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A very simple pure js Table with typed columns, scrollable, sortable with a modal to update, create or delete the rows

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Here is a simple Table system with typed columns, scrollable, sortable, with a modal to enter or modify data.

06/13/2019 : Renamed to simpleTable

03/28/2017 : Added return false to my onclick events in the modal Make your own validation test for the modal with modalValidation() placeholder and maxlength support in the modal

03/26/2017 : Added checkbox support in the modal with header cb_list attribute

03/26/2017 : Added checkbox support in the modal with header cb_list attribute

03/25/2017 : Added drop down in the modal header list attribute

03/06/2017 : Modal position is kept throughout the session. A column can have 0px wide : invisible in table but show in modal and a type "protected" for readonly state in the modal.

03/04/2017 : Changed setAttributeNode to setAttribute to ensure IE 11 compatibility dropped "use strict" for the moment because of IE11

03/03/2017 : The modal becomes draggable

03/02/2017 : Saving function + more Commenting

03/01/2017 : Added a searching feature (optional)

02/28/2017 : Bug editing + support of input date (english and french format) + translation feature

02/27/2017 : Columns seems to be aligned thanks to mathematics A modal is displayed on row click which automaticaly shows a form to modify the row content. Delete + add new functionalities.

02/26/2017 : French and english date support for sorting

02/25/2017 : Corrected aligment between header and body. Nice looking scrollBars, number of records in a new footer

Here is a demo :

Philippe MEYER

Features to develop :

  • Calculated fields : for instance price * quantity = to be paid


SimpleTable was written in pure javascript with no dependency, for the exercice !

Here is a fully commented example :

  // Settings like width and height, the id of the modal zone.  allowSearch gives you a search field
 var aConfig ='{"width":"700px","height":"316px","modal":"myModal","allowSearch":"yes"}';
    // Defining the header of the grid : colums names (matching data), types , titles and width
    // Supported types are : number, string and  mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy
 var aHeader = '{"arr":[{"name":"firstname","type":"string","title":"First name","width":"200px"},{"name":"lastname","type":"string","title":"Last name","width":"200px"},{"name":"birthdate","type":"mm-dd-yyyy","title":"Birthdate","width":"150px"},{"name":"langage","type":"string","title":"Langage","width":"150px"}]}';

    // This json string should be provides by the back-end : here for demonstration purpose
    // It's an objet containing an array 'arr' of objects representing the rows of our grid
    // You provide for each cell, the name (which must match the name in the header) and the value
var aData = '{"arr":[{"firstname":"Bjarne ","lastname":"Stroustrup","birthdate":"12-30-1950","langage":"C++"},{"firstname":"Denis","lastname":"Ritchie","birthdate":"09-09-1941","langage":"C"},{"firstname":"Kenneth","lastname":"Thompson","birthdate":"02-04-1943","langage":"Go"},{"firstname":"James","lastname":"Gosling","birthdate":"05-19-1955","langage":"Java"},{"firstname":"Brendan ","lastname":"Eich","birthdate":"07-04-1961","langage":"Javascript"},{"firstname":"Guido","lastname":"Van Rossum","birtdate":"01-31-1956","langage":"Python"},{"firstname":"Yukihiro","lastname":"Matsumoto","birthdate":"04-14-1965","langage":"Ruby"},{"firstname":"Roberto","lastname":"Lerusalimschy","birthdate":"05-21-1960","langage":"Lua"},{"firstname":"Rasmus","lastname":"Lerdorf","birthdate":"11-22-1968","langage":"Php"},{"firstname":"Jean","lastname":"Ichbiah","birthdate":"03-25-1940","langage":"Ada"}]}';
    // Optional feature (you don't need to set it via SetTranslations)
    // By default a button New title is 'New', you change it to localize or just to provide another title like "Add" 
    // Don't change the key, change the value ex : "New":"Nuevo" (Nuevo is new in spanish)
var aTranslation ='{"New":"New","Modifying":"Modifying","Adding":"Adding","Delete":"Delete","Cancel":"Cancel","Validate":"Validate","Search":"Search","Save":"Save"}';
    // Calling SimpleGrid : param1 : grid zone id, param2 : id of the grid itself, param3 : grid class (I propose grid-table grid-table-1 but you may write your own css)
var myTable= new SimpleTable("zone","tableId","grid-table grid-table-1");
myTable.SetConfig(aConfig); // Settting the config = function(){// Declaring the saving function
    // retreaving data
    var json = myTable.getData();
    // You got to make your own saving function to localstorage or back-end !
    alert('You got to send this Json string to your backend !\r\n'+json);
myTable.SetTranslations(aTranslation); // Setting translation if needed    
myTable.SetHeader(aHeader); // Setting the hearder with names, types and width
myTable.SetData(aData); // Setting the data to populate the rows
myTable.Draw(); // Drawing the grid in it's zone 


A very simple pure js Table with typed columns, scrollable, sortable with a modal to update, create or delete the rows







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