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A simple, lightweight Lua library for easily building metatables.


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Metatable Creators

Metatable Creators is a lightweight, brutally simple library for creating metatables in Lua.


Meta Creators can be installed from lit using

lit install RiskoZoSlovenska/meta-creators

Coming to LuaRocks soon™.

Once installed, it can be required using

local meta = require("meta-creators")


The library was born from the desire to avoid this kind of code:

-- Very specific use case which requires an auto-2D table, where both the main table itself and any subtables are weak-keyed
local WEAK_META = {__mode = "k"}
local MAIN_META = {
	__index = function(tbl, key)
		local new = setmetatable({}, WEAK_META)
		tbl[key] = new
		return new
	__mode = "k",

local someTable = setmetatable({}, MAIN_META)

With Meta Creators, the above can be condensed down to

local creator = meta.Combined(

local someTable = creator:create()

Using some convenience shortcuts, it can be compacted even further:

local creator = meta.A2D(meta.W("k")) .. meta.W("k")

local someTable = creator:create()


Creator Objects

This library is based around Creator objects. These objects are extremely simple:


Name Type Description
meta table The metatable that this Creator will use when creating new objects
base table or nil An optional table structure template that this Creator will use for creating new objects
useProxy boolean Whether this creator operates using proxies. See Proxied Tables.

Note: The identities of the tables in the meta and base properties are undefined - that is, they may be the same tables that were passed to constructors and/or they may be shared across multiple Creators. Thus, 1) don't modify tables after you've passed them to constructors and 2) don't modify the properties of existing Creators. The former limitation will likely be lifted sometime in the future.



Parameter Type Optional
base table ✔️

If the base argument is non-nil, the creator's meta field will be set as its metatable and be it will be returned. Otherwise, if the creator's base property is not nil, it will be deepcopied, the meta field set as its metatable and returned. Otherwise, returns a new empty table with the meta field set as its metatable.

Returns: table


Parameter Type
... Creator

Creates a new Creator via the Combined constructor, using itself and any other arguments as arguments for the constructor.

Returns: Creator

creator1:combine(creator2, creator3)
-- is the equivalent of
Combined(creator1, creator2, creator3)


Overload for the .. concat operator. Behaves identically to :combine().

creator1 .. creator2
-- is the equivalent of


Creator objects are created using constructors provided by the module. These are:

Creator(meta, base, isProxied)

Aliases: None

Parameter Type Optional
meta table
base table ✔️
useProxy boolean ✔️

Creates a new Creator with the provided meta and base fields. This is the most fundamental constructor, and is used by all others. By default, base is nil and useProxy is false.


Aliases: B

Parameter Type Optional
base table

Creates a new Creator with an empty table meta and a base.


Aliases: C

Parameter Type Optional
... Creator

Creates a new Creator by merging the metas of the provided creators (newer fields overwrite old fields) and taking the newest non-nil base.

	Creator({__index = func1, __mode = "k"}),
	Creator({}, {123, 456})
	Creator({__index = func2}, {1, 2, 3}),
-- is the equivalent of
	{__index = func2, __mode = "k"},
	{1, 2, 3}


Aliases: W

Parameter Type Optional
mode One of "k", "v", or "kv"

Creates a new Creator with a metatable that has the __mode method set to the provided mode.


Aliases: A0

Creates a new Creator with a metatable so that indexing non-existing elements returns a 0. Useful for frequency tables.

local freq = Auto0():create() -- freq is {}

print(freq[1]) -- Prints 0; freq is still {}

freq.hi = freq.hi + 1 -- freq is now {["hi"] = 1}


Aliases: A2D

Parameter Type Optional
sub Creator ✔️

Creates a new Creator with a metatable so that indexing non-existing elements creates and returns a new table at the accessed index. Optionally, sub may be provided to act as a provider for new sub-tables. Otherwise, plain empty tables are used.

local twoD = Auto2D():create() -- twoD is {}

print(#twoD[2]) -- Prints 0; twoD is now {nil, {}}

table.insert(twoD[1], "hello") -- twoD is now {{"hello"}, {}}

Proxied(meta, base)

Aliases: None

Parameter Type Optional
meta table
base table ✔️

Creates a new Creator with isProxied set to true. The metatable passed to the new creator is modified so that any functions are called with an extra leading argument, that being the real table (not the proxy). See Proxied Tables.


Aliases: RO

Creates a new Creator that creates proxied tables that can be read from, but writing to throws an error.

local readOnly = ReadOnly():create({1, 2, 3})

print(readOnly[2]) -- 2
print(#readOnly) -- 3
readOnly[2] = 4 -- error: cannot write to read-only table

Proxied Tables

Some metatable effects require proxies, such as read-only tables (since to invoke the __index and __newindex metamethods, the queried index has to be nil). Meta Creators supports this via the useProxy parameter provided by the Creator() constructor. When it is set to a truthy value, Creator:create() creates two tables: a "real" table just like it does normally, and an empty proxy table. The proxy table has its metatable set and is returned, while the "real" table is stored behind the scenes.

To facilitate writing metamethods for proxy tables, the Proxied() constructor exists. It is similar to Creator(), except:

  • useProxy is true
  • functions in the provided meta table are wrapped to receive an extra leading argument - the real table.

To give an example:

local readOnly = ReadOnly():create({1, 2, 3})
-- readOnly is now a proxy table ({}), while the real table ({1, 2, 3}) is hidden

-- This is the __index metamethod that ReadOnly() passed to Proxied()
__index = function(tbl, proxy, key)
	-- tbl is the real, hidden table ({1, 2, 3}) and proxy is the same table as in the readOnly variable ({})
	return tbl[key]

Custom Constructors

Sometimes, the default constructors provided by Meta Creators won't be sufficient for your exact use case, but creating your own isn't difficult. It can be done using the provided createConstructor(constructor) function. The only argument constructor is a function what will be called when then resulting constructor is called; it may accept any parameters, and should return a table (the resulting Creator). Note that the resulting Creator will have its metatable set after it's returned.

As an example, the Auto0() constructor is defined as:

local AUTO_0_META = {__index = function() return 0 end}
local Auto0 = createConstructor(function()
	return Creator(AUTO_0_META)


A simple, lightweight Lua library for easily building metatables.







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