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Adeel Khan edited this page Sep 17, 2024 · 45 revisions

Welcome to the shangrila-vhp wiki!

Updates (Latest to earliest).

  • 09-1x-2024:

    • While not directly related to this project. I had good success with a new format that I am trying. Basically I've tried a lot of different approached over the years/decades. I guess up and until a decade ago, I didn't exactly plan each and every single area of my life. I mean I would take care of myself, I would manage my finances (minus the negative habits like gambling that I had started developing a while ago.). I would contribute towards my child's education funds (the funds were depleted because of my gambling addiction). And I would plan each hour of the vacation time in the past (Not so much in my 30's) as I wanted to get maximum value out of my travels. I think I started planning because I started looking up to folks in the Defense sector. I also built an appreciation for planning, learning what I have, about individuals in the past. Planning itself is an activity, what is in your heart, is what planning can help you amplify. For me, I feel that consciousness exists and karma is real. Anyhow to come back to the topic and as shared, I have tried different approaches over the years. My recent approach towards staying organized and beginning to employ this next phase of planning in my life involves:
      • Deploying a Kanban Board (As of September, 2024)
      • Keeping 4 calendars: Offline, Online Calendar, a Calendar that I populate manually by pulling in the '1 to 3' major items that I work on each day and a account if someone wishes to book time with me.
        • This is a bit of a work, but it works for me. Each option serves a utility.
    • Sometime during the past couple of days (without giving all the details) I gave myself a 'window' of time and 'created a list' of items I need to tackle during this time. This list was heavy on chores and this is why I said that this update is not directly related to this project.
      • Taking this 'daily checklist' approach turned out to be hyper-efficient! I managed to tackle almost every single task on the list. Provided that the duration extended by a couple of hours. By the end of the day, I felt really good for staying on track and achieving everything I had sought to achieve that day.
    • At the back of my mind there is a thought about the nature of work. As well, taking a more targeted/tighter approach towards getting stuff done (Cal Newport/David Allen) is not to downplay the other approaches that I have undertaken or that others undertake. The answers/thoughts I had sought to share via Quora and elsewhere, basically thinking about what the pioneers were saying. These all appear to be coming true. The nature of work is going to fundamentally change drastically and irreversibly.
    • I guess for me, my efforts over the years/decades are beginning to converge in a healthy set of ways.
      • I am quantitatively decluttering my environments and keeping them decluttered.
      • I am keen on creating newer systems to help me get more organized.
      • Doing all of the above mentioned and more is helping contribute towards my self-confidence & self-esteem. It is also helping me become more calm. Focusing on the intention behind each and every endeavor. Thinking and pausing and focusing on the why. (Simon Sinek). Even simple things like eating or sipping coffee. I now find myself thinking consciously about what I am doing in that moment and focusing on the how, and I guess the why. Awareness is developing
    • If you are reading this, I am curious what systems/models/mode and methods + do you employ in order to become increasingly organized and disciplined. Would love to know your thoughts! Cheers!
  • 09-11-2024:

    • If you are visiting this wiki for the very first time, there are updates here in the Wiki and also from the main page of this project.
    • Shangrila-VHP (Veterans Healing Places) is supported by at-least two other concepts.
      • You will be able to see the headlines, but not able to get the details from within each container. But if you send me a list of areas that you would like more information about and I am able to verify who you are, then I will be happy to share the details with you. (Within reason)
      • To me, going to outer space can help enable quality SuperAbundance. But, now I feel bad for missing Day 02 of the conference for Outer Space Security (2024. As an online attendee. link I would say that the mood was completely different on Day 01, compared to what seemed like a bit of a somewhat tense environment from the year 2021. It was also good to see Canadian institutions taking on more of a facilitator role. I guess, I have my own memories/emotions to deal with and with my time in the K-W region. Separately, as a civilian, I am walking a tight-rope. Ideally, I would join the Canadian Reserves and this would be the insurance for me to be able to contribute with utmost conviction. I would then prioritize taking learnings from Marc Allen, whom I reckon knows a thing or two for dealing with how to deal with doubt. (Note: Looks like the ssl cert has expired)
      • I have thoughts here that I need to process. So as my finances improve, I will be sure to restart evidence-based therapy. There is much I have to process.
      • My sleeping schedule is all over the place. I was on the fence to attend day 02 of the Outer Space Conference. I was waiting for 04:30 Eastern. Prior to, I was listening to one of the recent live sessions by Stephen Wolfram. This was my first time listening to one of Wolfram's live sessions. What a mind. with Wolfram's knowledge in the realm of technology, his learnings about the history of science (I am curious what antiquarian science really means, although he was highlighting some books that he had collected over the decades). He was also talking about some very unique/interesting topics and initiatives. As well the history of Wolfram Technologies going back to the D.O.S (Disk Operating System) days. His collaboration with Steve Jobs at NEXT and how it would require towers of workstation to run the original Wolfram software. Very interesting fellow! But I have to say, I do not really know much about what all Wolfram Technology offers. I once picked up a copy of 'A new kind of science' via the library system. This must have been 20 years ago. I did not understand much of it, if at all. Seeing Wolfram's fascination with how shells grow, it definitely must have something to do with fractals, I am thinking? Link to live sessions via If my efforts can help chart the way for enabling more Stephen Wolframs, Einsteins, Cal Newport(s) (random sampling) in the future. Then it will be time well spent. I would also feel that the individuals with these different forms of thinking need special care and attention. So it is important for the world to be kinder. I feel there is a lot more room for being kinder. I feel I am a kind person. But it requires a very special kind of kindness to deal with individuals with mental illnesses. Since I am not a clinician, I have to at-least be mindful of the reality that I need to separate the individual from the disease. When I look back, this is what I would have done to myself when I was going through a dark/struggling time in my own life. To state the obvious, this has absolutely nothing to do with Wolfram. This was just a very random series of thoughts. However, I know for sure that there are individuals struggling and my personal philosophy is that each individual is born with their unique gifts. It is for them to nurture these gifts and I feel this has to be taught. There are a series of thoughts here approaching this from a cultural lens and also a Gerry K. O'Neill lens (with Gerry's interests in the role that environment plays), amongst others like Piaget (whom I do not know much about right now). While each one of us possesses gifts, there are highly gifted individuals struggling in a way that presents a barrier towards their development. Going with very little information, my sense is that Norway and the Nordic countries are leading the efforts here. It is a different way of thinking. Not exactly placing ethics/humanity into the center of all endeavours (maybe). But it is exponentially more humane vs what we are observing in the wider reality.
  • 09-11-2024: I wrote to 'Veterans Canteen Service (VCS) - United States - Veterans Affairs (VA)' link By now, I must have watched at least 20 to 25 hours of content via Youtube (which I have not logged officially), focusing on how troops are fed. During training, during missions (other details not shared for security related reason. Even though I am a civilian). I did not map this officially, but it's important to consider supply-chain, training, standards for maintaining hygiene, source for nutritional intake and other issues. But there are other issues also and depending on a situation by situation basis. So continuity plans are key. But this isn't what I was thinking here. I was just thinking quality and nutritious foods. Now the entry for VCS has been initiated in my CRM, I will wait for their response.

  • 09-07-2024: While not directly part of the Shangrila-VHP initiative, so far I have dedicated 16 hours looking into what the team at 'ABTC - A Better Tent City' is doing. An year ago, I also had the privilege of meeting Laura and Nadine in person. When I volunteered on site. I also spoke to Jeff from their team, who works for the City. In the following weeks, I then met with Tony Stortz and I was not very well prepared for this meeting. But Tony is a young individual doing incredible work across Canada and I hear United States. How this came back in my awareness is that I didn't convert my paper based notes to an electronic format (I did that for my meeting with Jeff on the phone. But forgot to do it for the meeting with Laura). But I finally got a chance to do that one year later and I shared my notes with both. Which they appreciated. Here are the links to the notes and also links to other resources (below). I have a sense that ABTC could be the molecule which could help form constructs through which homelessness can be tackled around the world. So it's the right molecules coming together.

    • ABTC Documentary via Alair Homes (Alair Homes has been involved with the project, from what I recall): Link
    • If I get approval from Laura and Jeff, then I will share the notes from my meetings with them here.
      • Update: It was decided not to share the notes publicly. Which, I feel makes rational sense. But as discussed, I would be very willing to brief someone that I know or who has stumbled across this page, on how ABTC has evolved. And help bring you up to speed. Contingent upon your level of engagement, you could then proceed to engage with the team at ABTC directly. It is to note that I do not have an official affiliation with ABTC and if a Google e.t.c search about ABTC has led you here, then it's probably best that you get in touch with the team directly.
  • 09-06-2024

    • I have written to different government representatives in the past. I wrote to them on different occasions. Including the tragic event from last year (it's this year when I google it again) when a refugee died in the cold, as all the shelters were full. Link
    • On September the 6th, I came across a link to The link was posted by a councilor from the City of Toronto whom I follow on Instagram. I cannot recall why I decided to follow this particular councilor in the past, but they must have been doing something or were championing an issue that speaks to me. I must say, about 3 weeks to a month ago, I saw a fellow who I am pretty sure was experiencing homelessness. I was sitting in the park and I had just seen this fellow the day prior to. He was a Caucasian fellow, probably of the age between 31 to 35. I meant to initiate a conversation with him (which I think I am alright at) on the first day. But the circumstances were not right. The next day, I saw him standing in the shade. But I felt the temperature was right to be in the sun. He was standing next to a structure near the tennis court. I was not doing something important that I could not speak to this fellow. In short, I feel guilty for not speaking to this fellow. Later on, the thought occurred to me, if I really care about this issue. I didn't know how to wrangle with this thought. I will not go with the wider loop here. Because this particular thought is about one area and a very important area at that. I guess the question is one of if I care, or if I do not. It is a question of doubt and other areas. To come back to the topic, I wrote via the link highlighted. I then emailed as I had reached out to another organization that I had stumbled across. (Not mentioned here). But their email address bounced back. With a message indicating: The response was: The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. For more information, go to [ timed out] I meant to follow-up with the Councilor who had shared this link. Because and I think I took an excerpt here, but the message via their website is going to about the offices of 8 officials across Ontario. So it is weird that a website has been created to send messages to officials, but the Inbox for the website itself is not monitored. I just did an online whois for this site and it looks like this site was registered on 07-16-2024: link. So about two months ago. link
  • 06-18-2024: ID for internal ledger: 86dtv7897

    • I reached out to the White House upon learning of someone directly related to the leaders and the challenges they had faced. This update is actually being made on 09-16-2024. My own journey was nurtured/guided by diverse individuals from different backgrounds. Sometimes during difficult times and also towards the onset of my career, I was fortunate to have exceptional teachers early on. But there have been times that were very difficult and dark also. Turning our pain into a healing transformative energy, it would be great if hyper secure/safe facilities existed, where individuals could go to towards the onset of behaviors that could be leading towards issues of chronic addictions or chronic mental-health issues. Maintaining and safeguarding privacy is key, as individuals are afflicted with many different issues. I wish that Shangrila-VHP blossoms in ways that I cannot even imagine right now. But that however the collective vision materializes, it is good for the individual and for society at large and that this happens leveraging reason and compassion. Without distorting the meaning of these realities (words) and more. Once again, I am reminded of the very first episode from Doogie Howser. All this time I am sending good energy for each individual who is struggling. I always seek to share universal good with others. I don't care where you are from and what you believe or don't believe in. I feel we can sincerely help reduce a lot of suffering. I continue to change myself in a manner that is grounded in reason. I send good energy to our leaders and their loved ones. It's crucial that something is done for the overall well-being of leadership and of citizens also. Leaders are entrusted by the people and there are a lot of responsibilities upon them. But the leaders are human beings and they are thinking of their loved ones and their well-being. For a leader to perform well, their loved ones have to be happy & healthy. Again, within reason. If our individual thoughts and actions have enabled the current reality, then planting seeds of hope and healing can change the reality.
  • 06-02-2024: While not directly related to Shangrila-VHP. Getting back into the habit of planning.

    • Day, W, M, Quarter, Y
    • I also wish to integrate teachings via (including but not limited to):
      • Selected teachings by Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins. I continue learning from the first two (incredibly) and a little bit from Robbins also.
  • 05-27-2024: Also, on the same day. Merging two scripts in python in one. I lost some functionality for the structures that I was working on.

    • This was the file that I was working on to get betters tents and nano-shelter structures up and running. link. I think, I then ended up copying this script (should have taken notes) link. Next, I had to manually merge the contents from the windmill script (below) into this script, as invoking it using the calls from python was not working.
  • 05-27-2024: Tinkering with Github Codespaces. The setup was relatively easy. I had to disable the Google Cloud extension in VS Code Studio, as I kept getting a pop-up on the cloud side of the code editor. Once configured, I tried tinkering with with javascript, which I know nothing about. I switched to svg (scalable vector graphics), as I wanted to make floor plans using code and this was one of the recommendations.

    • Here's the same code link
      • This code makes 4 rooms in a space, plus a common lobby area. It then animates a stick figure walking from the Lobby towards one of the Rooms (Room 01). The stick figure is supposed to stop at Room 01. I've tried a couple of attempts, but cannot make the animation work. Also, the doors (in blue) would do a little animation if the mouse hovered over it. That feature broke as I was trying to add the stick figure. To compensate for the broken animation, I tried to add a pet dog (bottom left-hand side corner). But the animations are not working. First attempt with svg. Screenshot below.
        • svg screenshot
  • 05-26-2024: Tinkering with Blender and Copilot together. Thanks to this video. Blender Tutorial – How to Use AI to Create 3D Models (ChatGPT and Blender) (

    • I spent the majority of the 5 hours trying to render a windmill in Blender that works. Even if it's on a rudimentary basis. So this was the file that I mostly focused on today. link Starting with almost no knowledge of python and same with Blender (I've basically created some very rudimentary shapes and sculpted them in the past). This time I leveraged the expertise provided by Copilot to generate the code that I needed. I then spent the remainder of the time tinkering with the code, to see which portion of the code was responsible for bringing about changes for the relevant portion of the invention in front of me. I sought to capture the a chunk of the journey via screen-captures. Unfortunately, the screen-capture did not shift the apps, when I was moving between Blender and my client of choice. Anyhow, I did upload the videos and here they are. Part 01 (audio did not record), Part 02 (same) and Part 03 (please lower/adjust your audio before clicking!). Note: If you would like to skip to the results, then you may want to check out Part 03 exclusively.
    • Here's a screenshot from Blender. I could not get the 'render' feature to work as I had wanted upon first attempt. So the image has a lower resolution. First attempt - Copilot code on Blender (python)
    • Resource for the future and note to self. Copilot mentioned 'photoprogrammetry'. The way I understand this, this is the means by which optics/scanning technology is leveraged in order to recreate an object/settings/surroundings e.t.c
      • This could be useful, if prototypes are made first using some means and then for them to be uploaded into a software system.
        • When I googled the software in this realm. One of the software manufacturers in this realm is Autodesk. Autodesk ReCap Pro. But some free options are also available. Which, as I am totally new to this (at least from a user's perspective), I have never tried before. I know at-least one person who has done some work in this area, whom I met back a decade ago (Ernest).
  • 05-25-2024: Got access to CoPilot free trial. Tinkering with it today in a private repository. link. Then shifted to Blender and tinkering with it for about 45 minutes. Total time, over 3 hours. But need to take breaks.

  • 04-17-2024: When I was working on the sister initiative, Bing Image Search actually surprised me, when I clicked on the 'Surprise me' feature. It generated the entire prompt and then the accompanying images. Very interesting! Here are the images that it generated. link here

  • 04-17-2024: Right now, I am working on a sister initiative (which is not on Github). Basically, I had an idea for enabling an OKR (Objectives and Key Results) for moral/ever-lasting/perpetual peace across all realms. This was a series of thoughts that I had a couple of years ago and it was a part/portion of an exercise that I was invited to and my contribution to that exercise. I sought permission to then transfer this bit and this is what I am working on at the moment. If you'd like to collaborate, then find me on the web! Cheers!

  • 04-17-2024: Earlier on, there was a thread on a new app called Maven. The thread got me thinking about VUCA, which is not related to the topic. But if VUCA is higher, then one of the ideas that I was thinking about was conscription. As of right now, I do not know the difference between conscription and the draft. I am a civilian myself and quite keen on joining on a full-time or reserves basis. Provided, I can continue to fulfill my responsibilities as a parent.

  • 04-17-2024: Overall, there is a fair bit of content that has aggregated in my project management system and also on Google Drive (from previous volunteer activities). It would be great to have some help, to transition the content (with scrutiny and care) towards the open model here.

  • 03-28-2024: Busy day today. I am not sure what proportion of efforts contribute towards Shangrila-VHP directly. Had a good meeting with a great individual who were very generous with their time and suggestions. Now reviewing feedback via another Canadian entrepreneur and have dedicated time on Tuesday to follow-up on this feedback. Helioscope walkthrough webinar was also interesting, they do not do domed/curved structures. Note: I was mega distracted during the webinar and that is not typical of me. Hmm.

  • 03-28-2024: Today, I spent a little bit of time updating the simple budget that I had created last year (February, 2023). Here is the link:

  • 03-20-2024: I pitched to an incubator. This was my first attempt to try and synthesize the different ideas together (Most, but not all ideas). If anyone is reading this and you have feedback for me, then please do let me know! Here is the link to the demo via: loom demo

  • 03-10-2024: Earlier, Uploaded two videos to Youtube. Reference: Back in January, I started making the models out of cardboard, glue and some elastic

    Part 01:

    Part 02:

  • 03-10-2024: Wiki created

  • 03-09-2024:

    1. CoPilot renders. Wow!
    2. Pulling these renders into the Readme in the following sequence:









  • 03-09-2024: Note: Updates do not go all the way back to 2023. Previous updates remain in Clickup and I am just testing this feature.

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