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Ancient Adventure

Ancient Adventure is a discord bot that is based off of text adventure games.

This was created for the 2021 MLH PreHackstoric Hackathon.



We wanted to create a unique project that allowed us to pool our collective knowledge, so we could all equally contribute to the project and hopefully learn some new skills from one another!

What it does

Our project is a Discord bot based Text Adventure game. The player will have a thrilling story about escaping an unknown building they have been thrust into.

How to use it

Create an application in the Discord Developer portal, create a bot, add it to a server, and then copy the bot token into a file called secret.txt in the same directory as Run

How we built it

Our project is built upon python, we utilize the library to create the bot features. We are utilizing a Linode Cloud VM to host our CockroachDB Database with a Domain for easy access, a Google Cloud Linux VM is hosting our project/hackathon website utilizing a GoDaddy Registry domain, and Replit to host our code base and was what enabled us to easily collaborate.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into a few issues and quickly ran into walls early on, one of the biggest was wanting the project to be larger than what we had time for. We have a few features that would have been cherries on-top that we were unable to implement.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are super proud of our collaboration efforts and how well we all worked together. We were able to utilize everyone's skills to create what we think is a pretty cool and unique short story text adventure.

What we learned


"Through out the process of this project, I learned an insane amount about Python and the library. One of my biggest takeaways is sometimes you need to take a step back when you encounter an issue, and redefine the problem... Sometimes the tools are already there for you, you just need to come at the issue from a different angle to reach that realization."


"Coming in late, I really only helped with debugging and trying to find any kinks in the code. In this process I learned a lot about how a discord bot functions and what goes into creating one since I’ve never done that before. I also created the video that was submitted."


"It's been a perfect first hackathon for me, got a lot of exposure from my peers, realized how useful python is and got to observe how a bot functions and different sectors involved. Got a lot of exposure making the website's frontend."


"I was responsible for the Linode server that ran our cockroachDB instance (making our database impervious to asteroid strikes), registering for hosting the server, and writing all the database code. Being my first hackathon, I feel like I learned a lot about how not to do things which will help in the future."

What's next for Ancient Adventure

We all hope that we can hopefully get together and work on some of the more advanced features we were hoping we would have to time complete. We are also hoping we can all hopefully get together for another hackathon sometime soon since we all worked so well together!