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Duduf edited this page Aug 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Automations, automatic animations, dynamics, physics, procedural animation.

Duik includes a lot of tools to help animators deal with simple or common animations, to make them quicker and focus more on complex character animation.

  • The "List" divides a property into several same properties, which can be mixed using a weight. This is a simple way to add several automations to the same property, or use some kind of "Animation Layer".
  • The "Effector" is a way to control properties depending on a spatial effector.
  • The "Wiggle" makes the properties... wiggle.
  • The "Spring" will add "follow through"/"overlap"/"overshot" to your animations and it is able to animate automatic bounces.
  • The "Swing" can be used to animate a regular swing. For example, the regular blinking of a light or a pendulum.
  • Use the "Blink" to make a property switch regularly between to states, without interpolation.
  • The "Wheel" automates the rotation of the layer depending on its translations.
  • The "Move Away" tool will add a simple cursor which controls the position of the layer. This cursor will control the distance between the layer and its parent.
  • The "Random" tool is able to randomize all kind of things (property values, keyframe times, layer times...)
  • Use the "Paint Rig" to rig brush strokes in the paint effect and adjust and animate them as if they were a single stroke.
  • The "Walk Cycle" is the first comprehensive procedural animation available in Duik.
  • Use the "Looper" to add in and out loops to the animations.
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