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These 100 days will exclusively focus on the state of the art Machine learning and Deep Learning Models and Implementation of Research papers.


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Day 1 (25-03-20) : Binary Classification

Day 2 (26-03-20) : Multi-class Classification

Day 3 (27-03-20) : Neural Style Transfer

  • Runs on custom Image with an custom filter
  • The model is uses characters of one Image as a filter
  • Tweaked the loss function to compute better results

Day 4 (28-03-20) : Binary Person Classifier

Day 5 (29-03-20) : Mathematics for ML

Day 6 (30-03-20) : Keras Implementation of Custom Layer

Day 7 (31-03-20) : Custom model for cifar10

Day 8 (01-04-20) : Music Generation using RNN

Day 9 (02-04-20) : Customized Music Generation

Day 10 (03-04-20) : CNN on MNIST dataset

Day 11 (04-04-20) : Variational Autoencoder

  • Build a facial detection model that learns form latent variables underlying face image dataset
  • Adaptively re-sample the training data
  • Mitigating any biases that may be present in order to train a debiased model

Day 12 (05-04-20) : Optimized Variational Autoencoder

Day 13 (06-04-20) : Cartpole through Reinforcement Learning

Day 14 (07-04-20) : Pong with AI

  • Implemented a Reinforcement learning AI which plays PONG and beats the CPU
  • Pong being one the most complex games the model is trained over 2000 iterations and effective reward system.
  • Training took 6 hours on google colab.
  • Further optimization required!

Day 15 (08-04-20) : Enchanced Pong

Day 16 (09-04-20) : Papers and Papers

  • Read about CGAN and its effectiveness on Face aging models.
  • Read about CartoonGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Photo Cartoonization.
  • Reads about Autoencoders and theirs differences with VAE.

Day 17 (10-04-20) :Conditional Generative Adversarial Network

  • Trained a CGAN for MNIST for 40k iterations
  • Archieved discriminator accuracy of 72% and reduced Generator accuracy to 24%
  • cgan_mnist labels for generated images: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5]

Day 18 (11-04-20) : Custom CGAN

  • Customized model with better results
  • Improved accuracy with hyper parameter tuning and increased training iterations
  • Experimented with the weights
    [discriminator loss: 0.461816, acc: 0.734375] [adversarial loss: 1.522949, acc: 0.375000]
    [discriminator loss: 0.475403, acc: 0.796875] [adversarial loss: 1.922817, acc: 0.156250]
    [discriminator loss: 0.500307, acc: 0.765625] [adversarial loss: 2.060154, acc: 0.156250]
    [discriminator loss: 0.544482, acc: 0.750000] [adversarial loss: 1.687811, acc: 0.187500]
  • Model Link ~

Day 19 (12-04-20) : Basic Flutter

  • Completed 6 sections of appbrewery course on flutter
  • Implemented basic card app with proper User interface
  • Added multiple attributes and adjusted their display.

Day 20 (13-04-20) : Flutter Realtime Object Detection using tflite

  • Flutter app for object detection through camera with accurate estimate of object and their pose.
  • Works with models such as ssd-mobilenet, yolo, mobilenet and poseNet.
  • Completed 2 sections of appbrewery course on flutter
  • Got some really interesting results.

Day 21 (14-04-20) : Flutter Dice App

  • Flutter app for dice using Flatbottons and generating random values with random library of dart.
  • User friendly and can be integrated in many games.
  • Completed 2 sections of appbrewery course on flutter

Day 22 (15-04-20) : Mathematics for ML

  • Revised some concepts of numpy, pandas with Statistics.
  • Built an basic OCR for Image Detection which is going to be used for Document Detection.
  • Some major concepts of VAE in Deep learning through CMU Introduction to Deep Learning 12.

Day 23 (16-04-20) :Camera/Gallery Plugin Flutter

  • Built a flutter app that uses camera or gallery image as input.
  • Displays the selected real time or previously clicked image on the home page.
  • Further going to add some filters on the image using flutter ML toolkit.

Day 24 (17-04-20) : Revision of Machine Learning

Day 25 (18-04-20) : Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset

Day 26 (19-04-20) : SHALA2020 ASST on Data Science

Day 27 (20-04-20) : Planer Data Classification

Day 28 (21-04-20) : Deep Neural Network Application

Day 29 (22-04-20) : Data Visualisations

Day 30 (23-04-20) : Improving Deep Neural Networks

Day 31 (24-04-20) : Optimization Methods

Day 32 (25-04-20) : ML Statistics

  • Studied Probabiltity Density Distribution and implement pdf on exponential function.
  • Defined the likelihood and log-likehood of the two samples with lambda=1 and lambda=2
  • Calculated the T statistic using the degrees of freedom
  • Compared the critical value with the T statistics and evaluated whether null Hypothesis is accepted.
  • Model Link ~

Day 33 (26-04-20) : Attrition for the employees

  • Implemented a model to predict the attrition of Employees using Random Forest Classifier, XG Boost, Gradient Boosting.
  • Compared their results,f1 score, percision value and ROC curve for all the three classifiers.
  • Gradient Boost works best on the given dataset with 86% test accuracy whereas RFC gives 77% and XG Boost gives 84%.
  • Here is the ROC curve for Gradient Boost
  • Model Link ~

Day 34 (27-04-20) : Worked on Sign Dataset with tensorflow

Day 35 (28-04-20) : Structuring Machine Learning Projects

  • Complete the course 'Structuring Machine Learning Projects' by Andrew NG under
  • The course consists of 2 Week lectures followed by quiz which tests the approach one needs to go through while implementing the model, studying the overfitting problem, judging variance and bias under training and testing with their solutions

Day 36 (29-04-20) : Decision Trees on Titanic Dataset

  • Preprocessed the data while dealing with missing values under Age, Cabin and Embarked. Label encoded some of the values then procceded with the model
  • Implemented a model to predict the Survival of a person using Random Forest Classifier, XG Boost, Gradient Boosting,Decision Tree Classifier and Logistic Regression.
  • Compared their results,f1 score, percision value and ROC curve for all the three classifiers.
  • XG Boost works best on the given dataset with 87% test accuracy whereas RFC gives 83% and Gradient Boost gives 83%. Decision Tree classifier gives 83 and LR gaves 82.
  • The Ruc of the dataset is 88.25 and XG Boost works pretty close.
  • Here is the ROC curve for XG Boost

  • Model Link ~

Day 37 (30-04-20) : Convolutional Neural Networks: Step by Step

Day 38 (01-05-20) : Residual Networks

Day 39 (02-05-20) : Autonomous_driving_application_Car_detection

Day 40 (03-05-20) : Art Generation using Neural Networks

Day 41 (04-05-20) : Facial Recognition

Day 42 (05-05-20) : Papers on Pose Detection and Sentiment Analysis

  • Read some papers on Implementing Pose detection with tensorflow Framework and TensorRT support.
  • Pose Detection using models such as Random Forest and Logistic Regression
  • Looking forward implmenting them.


These 100 days will exclusively focus on the state of the art Machine learning and Deep Learning Models and Implementation of Research papers.








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