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Argument Cheatsheet

Evan Husted edited this page May 2, 2024 · 9 revisions

A command argument wrapped in {} means that it is required. If it is wrapped in [], then it is optional and can be omitted.

This is a list of common command arguments used inside of Volte's commands. Use this to understand exactly what you need to provide the bot!

  • String
    • A series of characters, usually enclosed in quotation marks ""; though this is typically not required for Volte commands.
  • Boolean
    • A true or false value. Can be provided as many other words, such as yes, enable, or even yeah for true; and no, disable, or nah for false. (There's more words available but this is just an example)
  • Ulong
  • Int
    • A 32-bit Integer. Just a standard number. Cannot be higher than 2147483647, as that is the limit for 32-bit integers.
  • RestUser
    • A Discord User obtained from REST (because they may not be in the Guild anymore). Can be provided via ID only, unless they're still in your client's cache, in which case you can mention them. If you're unsure, just stick to using an ID.
  • Member
    • A Discord User in a Guild context (aka Server Member). Can be provided via mention, user ID, username, nickname.
  • Role
    • A Discord Role. Can be provided via ID or name.
  • Channel
    • A Discord Text Channel. Can be provided via ID or name.
  • Color
    • A Discord Color. Can be provided via #hex code or an RGB value (separated by a single space).
  • Tag
    • A Volte Tag. Can only be provided via name.
  • Emote
    • A Discord Emote. Can be provided via using said emote.
  • Guild
    • A Discord Guild (Server). Typically used only in BotOwner commands. Can be provided via ID or name.
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