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FCO Legalisation Service


The FCO Legalisation Service (Get a Document Legalised) allows citizens to submit an application and pay for documents to be legalised. You can get certain official UK documents ‘legalised’ by asking the Legalisation Office to confirm that the signature, stamp or seal is from a UK public official.

You might need to do this if an official in another country has asked you to provide a UK document and they’ve said it must be legalised.

The Legalisation Office will check the document, including whether the signature, stamp or seal is genuine. They’ll legalise the document by attaching a stamped official certificate (an ‘apostille’) to it.

You cannot get documents issued outside the UK legalised using this service - get them legalised in the country they were issued.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.



Postgres 9.6 and Redis are required. You can either install and run them directly, or install Docker then run

docker-compose up

which will run two containers on the ports specified in the docker-compose.yml file.


Import the FCO-LOI-Service and FCO-LOI-User databases. These can be found in the 'databases' folder of this repo.

If PSQL isn't installed:

brew install libpq

NOTE: In case the postgres server is not running you can start it with this command pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start

Open the PSQL command line

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

You'll be asked for the password for the postgres user; you can get this from the .env file for loi-application-service.

In the PSQL command line:


Then type \q to exit to your shell, and enter:

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -W -d FCO-LOI-Service < ./databases/FCO-LOI-Service.sql
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -W -d FCO-LOI-User < ./databases/FCO-LOI-User.sql

From Keybase, drop each services .env file into the root of the appropriate repo.

Install node modules in each repo

npm i

NOTE: If you are using an M1 Mac you'll have to install node-sass via Rosetta


You can either:

run each service individually:

cd loi-application-service
npm start

cd loi-user-service
npm start

cd loi-address-service
node server.js 7878

cd loi-notification-service
node server.js 1234

cd loi-payment-service
npm start

cd loi-submission-service
npm run dev-server

Browse to http://localhost:1337

or run all with a single command:

Install PM2:

npm i pm2 -g


npm run start:all

To stop all services

pm2 stop all

Stop specific service with

pm2 stop 1

View logs for a specific service with

pm2 logs 1

Browse to http://localhost:1337

Database migrations
