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OSX Installation Guide

Kevin Mulhern edited this page May 6, 2021 · 20 revisions

OSX Installation Guide

This guide assumes that you have already installed homebrew and Ruby on Rails.

Install Redis

We use Redis for our asynchronous background jobs, for example sending emails. To get the app up and running and for all the tests to pass you will need to install Redis.

First make sure that homebrew is up to date.

$ brew update

Then install Redis

$ brew install redis

Finally start the redis service

$ brew services start redis

Installing Postgresql

The Odin Project uses PostgreSQL as it's database. You will need to install it if you haven't already via one of the two methods below:


The easiest way to get up and running with Postgres is to install Postgres.App - a nifty program wrapper for PostgreSQL. Once downloaded, install the app and run it.

To log into the psql command line click on the elephant icon in your menu bar and choose Open Postgres then double click on the database icon with your username under it. Once open, continue with Database Setup

via Brew:

PostgreSQL is also available via Brew package manager.

First, install PostgreSQL

$ brew install postgresql

Once installed, we will need to initialize a new database, then start the Postgres daemon.

$ initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start

# Optional - Start Postgres on system boot:
$ brew services start postgresql

Finally, we'll log into the PostgreSQL command line:

$ psql postgres

Database Setup

With Postgres installed, we can now turn our attention to setting up the database. We will be using the postgres command line to set up a new user.

postgres=# CREATE USER your-username WITH PASSWORD 'your-password-here';
postgres=# ALTER ROLE your-username WITH CREATEDB;
postgres=# \q

(Be sure to change your-username and your-password-here with usernames and passwords of your choosing. Note that your-username in the above commands should not have 'single quotes' around it, but the your-password-here should have single quotes.)

With PostgreSQL installed, continue on with the Running TOP Locally instructions.