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UseR - Urbana-Champaign Website Overview

Contained within this repository is the website source code that generates

Website Details

Generally speaking, the website is made using the following tools:

  • The backend of the site is powered by hugo, which enables the static generation of files from markdown documents.
  • Hosting for the website is through Netlify.
  • To locally preview the website and convert .Rmd files to .md files, the blogdown package is employed which provides an interfaces with rmarkdown.
  • Theming is based on the hugo-material theme.


Short talks and hackathon files are stored in separate repositories. These repositories are split by the year in which the talk was given, e.g. talks-2019, through a git submodule.

To create a new submodule, first create a new repository on GitHub.

Then, within the website repository, construct a link via:

git submodule add<YYYY>.git static/talks/talks-<YYYY>

where <YYYY> represents the year without <>.

To refresh the submodule, use:

git submodule update --init --remote --merge --recursive


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