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Tic Tac Toe 2.0

We want to bring the pen-and-paper game Tic-tac-toe to the digital age, but with a little twist: the size of the playfield should be configurable between 3x3 and 10x10. And we also want the symbols (usually O and X) to be configurable. Also it should be for 3 players instead of just 2.

This program created based on Metronom home assignment task for the hiring process.


All the classes inside this program are created to be testable, readable and maintainable and the program itself is easy to deploy. Followings are the packages and layers of the program:

  • entity package is the lowest layer of the program and it's classes does not know anything about the other layers. They have no dependencies to other layers and others are depended on them. That is the deepest layer of the business and changing it must happen rarely.

  • controller package is the middle layer that depends on the business and does not know anything about the higher ones. Classes in this layer created in a way that we can test them easily. We can change these classes simpler than business layer. Just we have to know that the ui layer is depended to this and if we change this layer, we have to change the ui too.

  • ui layer is the highest layer that depends on almost everything and we can change it easily because no layer is depended on it. We have a simple CommandLineUserInterface inside this package and we can implement any type of user interfaces without a need to change other layers. We can implement a SwingUserInterface or WebUserInterface without going deep inside the other layers.

  • We have two common packages that we may use their classes everywhere. exceptions and lang packages have no logic inside them and they are just message and exception providers.

Design Patterns

  • Board is implemented according to Singleton pattern.
  • CommandLineUserInterface is implemented according to Singleton pattern.
  • Player is implemented according to Builder pattern.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Read the deployment section for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You need followings to build the program:

  • Latest version of Gradle
  • JDK 1.8+

You need followings to run the program:

  • JVM 1.8+ or JDK 1.8+


First of all run following commands to build the project:

git clone
cd tic-tac-toe
gradle installDist

Now you have the final build inside the following directory:


Now you can run the project using following command:

cd build/install/tic-tac-toe/bin

or simply

cd build/install/tic-tac-toe/bin
java -jar tic-tac-toe.jar

You can pass the configuration file path to the jar file like this:

java -jar tic-tac-toe.jar PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE

otherwise, the application will use the file that exists inside the conf directory.


Copy the tic-tac-toe directory from build/install to where ever you want to deploy the build. This directory is the final runnable version of project.

Built With

  • Gradle - Dependency Management
