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Ximdex cms api: nodetype

Javi Carretero edited this page Sep 6, 2013 · 2 revisions

Ximdex CMS manages all the data using a node/nodetype model. This model consists that every node on Ximdex CMS has an unique type, a nodetype, that is: image file, css file, xml document, binary file, css folder, template folder, user, server, channel, project, language, group, ...

This action allows you to retrieve information about all the nodetypes that exist in Ximdex CMS.

Description Get all nodetypes of Ximdex CMS
URL /api/nodetype
Parameters ximtoken (required): session token obtained with the login action.
Response Array of nodetypes containing the following information about each one: idnodetype, the nodetype ID; name, the name of the nodetype; description, the description of the nodetype; mimetype, the mimetype of the nodetype.
POST Request #1 curl -X POST --data "ximtoken=XXABCDEFGHXX"
GET Request #1 curl -X GET ""
Response #1 {"error":0,"data":[{"idnodetype":"5001","name":"Root","description":"Root node of Ximdex","mimetype":"httpd\/unix-directory"},{"idnodetype":"5002","name":"ControlCenter","description":"Ximdex control center","mimetype":"httpd\/unix-directory"}, … ]}


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