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Samer Alsayegh edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 4 revisions


On first run, a config file will be be generated using the template file. Simply close the bot and edit the config.json

Once completed, you may run the bot again with the changes taking effect.

A description of the config is found below:

Setting Name Description Default
bot_prefix Set the display name prefix of all bots null
api_port Set the port at which the API will operate null
debug Enable debugging mode (will show information messages) false
appid AppID which you would like all SteamAPI calls to use 730
api_key API key for main account - Used to get friends list ""
tradeCancelTime Cancel a trade after this much milliseconds 86400000
tradePendingCancelTime Cancel a trade after this much milliseconds if it still requires confirmation 86400000
language Set language of the item descriptions [Check below for list] en
tradePollInterval Check for new trades every X milliseconds 5000
tradeCancelOfferCount Cancel trades if there is X amount of trades outgoing/incoming per bot 30
tradeCancelOfferCountMinAge Automatic cancel trade if it is minimum X milliseconds old. 3600000
cancelTradeOnOverflow Automatically cancel old trades if there is 5 trades per person or 30 trades overall (Steam limit) true
ssl Omit this config option, if you are not running an SSL API server (for secure requests) check below

SSL Description Default
key Path to the key file, make sure the key has extension '.key' nameOfKeyFileWithoutExtension
cert Path to the cert file, make sure the cert has extension '.cert' nameOfCertFileWithoutExtension

Check here for language codes

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