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Saket Upadhyay

What The Fermium?

Well this might be little awkward if you are here unintentionally, you have just landed on my website's github repo. and might come across some scary backend files, like the unmanaged wires behind shining neon lights.

By the way, Fermium (Fm) is a radio active element in periodic table with atomic number 100 (actinide series), and 1.3 Electronegativity. Just in case you actually wanted to know and don't give a Fermium about my website.


Well, you can roam around if you want, see the raw code and all, if you are into that kind of stuff (<_<) ... or see the better, well-laid-out version online @

PSSSTTT... Also feel free to suggest any positive corrections and modifications if you want to, I always appreciate different point of views. (^_^)