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A wrapper on top of selenium-webdriver for screen-capture automation


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Install Homebrew

(For Windows) Please skip this.

(For Mac) Please make sure you have Xcode Command Line Tools installed first by running xcode-select --install in Terminal.

(For Mac) In Terminal, run:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Node.js

(For Windows) Please download Nodes.js and install.

(For Mac) In Terminal, run:

brew update
brew install node

Get EasyDriver

(For Windows) Please first download Git for Windows and install.

In Terminal, run:

cd /path/to/all_projects_root

git clone

cd easy-driver

npm install

** If npm install fails to install chromedriver, you can try to use CDN like:
    npm install --chromedriver_cdnurl=

Run Sample Test Cases

In Terminal: Go to your EasyDriver directory, and run:

node testcase_sample

Or, you can create your own test case (mytest01.js), and run it like: node mytest01

Update EasyDriver

In Terminal, run:

git pull
npm install

EasyDriver Usage

Supported Browsers

The preferred/default browser for EasyDriver is chrome. firefox, while supported, is not fully tested.

Available Methods

easyd - Instance
  • new EasyDriver({locale='en', browser='chrome'})
const EasyDriver = require("./easy-driver");
const easyd = new EasyDriver({ locale: "ja", browser: "chrome" });
easyd - WebDriver Methods
  • easyd.actions() -> ActionSequence => See Class ActionSequence
  • easyd.addCookie(name, value, minutes)
  • easyd.activeElement() -> WebElementPromise
  • easyd.alertAccept()
  • easyd.alertDismiss()
  • easyd.alertSendKeys(text)
  • easyd.back()
  • easyd.blank()
  • easyd.close()
  • easyd.deleteAllCookies()
  • easyd.deleteCookie(name)
  • easyd.findElement(locator, isVisible = false) -> WebElementPromise
easyd.findElement("id=btn1", true).then(function(element) {
  // code to handle element
  • easyd.findElements(locator) -> Thenable<Array<WebElement>>
easyd.findElements("//option").then(function(elements) {
  // code to handle elements
  • easyd.forward()
  • easyd.getAllWindowHandles() -> Thenable<Array<string>>
  • easyd.getCookie(name) -> Thenable<(Options.Cookie|null)> See Options.Cookie
  • easyd.getCookies() -> Thenable<Array<Options.Cookie>>
  • easyd.getTitle() -> Thenable<string>
  • easyd.getWindowHandle() -> Thenable<string>
  • easyd.Key => See Enumeration Key
  • easyd.locateElementBy(locator) -> By
  • easyd.log(msg)
  • easyd.maximizeWindow()
  • easyd.maximizeToScreenSize()
  • easyd.openWindow(name)
  • easyd.quit()
  • easyd.refresh()
  • easyd.request(url, settings) -> WebElementPromise => See HTTP Request Support
  • easyd.runScript(script, callback) -> callback(retval)
  • easyd.setPageLoadTimeout(ms)
  • easyd.setScriptTimeout(ms)
  • easyd.setTimeout(ms)
  • easyd.setWindowPosition(x, y)
  • easyd.setWindowSize(width, height)
  • easyd.sleep(ms)
  • easyd.switchToAlert() -> AlertPromise => See AlertPromise
  • easyd.switchToDefaultContent()
  • easyd.switchToFirstWindow()
  • easyd.switchToFrame(number_or_loc_or_web)
  • easyd.switchToLastWindow()
  • easyd.switchToWindow(nameOrHandle)
  • easyd.takeScreenshot(png_filename)
  • easyd.until => See until Conditions
  • easyd.wait(fn, timeout)
  • easyd.waitForAlertIsPresent() -> Thenable<Alert>
  • easyd.waitForTitleContains(substr)
  • easyd.waitForTitleIs(title)
  • easyd.waitForTitleMatches(regex)
  • easyd.waitForUrlContains(substrUrl)
  • easyd.waitForUrlIs(url)
  • easyd.waitForUrlMatches(regex)
  • easyd.zoom(scale)
easyd - WebElement Methods

** loc_or_web: Parameter can be either locater or WebElement.

  • easyd.blur(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.checkAll(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.clear(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.clickAt(loc_or_web, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})
  • easyd.doubleClick(loc_or_web, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})
  • easyd.dragAndDrop(from_loc_or_web, to_loc_or_web_or_positions)
  • easyd.focus(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.getAttribute(loc_or_web, attributeName) -> Thenable<(string|null)>
  • easyd.getRect(loc_or_web) -> Thenable<{x: number, y: number, height: number, width: number}>
  • easyd.getTagName(loc_or_web) -> Thenable<string>
  • easyd.getText(loc_or_web) -> Thenable<string>
  • easyd.hasAttribute(loc_or_web, attributeName) -> Thenable<boolean>
  • easyd.hide(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.highlight(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.isDisplayed(loc_or_web) -> Thenable<boolean>
  • easyd.isEnabled(loc_or_web) -> Thenable<boolean>
  • easyd.isSelected(loc_or_web) -> Thenable<boolean>
  • easyd.mouseMove(loc_or_web, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})
  • easyd.move(loc_or_web, to_loc_or_web_or_positions)
  • easyd.removeAttribute(loc_or_web, attributeName)
  • easyd.rightClick(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.rightClickAt(loc_or_web, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})
  • easyd.scrollIntoView(loc_or_web)
  •, option_locator)
  • easyd.sendKeys(loc_or_web, ...keys)
  • easyd.setAttribute(loc_or_web, attribute, value)
  • easyd.submit(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.trigger(loc_or_web, eventName)
  • easyd.unCheckAll(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.visible(loc_or_web, isVisible = true)
  • easyd.waitForDisabled(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.waitForEnabled(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.waitForNotPresent(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.waitForNotSelected(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.waitForNotVisible(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.waitForPresent(locator)
  • easyd.waitForSelected(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.waitForSwitchToFrame(number_or_loc_or_web)
  • easyd.waitForTextContains(loc_or_web, substr)
  • easyd.waitForTextIs(loc_or_web, text)
  • easyd.waitForTextMatches(loc_or_web, regex)
  • easyd.waitForVisible(loc_or_web)
easyd - Custom methods
  • easyd.clearAllDrawings()
  • easyd.createDirectories(dirtree)
  • easyd.drawAlert()
  • easyd.drawArrow(from_loc_or_web, to_loc_or_web)
  • easyd.drawColorFill(loc_or_web, color = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.8)')
  • easyd.drawConfirmation(dismiss = false)
  • easyd.drawFlyover(loc_or_web, settings = {attribute: 'title', offsetX: 5, offsetY: 15, bufferHeight: 3, fromLastPos: false, drawSymbol: false})
  • easyd.drawRedMark(loc_or_web, padding = {top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0})
  • easyd.drawSelect(loc_or_web, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})
  • easyd.drawText(loc_or_web, text, settings = {color: '#f00', fontSize: 13, marginTop: 2, right: 20})
  • easyd.drawValidation(loc_or_web, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})
  • easyd.drawX(loc_or_web)
  • easyd.takeElementShot(loc_or_web, png_filename, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})
  • easyd.takeScrollShot(loc_or_web, png_filename, offset = {x: 0, y: 0})

Supported locator Formats

Format: 'type=type_syntax'

  • css=.btn
  • class=btn-primary
  • id=frame1
  • name=j_username
  • xpath=//span/a

If type (css, class, id, name, xpath) is not specified, locator starting with // or ( will be parsed as xpath, while ., [ and # are treated as css.

css pseudo selector support => :eq()

Enumeration Key


All supported keys: here

until Conditions

Almost all until conditions are integrated in easyd.waitFor. However, if you want to use until conditions on your own, you can use:


All Supported Conditions: until

Class ActionSequence


easyd.findElements('css=[id*="item"]').then(function(elements) {

All Actions: Class ActionSequence

HTTP Request Support

EasyDriver supports HTTP Requst via request-promise.

easyd.request(url, settings) -> WebElementPromise

Accept-Language of HTTP Request is default to EasyDriver's locale.

const EasyDriver = require('./easy-driver');
const easyd = new EasyDriver({locale: 'zh'});

    method: 'GET', // HTTP Request Method.  Default: 'GET'
    headers: { 'User-Agent': 'EasyDriver' } // HTTP Request Headers
    qs: { field1: 'value1' }, // Parameters as "Query String"
    body: { key1: 'value1' }, // Parameters as "JSON" body
    formData: { key1: 'value1' },  // Parameters as "HTML Form Data"
    auth: {user: 'username', pass: 'password'} // Basic Auth
    encoding: 'utf8' // Data URL encoding.  Default: 'utf8'
    json: true // HTTP Response in JSON.  Default: true
).then (function (element) {
  // Do stuff to the element that holds the result of HTTP Request

WebDriver Instance


Class WebDriver


Class WebElement




chrome can only take screenshot of viewport. It is currently not possible to take a full-page screenshot or elements that are not visible in the viewport.


EasySuite is a preliminary Test Suite support for EasyDriver. It is based upon selenium-webdriver/testing and Mocha.

To run sample test suite, please execute: node_modules/.bin/mocha testsuite_sample.js

Or, use the template below to write your own test suite. EasySuite Javascript file needs to be executed with mocha.

const EasyDriver = require("./easy-driver");
const EasySuite = require("./easy-suite");

const locale = process.env.EASYD_LOCALE || "en";
const easyd = new EasyDriver({ locale: locale });
const suite = new EasySuite("EasyDriver Test Suite");

suite.before(function() {
  // Steps before any test cases are run

suite.after(function() {
  // Steps after all test cases are run

suite.testcase("010.010.010", function() {
  // Steps for test case 010.010.010

suite.testcase("010.010.020", function() {
  // Steps for test case 010.010.020

suite.testcase("010.020.010", function() {
  // Steps for test case 010.020.010

// Only run certain test cases
// suite.only(['010.010.010', "010.020.010"]);
// Or, only run test cases specified in JSON file
// suite.onlyJSON('testcases.json', locale);;

selenium-webdriver CHANGES

Current version: 3.4.0


A wrapper on top of selenium-webdriver for screen-capture automation








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