Ensure the MSP is included in the policy definitions on the network.
  • Policies:
    • A policy is a set of rules that can define how a decision is made.
    • Policies describe a who and a what.
    • In Hyperledger, Policies are used for infrastructure management.
    • Uses of Policies in Hyperledger network:
      • Adding/Removing members from channel.
      • Change the structure of blocks.
      • Specify count of organizations for endorsement of transactions
    • How do we write Policy in Fabric:
      • Signature Policies:
        • Turns verifiable identities into members of a blockchain network.
        • <OR | AND | NOutOf>
      • ImplicitMeta Policies:
        • Only used for channel configuration.
        • <ANY | ALL | MAJORITY>
  • Peer:
    • Chaincodes/Smart Contracts and Ledgers are stored on Peer nodes that are owned by Organizations inside the network.
    • Peer nodes can host multiple instances of Chaincodes and Ledgers.
    • End-users communicate with the network by using applications that connect to the Peer nodes of their Organization.
    • Peers use Channels to interact with other network components.
    • All Peers belong to Organizations.
    • Peers have an Identity assigned to them via a digital certificate (x.509).
    • Single Peer itself cannot update information stored in ledger on it. Updating requires a consent of other Peers in network. The update transaction is done in 3 steps:
      • Step #1: Proposal.
        • Independently executed by Peers and returns Endorse Proposal responses.
      • Step #2: Ordering and Packaging transactions into blocks.
        • Orderer receives Endorsed transactions and then creates the blocks.
      • Step #3: Validation and Commit of the transaction.
        • When Peer receives a new block from the Orderer, the Peer processes the block resulting in a new block being added to the Ledger.
  • Ledger:
    • On the ledger, we are recording facts about current state of the object.
    • Change history in ledger is immutable.
    • In Fabric, ledger consists of 2 parts:
      • World State:
        • It is a database that holds the current value of the object.
        • It can change frequently.
      • Blockchain:
        • It records all the transactions for the object that together results in a Current World State.
        • Transactions are collected inside blocks that are appended to the blockchain.
        • Blockchain data structure is very different from World State. It's immutable.
        • Blockchain does not use a database.
        • Blockchain is implemented as a file. The reason for this is because there are just few operations done on a Blockchain.
        • Primary operations of a Blockchain is to append data to it. And a file is perfect for that.
        • First block is called the Genesis Block. It does not contain transaction data. It contains configuration of a initial state of a network channel.
        • Blocks are connected together with the Header of a block.
        • Each block in blockchain has following structure:
          • Block Header: Contains following parts:
            • Block Number: Integer starting at 0 (Genesis Block), and increased by 1 for each new block.
            • Current Block Hash: Hash of all the transactions contained in the current block.
            • Previous Block Header Hash: Hash from the previous Block Header.
          • Block Data: Contains list of transactions arranged in order.
          • Block Meta-Data: Contains certificate and the signature of the block creato which is used to verify the block.
  • Orderer:
    • Orders transactions into blocks.
    • Maintains list of Organizations that can create channels. This list of Organizations is called the Consortium. Also, this list is stored in a System Channel (Channel for the Orderers).
    • Enforce access control for channels (Application Channels). This way they can restric user from Reading and Writing on a Channel.
    • Manage structure of the blocks.
    • We can tweak the structure of the blocks by setting the BatchSize and BatchTimeout parameters.
      • BatchSize: Maximum transaction count in one block.
      • BatchTimeout: Maximum time for a new block creation. This time is measured from the first transaction received in this new block.
    • Ordering service implementations:
      • Kafka (Deprecated since Fabric v2)
      • Solo (Deprecated since Fabric v2)
      • Raft (Recommended): It is a Crash Fault Tolerant (CFT) ordering service. It implements Leader-Follower model.
    • It is better to have multiple Orderer nodes that are owned by different Organizations. This way we make sure that even the ownership is decentralized.
    • Raft is a protocol for implementing distributed Consensus.
    • In Raft there are 2 timeout settings which control the elections:
      • Heartbeat Timeout
      • Election Timeout
    • Raft Election Process: It's the amount of time a Follower waits until becoming a Candidate. After Election Timeout, the Follower becomes a Candidate and starts a new election term, votes for itself and sends out Request Vote messages to other nodes. If the receiving node hasn't voted yet in this term then it votes for the Candidate and the node resets it's Election Timeout. Once the Candidate has a majority of votes, it becomes a Leader. The Leader begins sending out Append Entries messages to it's Followers. These messages are sent in intervals specified by the heartbeat timeout. Followers then respond to each Append Entries message. This election term will continue until a follower stops receiving heartbeats and becomes a candidate. If 2 nodes become candidate at the same time then a split vote can occur. Once we have a leader elected, we need to replicate all changes to our system to all nodes. This is done by using the same Append Entries message that was used for heartbeats. Raft can even stay consistent in the face of network partitions.
  • Channels:
    • Channels are created by creating the first Transaction and submitting the Transaction to the Ordering Service. This Channel creation Transaction specifies the initial configuration of the Channel and it is used by the Ordering Service to write the Channels Genesis Block.
    • We can use Configtxgen tool to create the first Transaction which will end up creating Channel and writing Genesis Block on that Channel.
    • The Configtxgen tool works by reading the network/configtx/configtx.yaml file which holds all of the configurations for the Channel. This file uses Channel Profiles.
    • Configtxgen:
      • Reads from the network/configtx/configtx.yaml file.
      • Can create a Configuration Transaction for the Application Channel.
      • Can create a Genesis Block for the System Channel.

Blockchain Technology Benefits

  • Security:
    • Since Blockchain is a distributed concensus based architecture, it's eliminates single point of failure and reduces the need for data intermediaries such as transfer agents or messaging system operators.
    • It helps prevent frauds and malicious third parties from doing bad things.
    • Its not fullproof and we do hear about hacks in the box or certainly in cryptocurrency or cryptocurrency exchanges but its very very difficult to hack or manipulate.
  • Transparency:
    • It provides transparency and in place multialise standards, protocols and shared processes.
  • Trust:
    • Its transparent and the immutable ledger makes it easy for different parties in a business network to collaborate, manage data and reach agreements.
  • Programmability:
    • Its programmable, so its able to execute things like smart contracts and help be more tamper proof and have deterministic software that automates the business logic.
    • We can code to address many different things from governance to compliance, regulatory compliance, data privacy, identity, looking at things like "know your customer" types things or anti money laundring attributes.
    • It manages that stakeholder participation, like for things like proxy voting.
  • Privacy:
    • It provides privacy.
  • High-Performance:
    • It can be a private network of hybrid networks and they are engineered to sustain hundreds/millions of transactions per second and also handle periodic surges in network activity.
  • Scalability:
    • Its highly scalable.
  • Authenticity and Scarcity:
    • Digitization really ensures data integrity and enables acid profits. It's really a full transaction history in that single shared source of truth.
  • Streamlined Processes:
    • Since it can automate almost everything, it can enable some more real time settlements, auditing, reporting and reduces processing times and the potential for error and the delays due to number of steps and intermediaries required to achieve the same level of confidence.
  • Economic Benefits:
    • Reduced infrastructure, operational and transaction cost.
  • Market Reactivity:
    • It can be very reactive to market.

Smart Contracts

  • Contracts:
    • A contract is formed when an offer by one party is accepted by the other party.
    • Consideration is the price paid for the promise of the other party. The price may not necessarily involve money.
      • For e.g. If you walk my dog, i will feed your cat.
      • For e.g. If you walk my dog, i will pay you 15 Rs.
  • Smart Contracts:
    Contract terms are agreed to ----> Smart Contract placed on the Blockchain ----> Triggering event causes contract to be automatically executed
    • Contract terms are agreed to: Hard coded and cannot be changed without both parties being aware.
    • Smart Contract placed on the Blockchain: Public viewed and verified.
    • Triggering event causes contract to be automatically executed: If/then statement coding.

Development Environment Setup

# Initialize vagrant and create Vagrantfile
vagrant init

# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Configure Vagrantfile +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# Checkout boxes at: = "generic/ubuntu2010"

# Setup network "private_network", ip ""

# Mount folder
config.vm.synced_folder "./mount", "/home/vagrant/mount"

# Configure memory
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.gui = true
    vb.memory = "10000" #10 GB
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

# Bootup our virtual linux box
vagrant up

# SSH into our running virtual linux box
vagrant ssh

# +-+-+-+-+-+-+- Install HLF Pre-Requisites +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# install git
sudo apt install  git -y

# install curl
sudo apt install curl -y

# install docker
sudo apt install build-essential -y
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg-agent software-properties-common -y
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose -y
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

# install go
curl -o "go.tar.gz"
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go.tar.gz"

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
source ~/.bashrc

# install node
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs -y

# install ohmyzsh
# NOTE: Default password for root account on ubuntu: vagrant
sudo apt install zsh -y
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Install Samples, Binaries and Docker Images:
# SSH into vagrant
vagrant ssh

# Go to /mount directory
cd mount

# Install samples, binaries and docker images
curl -sSL | bash -s -- 2.2.4 1.5.2
  • Install SSH plugin for VSCode.
  • While vagrant machine is up and running, execute following to get location of IdentityFile:
vagrant ssh-config
  • Add new SSH host into VSCode SSH plugin:
# Host can be found in Vagrantfile. Look for following line:
# "private_network", ip: ""
ssh vagrant@ -i "C:/Aditya/Projects/HLF/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key"
  • Add \bin to path:
# In vagrant ssh, execute:
export PATH=/home/vagrant/mount/fabric-samples/bin:$PATH


  • We can use CouchDB as out State Database.
  • Ledger contains a Blockchain and a State Database. Blockchain is implemented as a file and a State Database is implemented as a database.
  • By default, we use a Go Level Database and this database is implemented in the Peer node.
  • LevelDB stores Chain Code data as key-value pairs. It supports queries based on key, key range and composite key.
  • As an alternative LevelDB, we can use CouchDB as a State Database of the Ledger.
  • With CouchDB:
    • We can store data as JSON objects.
    • We can write more complicated queries for retrieving specific data.
    • We can use Indexes for more efficient querying at larger data sets.
  • We need to decide which database we will be using as a State Database before setting up the network. Otherwise, we have to bring down the network, enable CouchDB and bring the network up again.
  • Each Peer has its own instance of the CouchDB.
  • No data replication at the CouchDB level.
  • Remote access is disabled to CouchDB.
  • CouchDB stores dates in format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s.

Private Data Collections

  • There are 3 levels of data privacy:
    • Channels
    • Private Data Collections
    • Encryption
  • Private Data Collections can provide privacy for subsets of Organizations within a Channel.
  • Private data collection consists of:
    • The private data itself
    • Hash of the private data
  • The Private data cannot be shared with the Ordering service.
  • The Private data is stored on a separate database. Nothing is stored in the State Database.
  • Peers that don't have access to the Private Data Collections, don't have any data on their Peer node.
  • Gossip Protocol is used for communication between Peer nodes. This is a reason why we need to connect at least one Peer node of the Organization to the Channel as an Anchor Peer. Because of this, Peers know of each other's existence. Thats how we implement Peer to Peer communication using Gossip Protocol.
  • What can we do with PDC (Private Data Collection):
    • Use a corresponding public key for tracking public state.
    • Chaincode access control.
    • Sharing private data out of band.
    • Sharing private data with other collections.
    • Transferring private data to other collections.
    • Using private data for transaction approval.
    • Keeping transactors private.
  • Members on the Channel can restrict visibility of data.
  • Ledger is COMMON so all Transactions are still visible to all.
  • Transaction in Ledger has HASH of data that is stored in Private Data Collections.
  • Private Data Collection are configured using JSON at the time of Chaincode Instantiate or Upgrade.
  • Peers manages PDC data in a separate set of datastores.
  • PDC are isolated namespaces within Chaincode.
  • PDC Key-Values are accessible within Chaincode using Chaincode Stub API.
  • Policies control read access to the PDC.

Range Queries

  • Range Queries require Start Key and the End Key.
  • Start Key is included in the result set.
  • End Key is exluced in the result set.
  • If Start Key and End Key are not specified i.e. Empty strings are provided, then result set will have all the Keys from state data set.
  • Keys are indexed in Lexical Order.
  • Maximum results returned in result set can be restricted by Peer Config.
  • Commonly used functions from Chaincode Stub API for executing range queries are GetStateByRange() and GetPrivateDataByRange().
  • Composite Key:
    • A key formed by combining 2 or more attributes of the record.
    • Uniqueness is guarenteen only if all parts of the key are used.
    • None of the Key attribute values in Composite Key can contain a null character. i.e. \0x00
    • When the PutState is executed, the index is created in the state database.
    • GetState() and GetStateByRange() functions do not support Partial Composite Keys.

Rich Queries

  • Requires data to be modeled as JSON.
  • Peers need to use CouchDB.
  • Indexes need to be created for performance.
  • Restrictions on CouchDB JSON Documents:
    • Key cannot begin with underscore _.
    • Fields beginning with underscore _ are used internally.
    • ~version is a reserved field.
  • Rich queries for CouchDB are created using Mango Queries language.
  • Mango query language:
    • Declarative JSON query language.
    • Inspired by MongoDB query language.
    • Adopted by Cloudant and CouchDB.
  • Rich queries are not executed at the time of Validation. This may lead to inconsistent state of chaincode.
  • Do not use Rich Queries in Update Transactions (Invoke) unless we can guarentee No Phantom Reads.

Asset History Logs

  • Fabric manages Assets in the Chaincode.
  • Invoke Transaction changes the State on per Key basis.
  • We can use Queries to get the Current State of the Asset.
  • Queries don't provide history of the Transactions on specific Asset. i.e. Queries cannot get the Past State. for e.g. List all previous owners of the vehicle with id Vin#1000.
  • To get the history of Transactions on Asset, we use History Log and History API.
  • Asset History Log are managed on per Peer basis.
  • Peers on which the Chaincode needs access to the History Log must be configured to Create and Update these History Logs.
  • Peer once enabled for managing the History Logs, will create the log on per Chaincode or per Asset basis.
  • Asset History on Peer is managed in a separate datastore.
  • Regardless of what database is used as State Database, the Asset History is always managed in GoLevelDB database.
  • History Logs are setup at Peer level. They are not replicated by way of Gossip. Peer is responsible for managing the Asset Logs on it's own.
  • History API is used from within the Chaincode to access history.
  • To enable history database, look for following setting in core.yaml:
    enableHistoryDatabase: true
  • Just like Rich Query API, the History API is also not re-executed in Validation phase of the Transaction. This may lead to inconsistent State of Chaincode.
  • Do not use History API in Update Transactions (Invoke) unless we can guarentee No Phantom Reads.

Programmatic Access Control

  • Fabric uses PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) for Identity Management.
  • All users are issued a X509 certificate (Enrollment certificate). For e.g. Admin and other users in multiple roles.
  • All nodes in the network are also issued a X509 certificate. For e.g. Orderer, Peers, Client etc.
  • Authorization decision is made by the nodes based on the user's Role and the Policies that have been set up for the network. For e.g. Only the identities assigned the Role of Admin can install and instantiate the chaincode.
  • At the network level, the Access and Authorization control is achieved by way of configuration. i.e. we have to declare the Policies that will drive the Access and Authorization at node level.
  • For building Access Control in Chaincode, check the Client Identity Chaincode Library:
  • Custom Attributes are added to the X509 certificates by the Registrar.
  • Client Identity Chaincode Library provides access to the Attributes or Identity set in X509 certificates.
  • Cryptogen tool does not support addition of Attributes in the certificates.
  • For additional Attributes support in X509 certificates, the Identities need to be setup with a fabric-ca.

Fabric Node SDK

  • Module: fabric-network:
    • Gateway Class: Connection point for accessing the network.
    • Network Class: Represents set of Peers belonging to a network or the Application Channel.
    • Contract Class and Transaction Class: Exposes APIs (Invoke and Query) for Chaincode interactions. Transaction Class exposes additional APIs for providing finer control over Chaincode interactions.
    • Example flow: Pattern: Invoking and Querying Chaincode:
      • Application creates instance of Gateway Class using new operator.
      • Application then initializes the Gateway Instance with Wallet and the Connection Profile.
      • Wallet holds the credentials information for the user. Connection Profile is provided in the form of YAML or JSON file.
      • After initialization, the Application creates an instance of Network Class by invoking a function on Gateway Class.
      • Then, Application creates the instance of Contract Class by invoking a function on the Network Class instance.
      • Functions exposed by the Contract Class are then used for executing the Invoke and Query functions on the Chaincode.
    • fabric-network module exposes classes for managing Wallets.
  • Wallet:
    • A user may participate in multiple networks with different Roles.
    • In other words, a user may have multiple Identity Profiles to interact with different networks.
    • Wallet is construct that is used for managing these Identity Profiles.
    • Wallet contains one or more user Identity Context and each of these Identity Context or Identity Profiles have Certificates, Private Key and a Public Key.
    • Identities in Wallet are referred to by a Label which is a free format string and it is unique for each of the Identities managed in the Wallet.
    • Wallet interface:
      • InMemoryWallet: Manages identities in memory.
      • FileSystemWallet: Manages identities on user's filesystem.
      • CouchDBWallet: Manages identities in a CouchDB Server.
  • Module: Client Class API:
    • Provides low level functions (via Channel Class) for interacting with the Peer and the Orderer.
    • Acts as a factory for Peers, Orderer, Channel and Chaincode classes.
    • Provides functions for managing the client instance configuration.
    • Manage Channel Update Transactions.
    • Instance is Stateful. i.e. We cannot re-use same instance against multiple Channel.
    • Channel related updates require multiple Admin signatures.
    • Channel Config update Tx submitted to Orderer.
    • Creates instances of Peer Class that are used for Peer queries.
    • Provides functions for managing Channel Configuration.
  • Module: Channel Class API:
    • Provides API for carrying out Channel Aware Queries and Channel Aware Tasks.
    • For e.g.
      • Create new Channel
      • Update existing Channel
      • Access to Ledger (Blk, Txn)
      • Joining Peer to the Channel
      • Instantiation, Invoke and Querying of the Chaincode
      • Getting finer control over flow of the Transaction
    • Channel class instance is initialized with Peers or Orderer on Channel.
    • Exposes functions for accessing the Channel Configuration.

Common Errors

  • Error:
zsh: ./ bad interpreter: /bin/bash^M: no such file or directory
  • Solution:
sed -i -e 's/\r$//'

  • Error:
Docker not installed
# OR
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/json": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
  • Solution:
# ssh into vagrant box
vagrant ssh

# snap install docker
sudo snap install docker

# To fix permission issue
# Change docker.sock file to be owned by "vagrant" user
sudo chown vagrant /var/run/docker.sock

  • Minifabric: How to install, approve, commit and initialize chaincode in a single command?
./minifab install,approve,commit,initialize -n simple -v 2.0 -p '"init","Aditya","35","Nishigandha","30"'

  • Minifabric: How to update endorsement policy?
./minifab anchorupdate
./minifab discover # This will create a folder "discover" at "/vars/discover"
./minifab channelquery # This will create a channel config file at "/vars/channel1_config.json". Make the changes and save this file.

# Do the channel update to apply new changes
./minifab channelsign,channelupdate


Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Chain Code, Smart Contracts, Golang, CouchDB etc. My personal notes, example codes, best practices and sample projects..








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