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AI Models

Yiannis Charalambous edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 17 revisions


Various different LLMs are supported by ESBMC-AI. The built-in models consist of all the OpenAI models, and Ollama models. The OpenAI models are dynamically resolved from a few base models that are specified. The Ollama models are defined through the config, this allows for self-hosted large language models to be seamlessly loaded into ESBMC-AI.

Built-In LLMs

The following section describes the built-in models that are shipped with ESBMC-AI.


The following models require the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable to be set.

  • gpt-3.5-turbo
  • gpt-3.5-turbo-16k
  • gpt-4
  • gpt-4-32k
  • You can specify any subtypes such as gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 and the details will be inherited from gpt-3.5-turbo. If a model is not supported and an error is given, please file an issue on GitHub.

Custom LLM

ESBMC-AI has support of custom AI. The config supports adding custom AI models that are self-hosted or from a custom source. These are specified in config.json inside the ai_custom field. The ai_model field selects which AI model to use. If the AI model chosen does not exist in the built in list of models, then the list inside ai_custom will be checked. This means that when adding a custom_ai entry, all the entries inside ai_custom must be unique and not match any of the built-in first class AI. The name of the AI will be the entry name. The entry takes the following fields:

  • The server_type, currently only ollama is supported so every entry should have this key/value pair. However, in the future, as more server types are added, this field will be used to determine what server to use.
  • The max_tokens are the acceptable max tokens that the AI can accept.
  • The url is the server URL and port where the LLM server is hosted in.


"ai_model": "mixtral:8x22b",
"ai_custom": {
	"llama3.1:70b": {
	"server_type": "ollama",
	"url": "localhost:11434",
	"max_tokens": 128000
	"falcon2:11b": {
	"server_type": "ollama",
	"url": "localhost:11434",
	"max_tokens": 8192
	"mixtral:8x22b": {
	"server_type": "ollama",
	"url": "localhost:11434",
	"max_tokens": 64000