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05. SMODS.Center

Aure edited this page Jun 30, 2024 · 3 revisions

API Documentation: SMODS.Center

SMODS.Center is the superclass for everything the game considers to be a "center". It is not recommended to use it to create an object directly; always use the appropriate subclass.


  • Required parameters:
    • key,
  • Optional parameters (defaults):
    • loc_txt, Skeleton:
     		name = '',
     		text = { '' },
    • config = {},
    • rarity = 1 (1 = Common, 2 = Uncommon, 3 = Rare, 4 = Legendary)
    • pos = { x = 0, y = 0 },
    • atlas = 'Joker',
    • cost = 3,
    • unlocked = true,
    • discovered = false,
    • blueprint_compat = false (Purely cosmetic, you need to define your Joker's blueprint behavior in code),
    • eternal_compat = true,
    • perishable_compat = true,
    • <sticker>_compat for any modded stickers


  • Required parameters:

    • key,
    • set ('Tarot', 'Planet', 'Spectral', or any modded consumable type),
  • Optional parameters (defaults):

    • loc_txt, Skeleton:
     		name = '',
     		text = { '' },
    • config = {}
    • pos = { x = 0, y = 0 }
    • atlas = 'Tarot'
    • cost = 3
    • unlocked = true
    • discovered = false
    • hidden for legendary consumables like The Soul. For further customization:
      • soul_set = 'Spectral', legendaries may appear when a card of either their own set or this one are being generated.
      • soul_rate = 0.003, determines how likely this legendary is to replace each card in a pack
      • can_repeat_soul, allows repeats of this card as if Showman were present


  • Required parameters:
    • key,
  • Optional parameters (defaults):
    • loc_txt, Skeleton:
     		name = '',
     		text = { '' },
    • config = {}
    • pos = { x = 0, y = 0 }
    • atlas = 'Voucher'
    • cost = 10
    • unlocked = true
    • discovered = false
    • requires: specify a list of one or more vouchers by their full key (e.g. 'v_grabber' for vanilla vouchers, or 'v_pref_myvoucher' for a modded voucher from the mod with prefix 'pref')

SMODS.Back (formerly SMODS.Deck)

  • Required parameters:
    • key,
  • Optional parameters (defaults):
    • loc_txt, Skeleton:
     		name = '',
     		text = { '' },
    • config = {},
    • pos = { x = 0, y = 0 },
    • atlas = 'centers',
    • unlocked = true,
    • discovered = false,

API methods

All centers

  • set_ability(self, card, initial, delay_sprites)
    • Set up initial ability values or manipulate sprites in an advanced way.
  • add_to_deck(self, card, from_debuff)
    • Modify the game state when this card is obtained.
    • Jokers are considered added when they become undebuffed (in this case, from_debuff will be true).
  • remove_from_deck(self, card, from_debuff)
    • Modify the game state when this card is sold, destroyed, or otherwise removed.
    • Jokers are considered removed when debuffed (in this case, from_debuff will be true).
  • in_pool(self) -> bool, { allow_duplicates = bool }
    • Define custom logic for when a card is allowed to spawn. A card can spawn if in_pool returns true and all other checks are met.
    • (Subject to change) in_pool ignores base game checks, except disallowing duplicates.
    • allow_duplicates allows this card to spawn when one already exists, even without Showman.
  • update(self, card, dt)
    • For actions that happen every frame.
  • set_sprites(self, card, front)
    • For advanced sprite manipulation that happens when a card is created or loaded.
  • load(self, card, card_table, other_card)
    • For modifications to sprites or the card itself when a run is reloaded.
  • loc_vars(self, info_queue, card) -> { vars ?= table, main_start ?= table, main_end ?= table, key ?= string, replace_debuff ?= bool }
    • Pass variables (vars) to card descriptions.
    • Add tooltips by appending to info_queue.
    • You can force the use of a different description entirely (key).
    • Add additional text to the start or end of a card description with main_start or main_end.
  • generate_ui(self, info_queue, card, desc_nodes, specific_vars, full_UI_table)
    • The default implementation of this function acts as a wrapper of loc_vars. For advanced UI implementations, define this function directly.
  • locked_loc_vars(self, info_queue, card) -> { vars ?= table }
    • Pass variables (vars) to descriptions of locked cards.
    • Tooltips can be configured by appending to info_queue.
  • check_for_unlock(self, args) -> bool
    • Configure unlock conditions. Refer to the function check_for_unlock in Balatro's code for more information.
  • set_badges(self, card, badges)
    • Add additional badges, leaving existing badges intact. This function doesn't return; add badges by appending to badges.
    • Avoid overwriting existing elements. It will cause text to appear on the top left corner of your screen instead.
  • set_card_type_badge(self, card, badges)
    • Same as set_badges, but bypasses creation of the card type / rarity badge, allowing you to replace it with a custom one.

Specific to certain subclasses

  • Consumable.use(self, card, area, copier)
    • Defines the behavior of a consumable when used.
  • Consumable.can_use(self, card) -> bool
    • Determines whether a consumable is currently able to be used.
  • Consumable.keep_on_use(self, card) -> bool
    • Allows a used card to stay where it is instead of getting destroyed.
  • Joker.calculate(self, card, context) -> table
    • All Joker effects that are tied to specific in-game actions happen here. Refer to the function Card:calculate_joker(context) in Balatro's source code to learn more about context and how this function works.
    • Some common calculation contexts include:
      • context.joker_main: The main scoring phase for Jokers, after playing cards have finished scoring.
      • context.before: Effects that trigger before playing cards are scored (e.g. Midas Mask)
      • context.after: Effects that trigger when a hand has finished scoring (e.g. Ice Cream melting)
      • context.individual: Effects that operate on each card separately. An additional check for the card area is needed to avoid extra triggers.
    • Consumables may also make use of this function, however only context.joker_main timing is supported.
  • Joker.calc_dollar_bonus(self, card) -> number
    • For awarding money at the end of the round (e.g. Delayed Gratification, Cloud Nine)
  • Back.apply(self)
    • Apply modifiers at the start of a run.
  • Back.trigger_effect(self, args)
    • Used for effects that happen during a run, like Plasma Deck's effect.
  • Voucher.redeem(self)
    • Defines the behavior of a Voucher when redeemed.