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Portfolio Web Site

Build my Portfolio Website using React.

JavaScript Style Guide Security Scan using Trivy

Portfolio Web Site Screenshot 1

Portfolio Web Site Screenshot 2

Portfolio Web Site Screenshot 3

Portfolio Web Site Screenshot 4

Live Demo

Available at the following hosting platforms:

  1. React application hosted at Netlify (custom domain can be added freely). Another Live Demo for GitLab.
  2. React application hosted at Vercel (custom domain can be added freely if not used in Another Live Demo for GitLab.
  3. React application hosted at AWS Amplify Hosting (custom domain can be added). Pay as you go pricing scheme applies.
  4. Docker image hosted at Google Cloud Run. Cloud Build is configured for continuous deployment.
  5. Static files hosted at GitHub Pages freely.

Continuous Integration is configured at the first five hosting platforms above such that automatic deployment will be triggered when any file is committed into the main branch of the GitHub repository.

Platform CI on main CI on PR GitHub GitLab Bitbucket Configuration Email Notification
Netlify Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Easy Yes
Vercel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Easy No
AWS Amplify Yes No Yes TBC TBC Medium No
Google Cloud Run (Docker) Yes Yes Yes TBC TBC Medium No
GitHub Pages No No Yes No No N/A No


  1. Install the libraries.

    npm install react react-dom
    npm install -g create-react-app
    npm install bootstrap
    npm install react-bootstrap
    npm install jquery
    npm install sass
    npm install -g serve
  2. Create a React application.

    npx create-react-app portfolio-website-react
  3. Modify source code /src/App.js.

  4. Build the application.

    npm run build
  5. Start the application locally.

    serve -s build
  6. Verify by opening the following URL in browser.


Security Scan

Before deployment, it's better to have security scan on the docker image and apply fix if any vulnerabilities found.

1. Docker Image

  1. Build the docker image.

    export VERSION_NUMBER=1.0.0
    docker build -f Dockerfile -t portfolio-website:$VERSION_NUMBER .
  2. Scan the docker image.

    docker scan portfolio-website:$VERSION_NUMBER
  3. Scan the docker image.

    docker tag portfolio-website:$VERSION_NUMBER $DOCKER_HUB_ID/portfolio-website:$VERSION_NUMBER-release
  4. Scan the docker image.

    docker push $DOCKER_HUB_ID/portfolio-website:$VERSION_NUMBER-release


A React application can be deployed to server via the following deployment types:

  1. React application
  2. Docker image
  3. Static pages

1. React application

  1. Install and start the application.
npm install
npm start
  1. Browser at http://localhost:3000 should be opened for testing.

2. Docker image

  1. Build the docker image.

    docker build -f Dockerfile -t portfolio-website .
  2. Run docker image.

    docker run --name portfolio-website -it -p 5001:3000 -d portfolio-website
  3. Test by opening browser at http://localhost:5001.

3. Static pages

  1. Build the application.

    npm run build
  2. Copy all the static files in the build folder to the web server.


  1. Bootstrap with Create React App.
  2. React component for rating.
  3. React component for tabbed pane.
  4. React component for top navigation bar.
  5. CI with Snyk using GitHub .
  6. Dockerizing a Node.js web application.
  7. Deploy a Docker image to Google Cloud using Cloud Run.