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Install / Setup

  1. Clone repo:

    git clone
    cd groot-meme-service
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Copy settings template:

    cd groot_meme_service
  4. Add your DB credentials to

Run Application

python groot_meme_service/

Do export MEME_DEBUG=True to run Flask in debug mode, if desired.


For the purposes of groot-meme-service 'admin access' is granted to members of the ACM admin, corporate, and top4 committees, as given by groot-group-service.

Meme Routes

NOTE: All routes require a HTTP Header called Meme-Token which must be set to a valid user session token.

Meme Actions

GET /memes

Returns paginated memes in given order.


  • author - Optional. Filter by user who submitted meme.
  • order - Optional.
    • Options:
      • 'latest' - freshest memes first
      • 'random' - random order
      • 'top' - memes sorted by number of votes descending
      • 'hottest' - memes sorted by number of votes ranked by recency
      • 'unapproved' - Requires admin access. Returns unapproved memes in ascending order by upload time.
    • Default: 'latest'

POST /memes

Registers a new meme.


  • url - Required. Imgur url of the meme image. Must reference a valid imgur image (not a imgur gallery or album). Duplicate images are not allowed.
  • title - Optional. Title of your meme.

GET /memes/:meme_id

Returns the requested meme.

Admin Actions

DELETE /memes/:meme_id

Requires admin access. Deletes a meme.

PUT /memes/:meme_id/approve

Requires admin access. Approves a meme to be publicly viewable.


PUT /memes/:meme_id/vote

Register a vote for the given meme. Vote type can be any of the following:

  • like
  • laugh
  • sad
  • angry
  • wow Request
	"vote_type": "like"

DELETE /memes/:meme_id/vote

Retract a vote for the given meme.


Contributions to groot-meme-service are welcomed!

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Create a new feature branch.
  3. Add your feature / make your changes.
  4. Install pep8 and run pep8 *.py in the root project directory to lint your changes. Fix any linting errors.
  5. Create a PR.
  6. ???
  7. Profit.