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This website is for the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at the University of Texas at Austin.


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About Our Lab

The UT Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (UT PsyBrain) is a lab at The University of Texas at Austin. Our research is focused on the Cognitive Neuroscience of mental processes. Studies are approached using a broad range of methodological tools – human lesions, structural and functional MRI, and electrophysiology (MEG/EEG). We examine the cognitive and neural systems that support memory and attention control in young and old healthy individuals as well as persons suffering from mental illness and traumatic brain injury.

About Our Website

All commits to the website should be made to the master branch.

Jekyll Installation

For more information on how to set up Jekyll on your computer, take a look at these short videos. They're easy to follow and will have Jekyll set up on your computer in no time.

Mac Installation

Windows Installation

For more information on Jekyll, check out their documentation. For help on using GitHub, click here.

Creating Your Own Member Page

We've created a couple of templates for you to easily set up your own individual "About Me" pages. If you have any questions or are running into issues, please contact Haana.

Member Page Set-Up

To create your own member page, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Team folder.
  2. Open and copy all the contents inside the file.
  3. Go back to the Team folder.
  4. Create a new Markdown file in the format
  5. Paste what you copied from the template file into your own file that you just created.
  6. Fill out all necessary fields. And you have your own individual page set up!

Team Page Setup

Making a change to your own member page - such as changing the picture or social media links - will not automatically make a change to the (the Team page) page. If you would like to change a link or picture, follow the steps below. These are also instructions provided on

  1. Open
  2. If you are a new member adding your profile to the Team page, copy the code provided at the beginning of and add it to the end of the file (but before the RA section). Fill out the necessary fields.
  3. If you are making an edit to your profile, simply scroll down to your section (each section is marked by a name) and change the fields necessay (aka profile pic, social media icon, etc.).

Adding Pictures or Posters

To add any pictures or posters (PDFs), upload them to the Assets folder. This is the only way a picture/poster will show up on the website. If needed, you may create a subfolder within Assets.

Adding a Lab Update

A cool feature of our site is the ability to add your own updates - like a mini blog! All posts that are published will be in the _posts folder. If you would like to create a draft, put your file in the _drafts folder. Follow the instructions below to create your post. The same instructions are available in the file in the _drafts folder.

  1. Go the _drafts folder.
  2. Open and copy all the contents inside the file.
  3. Go back to the _drafts folder.
  4. Create a new Markdown file in the format "".
  5. Paste what you copied from the template file into your own file that you just created.
  6. Make sure you change the following variables (found at the top of the file):
    • change the date/time (date variable)
    • change the title of the post (title variable)
    • change the catergory (category variable)
    • do NOT change the layout variable
  7. Once you have finished writing out your post, move your Markdown file to the _posts folder where it will then be automatically published to the site.

For questions on how to format the post using MarkDown, check out the "Welcome to Jekyll" Markdown file (available in _drafts) or check out syntax online.

More Information About The Site


This site was created by Haana Janmohamed, an undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Austin. She created the site using the Jekyll Minima template. She would like to give credit to the NBC Lab and Drummond Lab for their help and inspiration in the creation of this site. This website adapts and adopts some code from their site (NBC Lab GitHub and Drummond Lab GitHub) To view our code, click here.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


To set up your environment to develop this theme, run script/bootstrap.

To test your theme, run script/server (or bundle exec jekyll serve) and open your browser at http://localhost:4000. This starts a Jekyll server using your theme and the contents. As you make modifications, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.