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  • UE Plugin to handle arrays operations (sort, filter, match, range, clamp, random, average, min, max, normalize)
  • Use custom predicate function to sort or filter arrays (Int, Float, Byte, Integer64, String, Name, Vector, Object, Actor, Generic)
  • This is a blueprint library plugin
  • It exposes 60+ functions to handle arrays by value or by reference
  • Can be used in any blueprint


Link to the plugin in marketplace




Node Inputs Outputs Note
AverageInteger Array(Integer) Average(Float) Computes the average of an array
AverageFloat Array(Float) Average(Float) Computes the average of an array
AverageByte Array(Byte) Average(Byte) Computes the average of an array
AverageInteger64 Array(Integer64) Average(Integer64) Computes the average of an array



Node Inputs Outputs Note
MinimumIntegerIndex Array(Integer) Index(Integer) Returns the index of the minimum value in the array or -1
MinimumFloatIndex Array(Float) Index(Integer) Returns the index of the minimum value in the array or -1
MinimumByteIndex Array(Byte) Index(Byte) Returns the index of the minimum value in the array or -1
MinimumInteger64Index Array(Integer64) Index(Integer64) Returns the index of the minimum value in the array or -1



Node Inputs Outputs Note
MaximumIntegerIndex Array(Integer) Index(Integer) Returns the index of the maximum value in the array or -1
MaximumFloatIndex Array(Float) Index(Integer) Returns the index of the maximum value in the array or -1
MaximumByteIndex Array(Byte) Index(Byte) Returns the index of the maximum value in the array or -1
MaximumInteger64Index Array(Integer64) Index(Integer64) Returns the index of the maximum value in the array or -1



Node Inputs Outputs Note
MinMaxFloatNormalization Array(Float), Min(Float), Max(Float) Array(Float) Normalize the value of the array between min and max
MinMaxIntegerNormalization Array(Integer), Min(Integer), Max(Integer) Array(Integer) Normalize the value of the array between min and max
MinMaxByteNormalization Array(Byte), Min(Byte), Max(Byte) Array(Byte) Normalize the value of the array between min and max
MinMaxInteger64Normalization Array(Integer64), Min(Integer64), Max(Integer64) Array(Integer64) Normalize the value of the array between min and max

Reverse (by copy)


Node Inputs Outputs Note
ReverseArray Array(*) Array(*) Reverse a generic array by copy and return the reversed array



Node Inputs Outputs Note
SplitString String Array(String) Splits a string using a specific separator and return an array of strings
ToSet Array(*) Set(*) Converts a generic array to a new set (removes duplicate)



Node Inputs Outputs Note
ClampInteger Array(Integer), Min, Max Array(Integer) Returns a new array clamped using min and max value
ClampFloat Array(Float), Min, Max Array(Float) Returns a new array clamped using min and max value
ClampByte Array(Byte), Min, Max Array(Byte) Returns a new array clamped using min and max value
ClampInteger64 Array(Integer64), Min, Max Array(Integer64) Returns a new array clamped using min and max value
ClampVector Array(Vector), MinSize, MaxSize, Only2D Array(Vector) Returns a new array clamped using min and max value
ClampIntegerByRef Array(Integer), Min, Max void Updates the input array and clamp values using min and max value
ClampFloatByRef Array(Float), Min, Max void Updates the input array and clamp values using min and max value
ClampByteByRef Array(Byte), Min, Max void Updates the input array and clamp values using min and max value
ClampInteger64ByRef Array(Integer64), Min, Max void Updates the input array and clamp values using min and max value
ClampVectorRef Array(Vector), MinSize, MaxSize, Only2D void Updates the input array and clamp values using min and max value



Node Inputs Outputs Note
ExtractArray Array(*), StartIndex, EndIndex Array(*) Returns a subarray of the first generic array using start and end index



Node Inputs Outputs Note
RandomInteger Size, Min, Max Array(Integer) Returns a random array filled with value between min and max
RandomFloat Size, Min, Max Array(Float) Returns a random array filled with value between min and max
RandomVector Size, Min, Max Array(Vector) Returns a random array filled with value between min and max
RandomByte Size, Min, Max Array(Byte) Returns a random array filled with value between min and max
RandomBoolean Size Array(Boolean) Returns a random array filled with value
RandomInteger64 Size, Min, Max Array(Integer64) Returns a random array filled with value between min and max
PickRandomItem Array(*), Weights(Int) Item(*), Index(Int) Picks a random item in a generic array based on weights and returns it with its index



Node Inputs Outputs Note
SortInteger Array(Integer), IsAscending Array(Integer) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order
SortFloat Array(Float), IsAscending Array(Float) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order
SortByte Array(Byte), IsAscending Array(Byte) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order
SortInteger64 Array(Integer64), IsAscending Array(Integer64) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order
SortString Array(String), IsAscending Array(String) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order
SortName Array(Name), IsAscending Array(Name) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order
SortVector Array(Vector), Origin(Vector), IsAscending Array(Vector) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order based on Origin
SortActor Array(Actor), Origin(Actor), isAscending Array(Actor) Returns a copy of the array sorted by descending or ascending order based on distance to origin
SortIntegerByRef Array(Integer), IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order
SortFloatByRef Array(Float), IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order
SortByteByRef Array(Byte), IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order
SortInteger64ByRef Array(Integer64), IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order
SortStringByRef Array(String), IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order
SortNameByRef Array(Name), IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order
SortVectorByRef Array(Vector), Origin, IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order based on Origin
SortActorByRef Array(Actor), Origin(Actor), IsAscending void Sorts the input array by descending or ascending order based on distance to origin

Sort by predicate

Predicate Sort

Note v2: In order to sort by predicate you must create a functions by dragging the PredicateFunction pin and select create event, then create or select a matching function in the list

Note v1.1 and minor: In order to sort by predicate you must implement the ArrayComparator Interface and pass the object implementing this interface as input of the function (Context), the appropriate compare method will be called to perform the sort

Example Sort Example Sort

Node Inputs Outputs Note
PredicateSortInteger Array(Integer), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Integer) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortFloat Array(Float), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Float) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortByte Array(Byte), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Byte) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortInteger64 Array(Integer64), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Integer64) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortString Array(String), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(String) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortName Array(Name), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Name) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortVector Array(Vector),PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Vector) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortObject Array(Object), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Object) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortActor Array(Actor), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Actor) Returns a new array sorted using a custom predicate
PredicateSortIntegerByRef Array(Integer), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortFloatByRef Array(Float), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortByteByRef Array(Byte), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortInteger64ByRef Array(Integer64), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortStringByRef Array(String), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortNameByRef Array(Name), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortVectorByRef Array(Vector), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortObjectByRef Array(Object), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate
PredicateSortActorByRef Array(Actor), PredicateFunction, InvertResult void Sorts the input array using a custom predicate



Node Inputs Outputs Note
ClosestLocation Array(Vector), Origin(Vector) Closest(Vector), Distance, Index Return the closest vector to Origin, the distance, the index in array
FarthestLocation Array(Vector), Origin(Vector) Farthest(Vector), Distance, Index Return the farthest vector to Origin, the distance, the index in array
ClosestActor Array(Actor), Origin(Actor) Closest(Actor), Distance, Index Return the closest actor to Origin, the distance, the index in array
FarthestActor Array(Actor), Origin(Actor) Farthest(Actor), Distance, Index Return the farthest actor to Origin, the distance, the index in array



Node Inputs Outputs Note
FilterMatches Array(String), Pattern Found, Array(String) Returns an array containing strings that match the pattern (regex)
FilterMatch Array(String), Pattern Found, String, Index Returns the first string matching the pattern (regex) with its index

Filters by predicate

Predicate Filter

Note v2: In order to filter by predicate you must create a functions by dragging the PredicateFunction pin and select create event, then create or select a matching function in the list

Note v1.1 and minor : In order to filter by predicate you must implement the ArrayFilter Interface and pass the object implementing this interface as input of the function (Context), the appropriate filter method will be called to perform the filtering

Example Filter Example Filter

Node Inputs Outputs Note
PredicateFilterInteger Array(Integer), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Integer) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate
PredicateFilterFloat Array(Float), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Float) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate
PredicateFilterByte Array(Byte), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Byte) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate
PredicateFilterInteger64 Array(Integer64), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Integer64) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate
PredicateFilterString Array(String), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(String) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate
PredicateFilterName Array(Name), PredicateFunction, InvertResult Array(Name) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate
PredicateFilterVector Array(Vector), PredicateFunction Array(Vector) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate, InvertResult
PredicateFilterObject Array(Object), PredicateFunction Array(Object) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate, InvertResult
PredicateFilterActor Array(Actor), PredicateFunction Array(Actor) Returns a new array filtered using a custom predicate, InvertResult