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StoneyJackson edited this page Feb 11, 2012 · 1 revision

High-level, project guiding discussions.

Other topics

  • Motivation

    • Presentation (style and layout) should be separate from content

      • Diagram
    • CSS separates style, not content

      • Example
    • Quilt separates layout

      • Or quilt separates content
  • Overview

    • Write a layout

    • Write a quilt to stitch content into layout

    • Example

  • Users

    • Website developers (primary)

    • Webserver administrators (secondary)

    • Web consumers (tertiary)

  • Requirements

    • Easy to learn

    • Easy to deploy

    • Easy to configure

    • Easy to maintain

    • Overlay seamlessly with existing technology

      • Browsers

      • Servers

      • Frameworks

      • Basic technology (html, css, http, javascript)

    • Provide added value to existing sites

    • High-performance

    • Common cases are easy

    • Rarer cases are possible

  • Design decisions

    • Where should stitching take place?

      • Client-side

      • Middle-side

      • Server-side

    • How specifically should it be implemented?

      • Client

        • Ajax

        • Browser plugin

      • Middle

        • Proxy server
      • Server

        • Server plugin/handler

        • CGI running on server

      • Compiled core implementation?

    • Syntax and semantics of Quilt (DSL: domain specific language)

      • Base languages: XML, JSON, or Custom

      • Capabilities

  • Open questions

    • How do we prevent infinite recursion caused by url() and cgi()?

      • Especially in the presence of an advisory
    • How do we generalize quilts so they can be reused?

    • If quilt hijacks requests, can quilt play nice with frameworks that also like to hijack requests?

      • More generally: can two url hijacking frameworks coexist?
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