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A simple API wrapper library for accessing the API.

By default, the package returns queries from the V2 API - full documentation can be found here


The pre-release version of the package can be pulled from GitHub using the devtools package:

# install.packages("devtools")

What else do I need?

You need an access token to retrieve and put records into Clubhouse.

If you / your team has a Clubhouse account, bring up the Settings menu (top right) and select "API tokens" from the list on the left.

"api token"

Download and save it somewhere safe. I recommend adding it to your .Rprofile and retrieving it with Sys.getenv("CH_TOKEN")

If your team doesn't use Clubhouse.....I can't help you. If you are an agile team it's worth a look - it's more structured than Trello and much more user friendly than Jira. And, no they haven't given me any money (though, if someone is offering....)

Setting up

Telling clubhouser about your API token

You can send your token as an argument to the API functions. If you are a little lazy efficient you can also use one of the package's convenience functions to set it once for all subsequent API calls to use.

To set:


To retrieve your token (if needed):


Changing the API version

By default, the package returns queries from the V2 API but you can override this on a function-by-function basis by setting the url parameter. You can also change the default. For example, if you want to be brave and use the latest, beta version you would:

set_url(url = "")

Reset deafults

To reset the API settings to their defaults (i.e. clear the stored token and reset to V2 of the API), simply:


'GET'ting records

You can list all the records for a single API endpoint (ch_list_all), or you can retrieve a single record (ch_get_one).


You can list all records from the following endpoints

"categories", "epic-workflow", "epics", "files", "labels", "linked-files", "members", "milestones", "projects", "repositories", "stories","teams", "workflows"

You can pull back all the details:



ch_list_all(endpoint = "categories",response_type = "full")
#   archived color           created_at entity_type external_id  id name
# 1     TRUE   foo 2016-12-31T12:30:00Z         foo         foo 123  foo
#   type           updated_at
# 1  foo 2016-12-31T12:30:00Z

Or just a minimal set (useful if you just want to filter and get an id or two so you can retrieve just those records).

ch_list_all(endpoint = "categories",response_type = "minimal")
#   entity_type  id name
# 1         foo 123  foo

Return one record

If you know the id of the record you want to retrieve you can get that record. If I want to get the full information about the Story with id 123, it's as simple as:

# This returns a list object with all the story details
res <- ch_get_one(id = 123L, endpoint = "stories")

# From here you can access the tasks on the Story card
#   complete         completed_at           created_at description
# 1     TRUE 2016-12-31T12:30:00Z 2016-12-31T12:30:00Z         foo
#   entity_type external_id  id                          mention_ids
# 1         foo         foo 123 12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012
#                              owner_ids position story_id
# 1 12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012      123      123
#             updated_at
# 1 2016-12-31T12:30:00Z

# Or the point estimate
# [1] 123

# or the description
# [1] "foo" get the idea

Next tasks

Currently the package only contains GET functions. The next step is to add in the ability to create, update and delete records. I'll track progress in the Issues tab.


R Wrapper for Clubhouse API






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