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This is an analysis on using regression on Air quality dataset.

Dataset info

  • apparentTemperature - The apparent (“feels like”) temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
  • Cloud cover - The percentage of sky occluded by clouds
  • dewPoint - Temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapour
  • humidity - The relative humidity
  • icon - A machine-readable text summary
  • ozone - The columnar density of total atmospheric ozone
  • precipAccumulation - The amount of snowfall accumulation expected (If no snowfall is expected, this property will not be defined)
  • precipIntensity - The intensity (in inches of liquid water per hour) of precipitation
  • precipProbability - The probability of precipitation occurring
  • precipType - The type of precipitation (if there is any)
  • pressure - The sea-level air pressure in millibars
  • summary - A human-readable text summary of this data point
  • temperature - The air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
  • time - The UNIX time at which this data point begins
  • uvIndex - The UV index
  • Visibility - The average visibility in miles
  • windBearing - The direction that the wind is coming from in degrees with true north at 0° and progressing clockwise
  • windGust - The wind gust speed in miles per hour
  • windSpeed - The time at which the maximum wind gust speed occurs during the day
  • PM10 - (target) Atmospheric particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 10 micrometres


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