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Nodes class

Overview: The Nodes class represents nodes in a system (list of node), where each node is a dictionary with specific attributes such as id, generation units, load units, and transmission lines.


  • id (int): The unique identifier for the node.
  • generationUnits (GenerationUnits): All the generation units located at this node.
  • loadUnits (LoadUnits): All the load units located at this node.
  • transmissionLines (list of TransmissionLine): All the transmission lines located at this node.


  • add_node(id: int, generationUnits: GenerationUnits, loadUnits: LoadUnits, transmissionLines: list): Adds a new node to the system with the specified attributes.

GenerationUnits Class

Overview: The GenerationUnits class represents generation units in the system (list of generation unit). Each generation unit is defined by attributes such as id, node id, unit type, cost, maximum and minimum power, availability, ramp up, ramp down, and initial production.


  • unit_id (int): The unique identifier for the generation unit.
  • node_id (int): The id of the node where the generation unit is located.
  • unit_type (str): The type of the generation unit.
  • cost (float): The cost of the generation unit.
  • pmax (float): The maximum power output of the generation unit.
  • pmin (float): The minimum power output of the generation unit.
  • availability (list): The availability of the generation unit.
  • ramp_up (float): The ramp-up rate of the generation unit.
  • ramp_down (float): The ramp-down rate of the generation unit.
  • prod_init (float): The initial production of the generation unit.


  • add_unit(unit_id: int, node_id: int, unit_type: str, cost: float, pmax: float, pmin: float, availability: list, ramp_up: float, ramp_down: float, prod_init: float): Adds a new generation unit to the system with the specified attributes.
  • add_constructed_unit(unit: dict): Adds a generation unit already defined in another GenerationUnits instance.
  • export_to_json(): Exports generation units data to a JSON file for data visualization.

LoadUnits Class

Overview: The LoadUnits class represents load units in the system (list of load unit). Each load unit is defined by attributes such as id, node id, bid price, load percentage, and needed demand over 24 hours.


  • load_id (int): The unique identifier for the load unit.
  • node_id (int): The id of the node where the load unit is located.
  • bid_price (float): The bid price to be fixed for the load unit.
  • load_percentage (float): The percentage of the load unit.
  • total_needed_demand (np.array): An array of shape (24,) with the system demand of the unit load (in MW).


  • add_unit(load_id: int, node_id: int, bid_price: float, load_percentage: float, total_needed_demand: np.array): Adds a new load unit to the system with the specified attributes.
  • add_constructed_unit(unit: dict): Adds a load unit already defined in another LoadUnits instance.
  • export_to_json(): Exports load units data to a JSON file for data visualization.

Transmission Class

Overview: The TransmissionLine class represents a transmission line between two nodes. It includes attributes such as from_node, to_node, susceptance, and capacity.


  • from_node (int): The id of the first node (where the transmission line originates).
  • to_node (int): The id of the second node (where the transmission line terminates).
  • susceptance (float): The susceptance of the transmission line.
  • capacity (float): The capacity of the transmission line.


  • __init__(from_node: int, to_node: int, susceptance: float, capacity: float): Initializes a new TransmissionLine instance.


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