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Installation on MacOS

엉클배(배기도) edited this page Oct 20, 2018 · 5 revisions

Install JDK

Linux 32-bit installation instructions

Linux 64-bit installation instructions

Create directory for Red5

sudo mkdir -p ~/Documents/tools/red5-server

Set environment variable for Red5

cd ~/
vi .bash_profile
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`  <-- ` is not a Apostrophe. It's a Grave.
export RED5_HOME=~/Documents/tools/red5-server
source .bash_profile

Get the latest tarball for Red5

  • Browse to Red5 Server Releases
  • Scroll to "Latest Release"
  • Download the tar.gz
  • Copy to RED5_HOME
  • Expand the tarball

red5-server v1.0.9-RELEASE tar

red5-server v1.0.9-RELEASE zip

Start the server

./ start

Stop the server

./ stop

Restart the server

./ restart

Trouble shotting "/usr/bin/jsvc: No such file or directory"

If you meet an error message like this.

~Documents/tools/red5-server/red5: line 75: /usr/bin/jsvc: No such file or directory

You must install jsvc

brew install jsvc

If you don't have Homebrew yet. Please visit Homebrew site and install Homebrew.

and then fix jsvc path in red5 file

vi red5

Comment and add new command like this.

# The path to Jsvc
EXEC="$which jsvc"

Trouble shooting "Cannot locate Java Home"

Fix java home path in red5 file.

vi red5

Comment JAVA_HOME in red5 file, because you already define in your .bash_profile .

# The path to the folder containing the java runtime
# JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/default-java"

Check RED5-Server

If you can read this page it means that the Red5 server installed at this site is working properly.


Please enjoy RED5.