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Rock pi 4 Usage

Alexandru Burcea edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 1 revision

Here are some instructions to use the card with rock pi 4:

  1. Install Debian (u/p:rock/rock)
  2. Install mraa library:
  3. Turn on the I2C port sudo nano boot/hw_intfc.conf | turn on i2c7
  4. Install build tools: sudo apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-dev python-smbus git
  5. Get the repository: ~$ git clone
  6. Because the rockpi use different I2C port than Raspberri Pi, change "/dev/i2c-1" with "/dev/i2c-7" in ioplus-rpi/src/comm.c
  7. cd ioplus-rpi/
  8. Install the ioplus command line interface: ~/ioplus-rpi$ sudo make install
  9. Connect the card and test the software, ioplus -list should return the cards connected to the ROCK PI and ioplus will give you the list of the available commands
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