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Identity wallet mobile

The React Native mobile application for SelfKey.

Setup dev environment

There are some differences to setup iOS and Android environments, but for both envs you need to have the following:

  • Node 10.16
  • Yarn 1.18.0


Setting up the Android environment is support by MacOS, linux and windows. You need the following:

  • Android SDK
  • Android Studio


Setting up the iOS environment is just supported by MacOS, linux and windows are unable to compile and execute iOS projects. You need the following:

  • xCode 10.3

How to run

All the commands must be executed from the root directory and it requires you development environment to be already setup.

Android (Emulator)

  • Open the android emulator
  • yarn start
  • yarn android

iOS (Emulator)

  • yarn start
  • yarn ios --simulator "iPhone 11"

Android (Real Device)

  • yarn start
  • yarn android

iOS (Real device)

  • yarn start
  • yarn ios