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This Django and Django REST Framework-based Vendor Management System is designed to streamline the management of vendor profiles, track purchase orders, and calculate vendor performance metrics. This system allows users to create, update, and delete vendor profiles, manage purchase orders, and evaluate vendor performance based on various metrics.

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Django REST API Setup

This repository contains a Django project with a RESTful API using Django REST Framework.


  • Python (version 3.x recommended)
  • Django
  • Django REST Framework

Setup Instructions

Install Dependencies:

  • pip install django
  • pip install djangorestframework

Set up a new project with a single application

  • django-admin startproject Vendor_management_system
  • cd Vendor
  • django-admin startapp Vendor

Database migration

  • python makemigrations
  • python migrate

Superuser creation and Token generation

  • python createsuperuser

Running the server

  • python runserver

Access Django Admin:

Open the Django admin at and log in using the superuser credentials. this is to access the database as a admin user.

how to run a api endpoint:

  • first we need to make sure that we migrated the models to database
  • then we need to start the server using "python runserver" command.
  • then we need to open another cmd prompt and open virtual environment and open the project folder and provide curl or httpie commands.

Testing or Using the API endpoints.

  • we can test API endpoints using curl or httpie commands.

Create a vendor:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to create a vendor by providing the vendor details.

List all Vendors details:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of all vendors.

Retrieve a specific vendor's details:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of vendor with vendor_id which was mentioned in the command.

Update a vendor's details:

using httpie:

PUT method:

PATCH method:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint we have two commands with different http methods (PUT,PATCH).As we have a primary key in the model the PUT method works as POST method (which means it creates a new vendor with given details). The PATCH method is used to update the vendor's details except vendor's id. here PUT handles updates by replacing the entire entity, so it creates a new entity. but where the PATCH handles by only updating the given fields.

Delete a vendor:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to delete the vendor with given vendor_id.

Create a purchase_order:

using httpie:

  • http POST po_number="01" vendor=01 order_date="2023-01-01" delivery_date="2023-01-10" items='[{"item_name": 20 }]' quality_rating=4.5 issue_date="2023-01-01" status="Pending" acknowledgment_date="2023-01-02"

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to create a purchase_order with given details.

List all purchase_orders details:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of all purchase_orders.

Retrieve a specific purchase_order's details:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of purchase_order with given po_id.

Update a purchase_order's details:

using httpie:

PUT method:

  • http PUT{po_id}/ po_number="UpdatedPO001" vendor="updatedid" order_date="2023-01-02T12:00:00" delivery_date="2023-01-15T12:00:00" items:='[{"item_name": 20 }]' quality_rating:=4.8 issue_date="2023-01-01" status="updated" acknowledgment_date="2023-01-02"

PATCH method:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint we have two commands with different http methods (PUT,PATCH).As we have a primary key in the model the PUT method works as POST method (which means it creates a new purchase_order with given details). The PATCH method is used to update the purchase_order's details except purchase_order's number. here PUT handles updates by replacing the entire entity, so it creates a new entity. but where the PATCH handles by only updating the given fields.(we can provide any no of fields in PATCH mathod.)

Delete a purchase_order:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to delete a purchase_order with given po_id.

Retrieve a vendor's performance metrics:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to retrieve the performance metrics of a vendor with given vendor_id. this performance metrics contains on_time Delivery rate, quality rating average, average response time, fulfilment rate
  • On time delivery rate is calculated each time a PO status changes to "completed". this is the average of no of po delivered before the delivery_date and no of total po's delivered.
  • quality rating average is calculated after every po completion and it is the average of all ratings given to that specific vendor.
  • average response time is calculated each time a po is acknowledged by the vendor. it is the time difference between issue_date and acknowledgment_date for each po, and then the average of these times for all po's of the vendor.
  • fulfillment rate is calculated when po status is set to "completed". this is the average of no of successfully fulfilled pos (status = "completed" without issues) by the total no of pos issued to the vendor.

Update acknowledgment_data and trigger the recalculation of average_response_time:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to acknowledge the purchase_order with given po_id and trigger the recalculation of average_reponse_time.


This Django and Django REST Framework-based Vendor Management System is designed to streamline the management of vendor profiles, track purchase orders, and calculate vendor performance metrics. This system allows users to create, update, and delete vendor profiles, manage purchase orders, and evaluate vendor performance based on various metrics.







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