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Student List Build Status

Used technologies

  1. Twitter Bootstrap
  2. Pimple dependency injection container
  3. Codeception testing PHP framework


  1. PHP >= 7.1
  2. MySQL/MariaDB
  3. Composer


  1. Use the git clone command to clone the repository
  2. Use the composer install command to install dependencies
  3. Import database students.sql on your database
  4. Change database settings in config/config_production.json
  5. Set public directory as a document root on your web server


  1. Set environment to testing in the config/config.json
  2. Create test database for tests
  3. Change configuration in the config/config_testing.json, codeception.yml and tests/*.suite.yml
$ codecept run


This application is licensed under the MIT license. For more information refer to License file.