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Um framework CSS que une o melhor dos dois mundos (TailwindCSS e PicoCSS). O qual utiliza a semântica e acessibilidade com a flexibilidade das variáveis CSS e classes utilitárias.


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Akatsuki CSS

Akatsuki CSS is a flexible and highly customizable CSS framework with a wide range of presets. It is designed to cater to developers of all skill levels, providing an intuitive way to style elements without the need for additional tools like PostCSS or JavaScript.


  • Easily customizable elements
  • Rich collection of presets
  • No reliance on PostCSS or JavaScript for customization
  • Dependency free

Getting Started

To get started with Akatsuki-CSS, follow these steps:



  1. Go to the JsDelivr website
  2. Copy the HTML tag or just the URL
  3. Add it to your code
  • HTML

      <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="src/styles/yonaka.css" /> <!--JsDelivr Here on top of the personal CSS-->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="src/styles/personal.css" /> <!--Personal CSS below here-->
      <title>Cool Example 😎</title>
  • CSS

    @import url("");
    /*Overwrite Stuff Here*/
    :root {
      --background: tomato;


1.Run this in your terminal npm i -D yonaka

  • If you want to see what you will download go to NPM
  1. Import the Akatsuki-CSS in your code(same as the JsDelivr option)
  • HTML

      <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/yonaka/yonaka.css" /> <!--JsDelivr Here on top of the personal CSS-->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="src/styles/personal.css" /> <!--Personal CSS below here-->
      <title>Cool Example 2 😎</title>
  • CSS

    @import url("node_modules/yonaka/yonaka.css");
    /*Overwrite Stuff Here*/
    :root {
      --background: rebeccapurple;

Note: remember to follow the cascade if you want to rewrite some styling.


Your HTML only need to follow this structure:


  <!--If you want to have a hero section, put it between the header and the main tag-->

  <section class="hero"></section>



Default Usage

You can use the framework as a normal HTML, but it enforces semantic usage, some examples:

  1. Use sections inside the main tag to create blocks of content.

  <section class="hero"></section>



      <h2>Title 2</h2>

      <p>Lorem 2</p>

  1. Use displays to hold content when needed.
  • .wrapper for no styling
  • .row for a flex row
  • .col for a flex column

Editable Template


Since it's designed to be flexible and accessible by any level of knowlodge, there's several ways to make the framework looks as you please.

Design System Variables

Basically all the styles are dependent of each other. Ex: the base variable, creates the measurements, that creates the spacings and etc... So one change in this flow, changes everything else.

Global Scoped

Some of the variables used in the project can be accessed by any element in the markup, allowing them to be rewrite for specific needs.

:where(:root) {

    --roundness: auto; // The border-radius to everything
    --spacing: var(--md); // the spacing between elements
    --spacing-y: auto;
    --spacing-x: auto;
    --jump: .4rem; // the jump value between elements
    --theme: dark; // the actual theme in the page
    --width: auto; // the witdth of an element
    --height: auto; // the height of an element

    --main-container-size: 80dvw;
    --min-layou-size: 20rem;

    --spacing-between-sections: var(--lg);

    // SPACING VARS ---------------------------------

    --sl: calc(var(--base) / 10);
    --3xs: calc(var(--base) / 8);
    --xxs: calc(var(--base) / 6);  //  0.5 Extra Extra Small
    --xs: calc(var(--base) / 4);   //  1.0 Extra Small
    --sm: calc(var(--base) / 2);   //  2.0 Small
    --md: var(--base);  //  4.0 Medium AKA default
    --lg: calc(var(--base) * 2);  //  6.0 Large
    --xl: calc(var(--base) * 4);  //  8.0 Extra Large
    --xxl: calc(var(--base) * 6);
    --3xl: calc(var(--base) * 8); //  10.0 Huge
    --hg: calc(var(--base) * 10);

    // COLOR PALETTE (Default) ---------------------------------

    --text: #d9e5f7;
    --background: #03070d;
    --primary: #173c73;
    --secondary: #081426;
    --accent: #296cd1;


    --border: var(--border-md);
    --outline: var(--outline-sm);
    --box-shadow: var(--shadow-md);

    // Blend Colors

    --blend-text-color: #000; // Color that blend with texts
    --blend-back-color: #FFF; // Color that blend with bg colors
    --blend-highlight-color: #FFF; // Color the enhance visibility

    // Color Mix

    --color-mix-method: var(--color-method-in-oklab);

    --muted-blend-intensity: 45%;
    --foreground-blend-intensity: 15%;

    // BREAKPOINTS ------------------------------------------------

    --bp-sm: 40em;
    --bp-md: 48em;
    --bp-lg: 64em;
    --bp-hg: 80em;

    // TYPOGRAPHY ---------------------------------

    --font-sans-serif: 'Inter', system-ui, 'Roboto', Poppins, Monstserrat, 'Open Sans', Lato, Nunito, sans-serif;
    --font-weight: 400;
    --font-size: 1.6rem;
    --line-height: 1.5;


// THEMES -----------------------------------------------------

@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
    :where(:root, html, [data-theme=light]) {
      --text: #081426;
      --background: #f3f6fc;
      --primary: #8cb1e8;
      --secondary: #d9e5f7;
      --accent: #2e71d6;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :where(:root, html, [data-theme=dark]) {
        --text: #d9e5f7;
        --background: #03070d;
        --primary: #173c73;
        --secondary: #081426;
        --accent: #296cd1;

Private Scope

There's variables that only has effect on itself and on it's children.

You can use global scoped vars and change them.

:where(:root, html) {
  --_bg: var(--background);

  --_border: var(--border); /* Using the default border from global scope */
  --border-style: dotted;


  • You can overwrite the default values of the variables, by simpling rewriting it in the :root or html selectors. The default specifity for almost all styles is equals to 0;

  • Also you can customize a variable for a single tag with the inline css;

    • Ex: <div style="--spacing: var(--lg)">Dummy Text</div>
  • Or you can use the inheritance on the parent selector;

Note: I personally recommend creating your own stylesheet and import it below the Akatsuki one in your HTML.

Usage and Pattern

The framework uses variables for almost everithing, allowing the user to customize a big portion of the Akatsuki-CSS default styling, simulating a mini design system.

I've create a pattern that works like this.

  1. I create the sub variables for example, to a border(color, width and it's style) Experimental
--border-color: var(--primary) // red;
--border-size: var(--md) // 16px;
--border-style: solid;
  1. Then I created the 'shorthand' border variable
--border: var(--border-color) var(--border-size) var(--border-style);
  1. After this I can create variations by changing the value of any of the above variables in the HTML element or even in the global CSS.
<section style="--border-style: dotted">

List of customizable utiliyu variables

  • some examples(Experimental) 👨‍🔬
:where(:root, html, *, *::after, *::before) {

    // OUTLINE ---------------------------------------------------

    --offset-min: 0rem; // Minimal value possible
    --offset-sm: 1rem; 
    --offset-md: 1.25rem;
    --offset-lg: 1.50rem;
    --offset-hg: 1.75rem;

    // Offset Base

    --outline-offset: var(--offset-md, 1.25rem);

    // Offset Customization

    --outline-color: var(--accent);
    --outline-style: solid;

    --outline-sm: .1rem var(--outline-style) var(--outline-color);
    --outline-md: .2rem var(--outline-style) var(--outline-color);
    --outline-lg: .4rem var(--outline-style) var(--outline-color);

    // Base

    --outline: var(--outline-md);

    // BORDER ------------------------------------------------------

    --border-color: var(--accent);
    --border-style: solid;

    --border-sm: .1rem var(--border-style) var(--border-color);
    --border-md: .2rem var(--border-style) var(--border-color);
    --border-lg: .4rem var(--border-style) var(--border-color);
    --border-hg: .6rem var(--border-style) var(--border-color);

    // Base

    --border: var(--border-sm);

    // BOX SHADOW --------------------------------------------------

    /* Small variant */
    --box-shadow-xs: 0 .1rem .2rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);

    /* Regular shadow (same as the provided --box-shadow-sm) */
    --box-shadow-sm: 0 .2rem .4rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

    /* Larger variant */
    --box-shadow-lg: 0 .4rem .8rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

    /* Extra large variant */
    --box-shadow-xl: 0 .8rem 1.6rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

    /* Double extra large variant */
    --box-shadow-2xl: 0 1rem 2rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

    // Base --------------------------

    --box-shadow: var(--box-shadow-sm, 0 .2rem .4rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1));

    // Z-INDEX -----------------------------------------------------

    --index-nav: 900;
    --index-popup: 999;
    --index-backtap: -1;
    --index-back: 20;
    --index-hidden-back: -20;

    --z-index: var(--index-back, 20);

    // EFFECTS -----------------------------------------------------

    --effect-bright-level: var(--_effect-level, 150%);
    --effect-bright: brightness(var(--effect-bright-level));

    // TRANSITIONS -------------------------------------------------


    --transition-props-filter: filter, backdrop-filter;

    --transition-props-effect: opacity, box-shadow;

    --transition-props-all: all;

    --transition-props: unset;

    // EASE CURVES --------------------------------------------

    --transition-ease: ease;
    --transition-ease-in: ease-in;
    --transition-linear: linear;
    --transition-ease-in-out: ease-in-out;
    // Custom Easing (Cubic Bezier)
    --transition-middle-break: cubic-bezier(0, .82, 1, .21);
    --transition-out-back: cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.6, 0.32, 1.6);
    --transition-out-circle: cubic-bezier(0.85, 0, 0.15, 1);
    --transition-friction: cubic-bezier(0, 1.46 ,1 ,-0.29);

    // My own creation 👨‍🔬

    --transition-delay-in: cubic-bezier(.13, 0, 1, .13);
    --transition-jump-the-gun: cubic-bezier(.1, .65, .65, .9);
    --transition-samurai-cut: cubic-bezier(0, 1.51, 1, 1.88);
    --transition-time-reversal: cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.76, -0.49);

    --transition-time-ssl: 2s; // Super Slow
    --transition-time-sl: .8s; // Slow
    --transition-time-md: .4s; // Medium
    --transition-time-ft: .2s; // Fast

    // TRANSITION DELAY ------------------------------------------
    --transition-delay-short: .1s; /* Short delay */
    --transition-delay-normal: .3s; /* Normal delay */
    --transition-delay-long: .6s; /* Long delay */
Customizing colors

To customize colors, I highly recommend using realtimecolors.

  1. First go the site, then generate your desired palette(HEX colors recommended).
  2. Click to export and toggle the options themes and @media, copy the code.
  3. Change it in the framework by overwritting it.
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
  :root {
    --text: #0e0e10;
    --background: #eeedf3;
    --primary: #382c58;
    --secondary: #9681cf;
    --accent: #5631b9;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --text: #efeff1;
    --background: #0e0d13;
    --primary: #b2a6d2;
    --secondary: #45307f;
    --accent: #6a45cd;

with these colors, the framework will generate variants as: muted, foreground and etc...

:where(:root) {
    --muted-text: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--text), var(--blend-text-color) var(--muted-blend-intensity));

    --muted-accent: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--accent), var(--background) var(--muted-blend-intensity));

    --muted-primary: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--primary), var(--background) var(--muted-blend-intensity));

    --muted-secondary: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--secondary), var(--background) var(--muted-blend-intensity));

    --muted-destructive: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--destructive), var(--background) var(--muted-blend-intensity));

    --muted-background: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--background), var(--blend-text-color) var(--muted-blend-intensity));

    --foreground-text: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--text), var(--blend-highlight-color) var(--foreground-blend-intensity));

    --foreground-primary: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--primary), var(--text) var(--foreground-blend-intensity));

    --foreground-background: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--background), var(--text) var(--foreground-blend-intensity));

    --foreground-secondary: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--secondary), var(--text) var(--foreground-blend-intensity));

    --foreground-accent: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--accent), var(--text) var(--foreground-blend-intensity));

    --foreground-destructive: color-mix(var(--color-mix-method), var(--destructive), var(--text) var(--foreground-blend-intensity));

Note: If you don't liked the result you can change its behavior.

  • For blend intensity overwrite those variables --foreground-blend-intensity and --muted-blend-intensity. Use percentages from 0% to 100%.

  • For color interpolation methods, change the --color-mix-method for:

    // Rectangular Space
    --color-method-in-oklab: in oklab; -> default
    --color-method-srgb: in srgb;
    // Polar Space
    --color-method-oklch: in oklch;
    --color-method-hsl: in hsl;
    • Ex:
    :root, html {
        --color-mix-method: var(--color-method-oklch);


Akatsuki has a decent amount of components as: switches, headers, navs, buttons, accordions, drropdowns and cards.

To create them, the user must follow some "rules", because the css is very specific to avoid conflict with others selectors.

Note: Follow the structure of the HTML or just copy it.


Some inputs is needed to be inside a label and has the for attribute pointing for it's id

  • Ex: file, color, dates, radio, checkbox, range


    alt="a japanese landscape" loading="lazy">
  <h3>image card</h3>
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto quas blanditiis.</p>


<button class="cta">Call to Action</button>
<button class="secondary">Secondary</button>
<button class="ghost">Ghost</button>
<button class="disabled">Disabled</button>
<button class="destructive">Destructive</button>


<label for="input__switch">

    Default Switch

    <input type="checkbox" id="input__switch" role="switch" aria-checked="false" />
  • class variants: .squished, .squared

To use the switch component, you need to use the for from the label pointing to the input id and use the role attribute equals to "switch"



    <p>Accordion Text</p>

If you want the accordion to start as open, just add the open attribute to the summary tag.

  • Ex:
    <summary open>Summary Open</summary>


    <option value="" selected>Select</option>
    <option value="">option 1</option>
    <option value="">option 2</option>
    <option value="">option 3</option>
    <option value="">option 4</option>

I recommend using the first value as a placeholder, for this just add the selected attribute to it and write a info text to lead the user on what it does.


<details role="listbox" >

        <li><a href="#">item 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">item 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">item 3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">item 4</a></li>

Same as the Accordion, use the open attribute to make it be opened at start.

Header with Nav

<header class="header-sticky">
    <a href="#" role="img" aria-label="">
      <img src="" alt="logo" class="logo" /> <!--the logo must have the logo class-->

    <nav role="navigation">
          <a href="#">components</a>
          <a href="#">examples</a>
          <a href="#about">about</a>
  • class variants: .sticky

In this case the nav and the header are together, but you can use them separately.

Accordionn Gallery

<div class="gallery">

    <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Japan">

    <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="China">

    <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Korea">

    <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Taiwan">

Scroll Gallery(Pinterest Style)

<div class="scroll-gallery">
      <!-- Existing cities -->
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Tokyo">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Kyoto">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Osaka">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Nara">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Sapporo">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Hiroshima">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Yokohama">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Fukuoka">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Nagoya">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Kobe">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Sendai">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Kawasaki">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Saitama">
      <img loading="lazy" src=",japan" alt="Okayama">

You can add many more images. Lazy loading is recommended.


<div class="hero-{blur, fade, shade or gradient }">
    <p>the best framework in the world</p>

      <button class="cta">Get Started</button>
      <button class="ghost">Go Out</button>


<dialog id="dialog_modal">



  <button class="secondary" onclick="dialog_modal.showModal()">
    Modal Here

The ID must match the onclick function

  • tip: Avoid using kebab-case 💀


.hero {
    --_bg-img-url: url(;
    --_bg-img-size: cover;
    --_bg-img-repeat: no-repeat;
    --_bg-img-pos: center;

A div with the class wraps everything, you can pass the --_bg-img-url to change the background as you please in the inline css or in another stylesheet above in the cascade.



Um framework CSS que une o melhor dos dois mundos (TailwindCSS e PicoCSS). O qual utiliza a semântica e acessibilidade com a flexibilidade das variáveis CSS e classes utilitárias.







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