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06. SMODS.ConsumableType

Aure edited this page Jun 30, 2024 · 3 revisions

API Documentation: SMODS.ConsumableType

  • Required parameters:
    • key
    • primary_colour
    • secondary_colour
  • Optional parameters (defaults):
    • loc_txt, Skeleton:
     		name = '', -- used on card type badges
     		collection = '', -- label for the button to access the collection
     		undiscovered = { -- description for undiscovered cards in the collection
     			name = '',
     			text = { '' },
    • collection_rows = { 6, 6 }: Customize the collection for this card type. Each value indicates a row with the specified amount of cards.
    • shop_rate: Setting a numerical value for shop_rate enables cards of this type to appear in the shop at the specified rate.
      • This sets a default rate, which can be modified by accessing G.GAME[key:lower() .. '_rate'] during a run.
    • rarities allows cards to show up at different rates.
      • Expects a list of tables like this:
       		key = '', -- using string values is recommended, but numeric values are also possible
       		rate = 0.5,
      • The sum of all rates is normalized internally, so you don't need to concern yourself with making these values add up to 1.

API methods

  • inject_card(self, center)
    • Used for modifying any registered cards of this type, or adding them to additional pools.
  • delete_card(self, center)
    • Used for removing cards from additional pools when deleted.

API Documentation: SMODS.UndiscoveredSprite

For consumable types, a sprite for undiscovered objects must be registered. The keys of both objects should match exactly. Remember to use raw_atlas_key if you want to reference an atlas from the base game.

  • Required parameters:
    • key
    • atlas
    • pos
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