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An Ember CLI addon that adds Atom inspired notification messages to your app.

Check out the demo.


ember install ember-cli-notifications


In v3.1.0 we simplified the API for calling notifications in your Ember application. These were not breaking changes and using the pre v3.1.0 API will still work today.

The old API documentation can be viewed here.

Add a notification

There are four types of notification available.

// Info'You have one unread message');

// Error
this.notifications.error('Something went wrong');

// Success
this.notifications.success('Saved successfully!');

// Warning
this.notifications.warning('You have unsaved changes');

Add a notification with autoClear

actions: {
  saveOptions() {
    .then(() => {
      this.notifications.success('Successfully saved your settings', {
        autoClear: true
    .catch((err) => {
      this.notifications.error('Something went wrong');

Remove all active notifications using clearAll() before adding a new notification

actions: {
  saveOptions() {
    .then(() => {
      this.notifications.success('Successfully saved your settings');

Set a global, default duration time

This code only needs to be called in one place such as your application route.


Set a global, default auto clear option

This code only needs to be called in one place such as your application route.



Include this snippet in your Handlebars template to display the notifications.

{{notification-container notifications=notifications}}


Font Awesome is required as part of the addon to display the message type icons on the notifications.

If Font Awesome is not already included in the consuming application, add the following to your applications config/environment.js file as a property of the ENV object.

var ENV = {
  'ember-cli-notifications': {
    includeFontAwesome: true

Alternatively, you can use Glyphicons that are packaged with Bootstrap. Glyphicons are not added to your application via this addon.

var ENV = {
  'ember-cli-notifications': {
    icons: 'bootstrap'


Auto clear

Boolean value that defines whether the notification message dismisses automatically, or whether it needs to be dismissed manually by the user.

If true, inherits the default clearDuration value unless specified.

Default value is false


this.notifications.success('Successfully saved your settings', {
  autoClear: true

Clear duration

The time in milliseconds that the notification will automatically dismiss after, if autoClear is true.

Default value is 3200


this.notifications.success('Successfully saved your settings', {
  autoClear: true,
  clearDuration: 1200


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  • JavaScript 55.4%
  • CSS 30.1%
  • HTML 14.5%