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Decentralized Crowd Funding Applciation using Ethereum

This application is been deployed in Rinkedby network using Infura API


This applciation been implemented using Ethereum to create a crowd funding project and controlling the payment requests for the created crowd funding project.

Tech Stack


for inplementing the required smart contracts


for interacting with the Ethereum Node

Truffle HD Wallet Provider

to incorporate the infura API with web3

Mocha & Ganache-cli

for testing the smart contract in development environment


React froamework, for rendering the react pages from the server


for rendering the web pages


  • Clone this project
  • Install the packages by running npm install
  • Metamask is required, thus install the metamask and create a account in it
  • Run npm run dev to start the applciation

To run your instance

  • Clone this project
  • Install the packages by running npm install
  • Metamask is required, thus install the metamask and create a account in it
  • Add the infura api and metamask mnemonics (12 random words generated by metamask) in the deploy.js file
  • Add the infura API in ethereum/web3/web3.js
  • Run npm run compile and npm run deploy to compile and deploy the smart contract
  • Run npm run dev to start the applciation


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