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Releases: TeamMsgExtractor/msg-extractor

Version 0.49.0

21 Aug 18:29
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  • [TeamMsgExtractor #427] Adjusted code for converting time stamps to create null dates for any time stamp beyond a certain point. The point was determined to be close to the existing null dates.
  • [TeamMsgExtractor #425] Added basic support for custom attachments that are Windows Metafiles.
  • Changed tolerance of bitmap custom attachment handler to allow for attachments with only a CONTENT stream. This change was made after seeing an example of a file that only had a CONTENT stream and no other streams for the custom data. The code now also tries to create default values for things previously determined from those other streams.
  • Fixed an issue in tryGetMimetype were the code didn't properly check if the data type was bytes (it only checked if it had a type).
  • Corrected some exports.
  • Added new ErrorBehavior value CUSTOM_ATTACH_TOLERANT to allow skipping checks for unused data that is normally validated.

Version 0.48.7

08 Jul 02:00
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Version 0.48.6

06 Jul 23:35
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  • [TeamMsgExtractor #417] Fixed issues with openMsg where some corrupted MSG files could end up throwing an uncaught exception and leaving the file handle open.

Version 0.48.5

03 Apr 12:05
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Version 0.48.4

21 Mar 01:01
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Version 0.48.3

20 Mar 18:47
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  • [TeamMsgExtractor #409] Added missing private method to SignedAttachment.
  • Fixed some missing typing information.

Version 0.48.2

09 Mar 17:44
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  • Fixed bugs with MessageBase.asEmailMessage(). Numerous improvements to how it handles the data.

Version 0.48.1

08 Mar 17:13
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  • Added an option (-s, --stdin) to the command line to take an MSG file from stdin. This allows the user to pipe the MSG data from another program directly instead of having to write a middleman that uses the extract-msg library directly or having to write the file to the disk first.
  • Changed main function to allow for manual argument list to be passed to it.
  • Added attributes to AttachmentBase for creation and modification time. These can be accessed through createdAt or creationTime and lastModificationTime or modifiedAt.
  • Changed OleWriter tests to output the name of the test file being done if an error occurs.
  • Added tests for some command line stuff.

Version 0.48.0

28 Feb 16:09
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  • Adjusted error handling for named properties to handle critical streams being missing and to allow suppression of those errors.
  • Adjusted error handling for named properties to allow silencing of errors caused by invalid references to the name stream. If ErrorBehavior.NAMED_NAME_STREAM is provided to the MSGFile instance, a warning will be logged and that entry will simply be dropped.
  • Adjusted error handling for signed messages to better check for issues with the signed attachment. This should make errors from violating the standard much easier to understand. These errors can be ignored, but the attachment will not be parsed as a signed attachment.
  • Minor docstring updates.
  • Minor adjustments to OleWriter to prepare the code for being able to write version 4 files. Version 3 files are currently the only one's supported, but much of the code had hard-coded values that could be replaced with variables and small conditionals. This will have very little performance impact, and should not be noticeable.
  • Improved comments on OleWriter to make private sections more understandable.
  • Changed MessageSignedBase._rawAttachments to MessageSignedBase.rawAttachments to provide non-private access in a reliable way.

Version 0.47.0

09 Dec 19:11
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  • Changed the public API for PropertiesStore to improve the quality of its code. The properties type is now mandatory, and the intelligence field (and the related enum) has been removed.
    • Additionally, the toBytes and __bytes__ methods will both generate based on the contents of this class, allowing for new properties to be created and for existing properties to be modified or removed if the class is set to writable on creation.
  • Added new method Named.getPropNameByStreamID. This method takes the ID of a stream (or property stream entry) and returns the property name (as a tuple of the property name/ID and the property set) that is stored there. Returns None if the stream is not used to store a named property. This name can be directly used (if it is not None) to get the NamedPropertyBase instance associated. This method is most useful for people looking at the raw data of a stream and trying to figure out what named property it refers to.
  • Fixed mistake in struct definitions that caused a float to require 8 bytes to unpack.
  • Added tests for
  • Added basic tests for extract_msg.attachments.
  • Added validation tests for the enums and constants submodule.
  • Removed unneeded structs.
  • Fixed an issue where PtypGuid was being parsed by the wrong property type. Despite having a fixed size, it is still a variable length property.
  • Fixed all of the setters not working. I didn't know they needed to use the same name as the getter, and I swear they were working at some point with the current setup. Some sources online suggested the original form should work, which is even stranger.
  • Unified all line endings to LF instead of a mix of CRLF and LF.
  • Changed enums BCTextFormat and BCLabelFormat to IntFlag enums. The values that exist are for the individual flags and not the groups of flags.
  • Made FieldInfo writable, however it can no longer be directly converted to bytes since it requires additional information outside of itself to convert to bytes. It still retains a toBytes method, however it requires an argument for the additional data.
  • Fixed UnsupportedAttachment inverting the skipNotImplemented keyword argument.
  • Fixed DMPaperSize not being a subclass of Enum.
  • Extended values for DMPaperSize.
  • Removed unneeded structs.
  • Fixed exports for
  • Updated various parts of the documentation to improve it and make it more consistent.
  • Fixed Recipient.existsTypedProperty and AttachmentBase.existsTypedProperty having the wrong return type.
  • Removed "TODO" markers on OleStreamStruct and finalized it to only handle the OLEStream for embedded objects.
  • Fixed type annotations for extract_msg.utils.fromTimeStamp.
  • Added new function This function allows a new property to be created with default data based on the name. The name MUST be an 8 character hex string, the first 4 characters being the value for the property ID and the second 4 being the value for the type.
  • Fixed VariableLengthProp.reservedFlags returning the wrong type.
  • Adjusted many of the property structs to make it easier to use them for packing.
  • Renamed some of the property structs to be more informative.
  • Fixed ServerID using the wrong struct (would have thrown an exception for not having enough data).
  • Unified signing for integer properties. All integer properties are considered unsigned by default when read directly from the MSG file, however specific property accessors may convert to signed if the property is specifically intended to be so. This does not necessarily include properties that are stored as integers but have a value that is not an integer, like PtypCurrency.
  • Changed extract_msg.constants.NULL_DATE to be a subclass of datetime.datetime instead of just a fixed value. Functions that return null dates may end up returning distinct versions of NullDate (the newly created subclass), however all instances of NullDate will register as being equal to each other. Existing equality comparisons to the NULL_DATE constant will all function as intended, however is checks may fail for some null dates.
  • Changed currency type to return a Decimal instance for higher precision.
  • Made FixedLengthProp and VariableLengthProp writable. Only the property flags from PropBase is writable. This also includes the ability to convert them to bytes based on their value.
  • Fixed many issues in VariableLengthProp regarding it's calculation of sizes.
  • Removed hasLen function.
  • Changed style to remove space between variable name and colon that separates the type.
  • Corrected InvaildPropertyIdError to InvalidPropertyIdError.
  • Updated to olefile version 0.47.
  • Updated RTFDE minimum version to 0.1.1.
  • Changed dependency named for compressed-rtf to remove minor typo (it should forward to the correct place regardless, but just to be safe).
  • Fixed issues with implementation of OleWriter when it comes to large sets of data. Most issues would fail silently and only be noticeable when trying to open the file. If your file is less than 2 GB, you would likely not have notices and issues at all. This includes adding a new exception that is throw from the write method, TooManySectorsError.
  • Fixed some issues with OleWriter that could cause entries to end up partially added if the data was an issue.