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Good Books

All endpoints are:

  • /auth/login | POST - Login
  • /auth/register | POST - Register
  • /user/:userId | GET - User information
  • /user/:userId | PUT - Update user information
  • /user/:userId/books | GET - Books added by the user
    • /user/:userId/books/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • /user/:userId/books/owned | POST - Add book owned by the user
  • /user/:userId/books/owned | GET - Get book owned by the user
    • /user/:userId/books/owned/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • /books | GET - Get all books
    • /books/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • /books | POST - Add book
  • /books/:bookId | GET - Get book data
  • /books/:bookId | PUT - Update book data
  • /books/:bookId/rating | PUT - Rate book
  • /books/:bookId/comments | POST - Post comment
  • /books/search/:searchParameter/:searchParameter | GET - Get all authors or categories.
    • /books/search/:searchParameter/:searchParameter/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • /books/search/:searchParameter | GET - Get all book by author name or category name.
    • /books/search/:searchParameter/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10

More Complete information about the endpoints you can find in the following documentation.

API Documentation

Register User

  • URL
    • /auth/register
  • Method
    • POST
  • Data Params
    • Request body:
          email (string): Required,
          password (string): Required, minimum six characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character,
          username (string): Required, at least 4 symbols,
          avatar (file): Optional, jpeg/png and up to 1MB
    • Example
          "email": "",
          "password": "1!gyd2",
          "username": "John",
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
        "success": true,
        "message": "Successful Registration",
  • Error Response
    • Status - 401
    • Response
          "success": false,
          "message": {
              "errors": {
                  "email": "Please provide a valid email address",
                  "password": "The password should be minimum six characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character"
              "isFormValid": false,
              "message": "Check the form for errors"


  • URL
    • /auth/login
  • Method
    • POST
  • Data Params
    • Request body:
          email (string): Required,
          password (string): Required,
    • Example
          "email": "",
          "password": "1!gyd2",
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
            "success": true,
            "message": "Successful login",
            "payload": {
                "email": "",
                "username": "John",
                "avatar": "287083f3f38c2881d96ccb1d760d4147ba40cc24.png",
                "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3RAdGVzdDEuYmciLCJ1c2VySWQiOiI1YjMzN2VjNjRkNTM0YzJmYjQ5YWEyZGYiLCJpYXQiOjE1MzAxNzkyMDF9.jSexdQjjOs2f_BgQzxJ6dW_4tz2SbLSI67urcYxc32A",
                "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 401
    • Response
            "success": false,
            "message": "Auth failed!"

Update User

  • URL
    • /user/:userId
  • Method
    • PUT
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
    • Request body:
          email (string): Required,
          password (string): Required, minimum six characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character,
          newPassword (string): Optional, minimum six characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character,
          username (string): Optional, at least 4 symbols,
          avatar (file): Optional, jpeg/png and up to 1MB
    • Example
          "email": "",
          "password": "1!gyd2",
          "newPassword": "2?lop4",
          "username": "John Smith",
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
        "success": true,
        "message": "User data is updated!",
  • Error Response
    • Status - 400
    • Response
          "success": false,
          "message": {
              "errors": {
                  "email": "Please provide a valid email address",
                  "password": "The password should be minimum six characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character"
              "isFormValid": false,
              "message": "Check the form for errors"

Get User Data

  • URL
    • /user/:userId
  • Method
    • GET
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
          "success": true,
          "payload": {
              "email": "",
              "username": "John",
              "avatar": "287083f3f38c2881d96ccb1d760d4147ba40cc24.png",
              "id": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 401
    • Response
            "success": false,
            "message": "Please provide a valid user id"

Books added by user

  • URL
    • /user/:userID/books
    • /user/:userID/books/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • Method
    • GET
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response - if no books are added by that user the response is a json with success set to true and message - "No books to show"
              "success": true,
              "payload": [
                      "_id": "5b337f114d534c2fb49aa2e0",
                      "title": "book title",
                      "author": "book author",
                      "description": "new lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                      "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
                      "user": "John",
                      "category": "Crime",
                      "image": "default.jpg",
                      "rating": "4.50"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 401
    • Response
        "success": false,
        "message": "Auth failed",

Add book to owned by the user

  • URL
    • /user/:userId/books/owned
  • Method
    • POST
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
    • Request body:
            "bookId": "5b337f114d534c2fb49aa2e0"
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
            "success": true,
            "payload": "Successfuly added!"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 401
    • Response
        "success": false,
        "message": "Auth failed",

Get all books owned by user id

  • URL
    • /user/:userId/books/owned
    • /user/:userId/books/owned/?page=1&limit=20 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • Method
    • GET
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
            "success": true,
            "payload": [
                  "_id": "5b337f114d534c2fb49aa2e0",
                  "title": "book title",
                  "author": "book author",
                  "description": "new lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                  "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
                  "user": "John",
                  "category": "Crime",
                  "image": "default.jpg",
                  "rating": "4.50"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 401
    • Response
        "success": false,
        "message": "Auth failed",

Get all books

  • URL
    • /books
    • /books/?page=1&limit=20 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • Method
    • GET
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
              "success": true,
              "booksCount": 1,
              "payload": [
                      "_id": "5b39c6df07d6e5121cde2552",
                      "title": "Guards Guards",
                      "author": "terry Pratchett",
                      "description": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                      "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
                      "user": "John",
                      "category": "Fiction",
                      "image": "287083f3f38c2881d96ccb1d760d4147ba40cc24.jpg",
                      "rating": 4.5,
                      "totalRating": 9,
                      "ratingsCount": 2
  • Error Response
    • Status - 400
    • Response
        "success": false,
        "message": "No books found",

Post book

  • URL
    • /books
  • Method
    • POST
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
    • Request body:
          title (string): Required,
          author (string): Required,
          description (string): Required,
          userId (number): Required, id of the user adding the book,
          user (string): Required, username of the user adding the book,
          category (string): Required,
          image (file): Optional,
    • Example:
          "title": "Guards Guards",
          "author": "Terry Pratchett",
          "description": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
          "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
          "user": "viki",
          "category": "Fiction"
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
              "success": true,
              "message": "The book is successfuly added!",
              "payload": {
                  "insertedId": "5b39c6df07d6e5121cde2552"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 400
    • Response
            "success": false,
            "message": "Error message"

Get book by id

  • URL
    • /books/:bookId
  • Method
    • GET
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
            "success": true,
            "payload": [
                    "_id": "5b39c6df07d6e5121cde2552",
                    "title": "Guards Guards",
                    "author": "terry Pratchett",
                    "description": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                    "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
                    "user": "viki",
                    "category": "Fiction",
                    "image": "default.jpg",
                    "rating": 4.5,
                    "totalRating": 9,
                    "ratingsCount": 2
  • Error Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
          "success": false,
          "message": "Nothing is found"

Update book

  • URL
    • /books/:bookId
  • Method
    • PUT
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
    • Request body:
            title (string): Optional,
            author (string): Optional,
            description (string): Optional,
            category (string): Optional,
            image (file): Optional
    • Example:
          "title": "Guards Guards",
          "author": "Terry Pratchett",
          "description": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
          "category": "Fiction"
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
          success: true,
          message: 'The book is successfully updated!',
  • Error Response
    • Status - 400
    • Response
          success: false,
          message: 'There was nothing to update',

Add rating

  • URL
    • /books/:bookId/rating
  • Method
    • PUT
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
    • Request body:
            rating (number): Requires, the rating must be in range 1 - 5
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
          "success": true,
          "message": "The rating is successfully added"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 400
    • Response
        success: false,
        message: "Error message",

Add comment

  • URL
    • /books/:bookId/comments
  • Method
    • POST
  • Data Params
    • Headers - Authorization: Bearer Token
    • Request body:
            username (string): Required, username of the user adding the comment,
            userId (string): Required, id of the user adding the comment,
            avatar (string): Required, avatar of the user adding the comment,
            title (string): Required, title of the cooment,
            comment (string): Required, comment text,
    • Example:
            "username": "viki",
            "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
            "avatar": "287083f3f38c2881d96ccb1d760d4147ba40cc24.png",
            "title": "comment title",
            "comment": "comment text"
  • Success Response
    • Status - 201
    • Response
          "success": true,
          "payload": {
              "bookId": "5b35e24321533d252cfe3139",
              "comment": "comment text",
              "title": "comment title",
              "commenter": {
                  "username": "viki",
                  "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
                  "avatar": "287083f3f38c2881d96ccb1d760d4147ba40cc24.png"
              "_id": "5b39e2cd4c44671c3ca6ef54"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 400
    • Response
          success: false,
          message: "Error message",

Get comments for book

  • URL
    • /books/:bookId/comments
  • Method
    • GET
  • Data Params
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
          "success": true,
          "payload": [
                  "_id": "5b39c70907d6e5121cde2554",
                  "bookId": "5b39c6df07d6e5121cde2552",
                  "comment": "comment text",
                  "title": "comment title",
                  "commenter": {
                      "username": "viki",
                      "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
                      "avatar": "287083f3f38c2881d96ccb1d760d4147ba40cc24.png"
  • Error Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
          "success": false,
          "message": "This book don't have any comments!"

Get all categories or all authors

  • URL
    • /books/search/:category-name
    • /books/search/:author-name
    • /books/search/:category-name/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • Method
    • GET
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
          "success": true,
          "payload": [
                  "_id": "5b35f65dd504bf2c7c93b005",
                  "name": "Crime"
                  "_id": "5b35fbb6e793b213988afb01",
                  "name": "Fiction"
  • Error Response
    • Status -
    • Response
        "success": false,
        "message": "No data found"

Get all books by author name or category name

  • URL
    • /books/search/category/fiction
    • /books/search/author/terry-pratchett
    • /books/search/category/fiction/?page=1&limit=10 - Page and limit are optional url parameters. By default they are set to first page and limit 10
  • Method
    • GET
  • Success Response
    • Status - 200
    • Response
        "success": true,
        "payload": [
                "_id": "5b39c6df07d6e5121cde2552",
                "title": "Guards Guards",
                "author": "terry pratchett",
                "description": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                "userId": "5b337ec64d534c2fb49aa2df",
                "user": "viki",
                "category": "Fiction",
                "image": "default.jpg",
                "rating": 4.5,
                "totalRating": 9,
                "ratingsCount": 2
  • Error Response
    • Status - 400
    • Response
        "success": false,
        "message": "Nothing is found! Check your search parameters"


Node.js RESTful API for books sharing






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