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Welcome to the UniChannel project! Feel free to browse around the source code, snd remember, all Pull Request and Issues are welcome!


  • Create some TODOs.
  • Fix grid system for posts.
  • Fix all fields starting as red in submission form (use a FormGroup).
  • Allow optional image upload in submission form.
  • Output all posts as RSS.
  • Ensure no Referer leaks to post links.
  • Enable indexing. (@chrisagelou)

Good to have:

  • Fix and reintroduce notification system.


To setup your development environment, after cloning, do:

cd app
# Setup the Angular application
npm install
cd ..

# Setup the Django app
cd server
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need to populate your server/unichallenge/ file with:

  • The database connection information about your local MySQL installation.
  • The Firebase configuration for your app.
  • the DEBUG = True flag, to indicate this is a dev environment.

You should also most probably run all migrations and create a superuser:

cd server;
python migrate
python createsuperuser

After all this, you can simply run these commands (in seperate terminals):

cd server; source venv/bin/activate; python runserver
cd app; npm run start

And voila! The app is now running at http://localhost:4200!


Deploy the app

To deploy the app, run while in its directory:

fab -H deployer@<host> deploy

The script will take care of building the images, running any pending migrations and (re)starting the apps.

Setup the app

Ensure Docker, Docker Compose, Python >3.6 and Fabric >2 are installed.

Using the root user, execute:

# Or substitute with your own directory
mkdir /usr/unichannel
# Create the unichannel user
useradd unichannel
# Create the deployer user
useradd deployer
# Make unichannel the owner
chown -R unichannel:unichannel /usr/unichannel
# Allow the deployer to run Docker commands and access the new directory
usermod -a -G docker deployer
usermod -a -G unichannel deployer

Now using the unichannel user:

# Initialize the repository
cd /usr/unichannel
git clone

# Create the user SSH keys and allow other users to make deploys
mkdir .ssh; chmod 700 .ssh
cat > .ssh/authorized_keys

The .ssh/authorized_keys file should have the following format:

command="cd /usr/unichannel; fab $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND",no-pty ssh-rsa # ...

This will ensure people with deploy access can only execute fabric tasks.

Next up, create the /usr/unichannel/unichannel directory and place the firebase.json private key file you generated from Firebase. More about how to create it here.

You must also create the /usr/unichannel/.env file containing all the environment variables necessary for your application to run. This should contain the following:

  • UID = The UID of the unichallenge user.
  • GID = The GID of the unichallenge user.
  • MARIA_PASS = A unique password for your MariaDB installation.
  • SENTRY_DSN = The Sentry DSN for error logging.

Compose will automatically take these into consideration when setting up its environment.

You can now try and deploy the app itself!