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Lifecycle: stable

The goal of the StratiRandom R/Shiny app is to stratify and randomize sample sequences based on the Bioconductor R package OSAT published by Yan, L., Ma, C., Wang, D. et al. OSAT: a tool for sample-to-batch allocations in genomics experiments. BMC Genomics 13, 689 (2012)

A online R/Shiny version of this app is also available at


Following packages must be installed in R to run the scripts

  • OSAT (Bioconductor)
  • tidyverse (CRAN)
  • shiny (CRAN)

Run the Shiny App

Open the script Shiny_stratiRand_20221004_v6.R and click on the 'Run App' button.

Report Bugs and Contribute

Submit a Github Issue or Pull request


  • Ji Shan Shan (lsijish @

Code of Conduct

Please note that the StratiRandom project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.