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Mateusz Donhefner edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 3 revisions

SocialKnow's Wiki

Polish Dev Team #1 is currently developing SocialKnow that is a web application project that is a social networking site with a knowledge base. It is not supposed to be another Facebook, but a web application designed to gather people interested in a specific field and provide them with functions such as:
  • knowledge base,
  • the ability to create lists and evaluate specialists in this field,
  • a list of proven specialist stores,
  • forum - with moderating options,
  • internal communicator,
  • section with events - information about events related to a given topic,
  • place for legal notes and regulations (portal regulations, GDPR, privacy policy).

The application is growing day by day and to facilitate cooperation for people who join or want to join, a wiki with a detailed description of the project has been created.

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