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A self-evident application of the VQA task is to design systems that aid blind people with sight reliant queries. The VizWiz VQA dataset originates from images and questions compiled by members of the visually impaired community and as such, highlights some of the challenges presented by this particular use case.


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Cross Attention with Self Attention for VizWiz-VQA

Visual Question Answering is a machine comprehension challenge, wherein, provided a natural language question about an image, the system autonomously infers a natural language answer for the posed question.

A self-evident application of the VQA task is to design systems that aid blind people with sight reliant queries. The VizWiz VQA dataset originates from images and questions compiled by members of the visually impaired community and as such, highlights some of the challenges presented by this particular use case

  • the pictures taken are often of low quality - the image might be too blurry or too dark making the image incomprehensible
  • The object of interest might also be out of frame of the image causing the question to seem unrelated to the image presented.
  • The questions asked tend to be incomplete or conversational in nature as they are transcriptions of recorded vocal questions.

Our model addresses these challenges by employing a hybrid attention mechanism that involves both intermodal attention and intramodal attention.

  • Cross attention between the modalities effectively captures visual-semantic relationships between the given image and question, making the model more adept at recognizing unanswerable image-question pairs.
  • Self attention helps the model glean more intramodal information within the question space - inconsequential conversational phrases are given less attention, thereby improving question comprehension.

Presented our work as a poster at 2021 VizWiz Grand Challenge Workshop

Deep Attention Network Architecture


Results on the on the test-dev split of the Vizwiz dataset after training the model for 50 epochs on both the train and eval data splits:

Model Name Overall Accuracy
Cross Attention 52.53
Self Attention 52.86
Cross + Self Attention 53.19


  • A Faster-RCNN model pre-trained on the Visual Genome dataset is used to obtain the image feature vector and a unidirectional single layer LSTM network is used to obtain the question feature vector.
  • Multimodal fusion is done via a deep network implementing self attention and cross attention networks.
    • Self attention is applied only on the question feature vector.
    • Cross attention is applied on a matrix that encodes the similarity between every object in the image and every word in the question, in-order to model their inter-relationships.
  • The answer representation r is just the concatenation of the attended feature vectors.
  • A simple two layer MLP is used to classify the unifed answer representation into one of the answers in the candidate answer set.

Implementaton details -

  1. The fixed number of objects in the image (K) is 36.
  2. The fixed number of objects in the image (L) is 26, longer word length is used to accomodate longer-conversational questions.
  3. The dimension of the object features is 2048.
  4. The hidden size of the LSTM is 1024.
  5. The set of answer candidates is created from all the correct answers that appear more than 4 times in the training and validation splits (The set size is 2770).
  6. Adamax optimizer is used for training, with the batch size as 256. For the learning rate, we employ a warm-up strategy for the initial epochs and a decay for the final epochs.

Steps to Run

Preprocessed data can be downloaded from tools/

Training the model:

python --number_of_epochs=70 --use_train_and_val --add_self_attention=True --save_folder=save_folder/SelfCoAttModel

Find a pretrained model here (70 epochs - both train and val splits).

Obtaining the predications for the test split (use the same flags!):

python  --use_train_and_val --add_self_attention=True--save_folder=<path_to_save_folder>  --snapshot_path=<path_to_trained_model>

Running the model against the eval split:

python --use_train_and_val --add_self_attention=True --save_folder=<path_to_save_folder>  --snapshot_path=<path_to_trained_model>

To run the demo:

  • Add your images to static/img.
  • Use a pretrained bottom-up attention model to extract image features and save them in data/Bottom-up-features-fixed/demo36.hdf5.
  • Use the UI to ask questions on the fly.


A self-evident application of the VQA task is to design systems that aid blind people with sight reliant queries. The VizWiz VQA dataset originates from images and questions compiled by members of the visually impaired community and as such, highlights some of the challenges presented by this particular use case.








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