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Ben Stabler edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 15 revisions


For the period of StartDateEndDate, RSG will ensure the current published version of Daysim continues to run to completion with agency supplied Daysim inputs and produces reasonable outputs as determined by RSG, in accordance with the following terms and conditions (the “Maintenance Services”). RSG will also provide technical support as described below.

Maintenance Services

Agency agrees to supply a working snapshot of its Daysim inputs for the Daysim test system. Agency grants RSG access to these Daysim inputs for RSG to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Failure to provide requisite access shall be a breach of this Agreement by agency and shall release RSG from any further obligations under this Agreement.

RSG shall provide agency with any updates or upgrades to Daysim or to documentation regarding Daysim during the term of this Agreement. Agency acknowledges that Updates and Upgrades to Daysim may not produce identical results since often Updates and Upgrades are expected to produce different results.

Agency acknowledge and agrees that RSG has no obligation to provide Updates or Upgrades with features requested by agency, and RSG has no obligation to take into account agency's opinions relating to the timing or content of Upgrades.

Deliverable: RSG will ensure that the current published version of DaySim continues to run to completion with agency DaySim inputs and produces reasonable outputs as determined by RSG. Fixed fee, invoiced annually.

Technical Support

RSG shall provide up to 20 hours of appropriate staff support under this Agreement. Additional support hours can be added at regular RSG hourly rates.

Deliverable: RSG to provide hourly DaySim technical support as requested by agency not to exceed the fixed fee, invoiced annually.

Additional Work

This Agreement is limited in scope to the Maintenance Services and Technical Support. Additional work shall be separately contracted on a time-and-materials basis.


The Annual fee for this scope of work is available through your RSG contact.