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Joachim Meyer edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 5 revisions

Running notes

UofU forked model components:

All other model components are in the latest released versions as of 2022-08-01 and available on the ARS GitHub.

Branches on the UofU forks:

  • ERW_wy_comparsion_202109 Code as used with GMD submission
  • ERW_solar_albedo Current development

General model execution:

Steps in current development:

For all runs

  • Execute base line model with ERW_wy_comparsion_202109 branch
  • Calculate topographic shading and extract DSWRF from HRRR:
~/isnoda/scripts/smeshr/ \
  ~/project-data/iSnobal/ERW/topo/basin_setup/ \
  "hrrr.202206*" \
  "hrrr.t*f06.grib2" \
  • Extract TCDC from HRRR; generate as model input
~/isnoda/scripts/smeshr/ \
  ~/project-data/iSnobal/ERW/topo/basin_setup/ \
  "hrrr.20220[456]*" "hrrr.t*f06.grib2" \
  ~/skiles-group1/SMESHR/TCDC/wy2022/ERW_ \
  2022 \
  "6 7 8" \

For SMRF albedo

  • Generate from HRRR DSWRF and SMRF albedo as model input
~/isnoda/scripts/smeshr/ \
  2022 \
  ~/skiles-group1/SMESHR/DSWRF/wy2022/ERW_hrrr \
  ~/skiles-group1/erw_isnobal/wy2022/erw \

For MODIS albedo

  • Extract albedo from MODIS; prepare file cropped to model domain
  • Generate from HRRR DSWRF and MODIS albedo

Final steps for both (SMRF and MODIS)

  • Copy base model run output folder structure
find run* -type d -exec mkdir -p ../erw_hrrr_solar/{} \;
  • Link the generated and to the output location for each day (runYYYYMMDD); script:
/uufs/ "run202207*" ~/skiles-group1/SMESHR/net_HRRR/wy2022/net_dswrf.MST
  • Execute model with ERW_solar_albedo branch