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RonanCraft edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 25 revisions

This page will teach you how to create an Item in the Menu!

    Slot: 1
    Frame-Delay: 20
      - 'wool:1:14'
      - 'wool:1:1'
    Name: '&4Red wool with an enchantment'
        - '&4I am Red!'
        - '&aNow I''m Orange!'
      - 'damage_all:1'
      <See View-Handlers page>
      <See Click-Handlers page>



Required? Type Supports Placeholders? Default
No Node, Int, NodeList, IntList Yes (Numerical) {first-empty}

Set the slot/slots in which the item should be placed.
You can make a list of values, to fill multiple slots. All slots can be overriden, as a later item in a menu will take over an already filled slot!

Valid Nodes:

  • Integer: Any positive number within the total amount of slots (starting from 0)
  • Placeholders: Any placeholder that returns a numerical string!
  • {first-empty}: The first empty slot in the inventory (Best used at the end of a menu)
  • {last-empty}: The last empty slot in the inventory (Best used at the end of a menu)
  • {random-empty}: A random empty slot (Best used at the end of a menu)
  • {random}: A random slot, ignoring current items
  • {random_<from>_<to>}: A random slot within <from> and <to> (ex: {random_10_18})
  • {fill}: Fills up every empty slot in the inventory (This must be the only slot configured!)

Important! Use ' ' (Single quotes) when not using Integer nodes! Example:

# Single slot
Slot: '{first-empty}'

# Multiple slots
- '{first-empty}'
- '{random_0_9}'
- 21

# Fill all Slots
Slot: '{fill}'
# or
- '{fill}'


Required? Type Supports Placeholders? Default
No Integer No 20

The amount of ticks between frames (If more than one)


Required? Type Supports Placeholders? Tags
Yes String, StringList, StringSection Yes Item, Material

Format: <itemName/number>:[amount]:[data]
The item data and amount are optional!
You can also use numerical placeholders in Data and Amount.

1.8 items can be found here
1.9+ items can be found here


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No String, StringList, StringSection Yes

Set the displayname of the item.


Required? Type Supports Placeholders? Animatable
No String, StringList, ListSection Yes Yes

Set the lore of the Item.
Make sure to surround these with ' ' (single quotes) if using color codes.


Required? Type Supports Placeholders? Animatable
No String, StringList, StringSection No Yes

Format: [enchantment]:<level>

Valid enchantment names can be found here!
(Not all enchantments are available in all Minecraft versions!)


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No Node Yes

Set the name of whos skin to display on a skull item. If this section is filled, the item will be replaced with a Skull.

You can use %player_uuid% to show the head of the player that opens the menu. All heads are cached until the server is reloaded/restarted to hold off requests! Valid Nodes

  • BASE64: You can state the Base64 value of a head texture. Go here and paste the "Value" portion of a head.
  • UUID: The UUID of the player


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No String No

Set the Entity type of a spawn egg. If this section is filled, the item will be replaced with a Spawn Egg.

A list of valid Entity types can be found here! (Not all egg types are available on all Minecraft versions!)


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No Node No

Changes the color of of leather-armor, tipped arrows and/or potions. If this section is filled, the item will be replaced with a random leather armor, tipped arrow or potion.

You can generate a color here!


  • <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>: RGB-colors (Range from 0 to 255. ex. 255, 0, 0 for red)
  • <raw RGB>: The raw color value such as 16711680 for red
  • #RRGGBB: HTML-Notation. R, G and B range from 0-9 and A-F


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No String No

Applies a pattern to a banner, with the code generated at Make a banner and when you're happy with it, copy the code shown in the image below:


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No Integer No

Set a certain value to hide certain flags.
You can use the sum of certain values to hide multiple flags. (ex. 63 to hide all flags or 6 to hide "Enchantments" and "Destroys")


  • 1 = Attributes
  • 2 = Destroys ("Can destroy ..."-text)
  • 4 = Enchantments
  • 8 = Placed-On ("Can be placed on ..."-text)
  • 16 = Potion-Effects
  • 32 = Unbreakable


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No Integer No

Set how important you want this item to show up if another item has the same slot.
The higher the priority, the more important it is


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No String, StringList No

Set a list of servers to allow this item to be enabled in.
Set the current server in the config.yml file


# Single Server
Server: 'Lobby'

# Multiple Servers
  - 'Lobby'
  - 'Survival'


Required? Type
No Key List

Go to the View-Handlers page for more information!


Required? Type Tags
No Key List Click-Handlers, Commands

Go to the Click-Handlers page for more information!


Required? Type Supports Placeholders?
No Integer No

Applies a data id to items, mostly used for custom resource packs.
Only supported on versions 1.14 and up!