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  • Do yourself a favor and add Gradle to your $PATH. Just use the one that comes with Android Studio that gets setup under your home directory:

    ex: export PATH=$PATH:~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.10.1-all/455itskqi2qtf0v2sja68alqd/gradle-4.10.1/bin

  • Debugging APKs for production:

    • build APK like you were to submit to store
    • In Android Studio select File -> Profile or Debug APK
    • Select the built APK. Then hit the Play icon and it should start in the simulator.
    • Click on "Logcat" tab in AS to view everything that's going on.
  • Must build Android at the following level to support cordova-plugin-advanced-http install. cordova-plugin-file breaks if lower version. May break other things, keep an eye on this.

    ionic cordova platform add android@6.4.0

  • In an attempt to make sure the AndroidManaifest.xml file is correct, it will be tracked under platform-configs.

  • After a fresh android platform install, may have to run the following:

    chmod +x platforms/android/gradlew
    chmod +x /Applications/Android\

  • If launching sim fails because lack of gradle, open project with Android Studio and follow prompt to set it up.

  • If launching app for android sim doesn't work, try a cold boot from the AVD Device manager.

Deeplink intent configs in AndroidManifest
  • To get the "App Link Assistant" menu to show, in Android Studio: File->Sync Project with Gradle Files
  • Intent filters may be tricky to get working. Android Studio may want to "refactor", it then bugs out and puts a ton of unncessary intents. Remove those. The URL Map editor inside App Link Assistant may help. Then once you've got it looking good, restart the android app run command: ionic cordova run android -l.
  • The Ionic configs to set deeplink intents doesn't support pathPattern as far as I can tell, so we have to manually add to AndroidManifest. See below or check the AndroidManifest file we track under platform-configs.
//Android: working intent filter for AndroidManifest.xml  

<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
   <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

   <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

      android:pathPattern="/upbook/.*" />


  • there was a major update in FEB2019 on cordova-ios, so use cordova platform add ios@5.0.0 to make sure to grab the latest.

// to prepare for ios build, run after you add ios platform:

ionic cordova prepare ios


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