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Lukas Cone edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 1 revision


Headers: in uni folder
Unit tests: uni_*.inl, test_uni.cpp

Set of abstract interfaces for polymorphic classes.
Contains python bindings and format codecs.


Headers: in formats folder
Unit tests: none

Set of headers for format structures and format codecs.


Set of helper modules for CMake.


Headers: binreader*.hpp, binwritter*.hpp
Unit Tests: reflector_bindump.inl, bincore.inl
Used in: Reflector

A set of classes, that helps with stream reading/writing.

Master Printer

Headers: master_printer.hpp
Unit Tests: test_base.cpp (kinda of)
Used in: Reflector

Global logger, that can log into a multiple places at the same time.
Can log from multiple threads at the same time.

Other modules

Allocator hybrid

Headers: allocator_hypbrid.hpp
Unit Tests: allocator_hypbrid.inl

A special allocator that allows stl classes to read from constant or already allocated space.

Deleter hybrid

Headers: deleter_hybrid.hpp
Unit Tests: none
Used in: uni::Element

A conditional deleter for smart pointers.


Headers: endian.hpp
Unit Tests: endian.inl

A fast endianness swapper with SFINAE integration.

File Info

Headers: fileinfo.hpp
Unit Tests: fileinfo.inl

Class for a filepath splitting.


Headers: flags.hpp
Unit Tests: flags.inl

Allows setting bit flags with ease.
Supports Reflector.


Headers: matrix44.hpp
Unit Tests: matrix44.inl

A SIMD transform 4x4 matrix.

Vector4 SIMD

Headers: vectors_simd.hpp
Unit Tests: vector_simd.inl
Used in: matrix44, float, simd block decompressors

A SIMD 4 component vector class for float and int.
Supports Reflector.

String View

Headers: string_view.hpp
Unit Tests: none

String view for C++11 standard.

Jenkins Hash

Headers: jenkinshash.hpp
Unit Tests: none
Used in: Reflector

Compile time Jenkins One at time hash class.