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ParanoidUser committed Jan 28, 2024
1 parent 6760ca1 commit 4fd2fd5
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Showing 78 changed files with 205 additions and 162 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions kata/4-kyu/connect-four-1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ The grid is 6 row by 7 columns, those being named from A to G.

You will receive a list of strings showing the order of the pieces which dropped in columns:

![alt text](

piecesPositionList = ["A_Red",
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion kata/4-kyu/snail/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ snail(array) #=> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

This image will illustrate things more clearly:

<svg xmlns="" width="715" height="354" viewBox="0 0 715.000000 354.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" style="background-color:lightgray">
<g transform="translate(0.000000,354.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M0 1770 l0 -1770 3575 0 3575 0 0 1770 0 1770 -3575 0 -3575 0 0 -1770z m7080 10 l0 -1700 -3510 0 -3510 0 0 1700 0 1700 3510 0 3510 0 0 -1700z"/>
<path d="M160 2180 l0 -1200 1200 0 1200 0 0 1200 0 1200 -1200 0 -1200 0 0 -1200z m800 970 l0 -210 -175 0 -175 0 0 58 c0 32 -3 62 -6 65 -4 4 -20 -5 -36 -18 -16 -14 -34 -25 -39 -25 -5 0 -9 -7 -9 -15 0 -11 8 -13 30 -8 l30 6 0 -93 c0 -69 3 -91 13 -88 6 3 13 25 15 51 l3 47 175 0 174 0 0 -170 0 -170 -390 0 -390 0 0 390 0 390 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m800 0 l0 -210 -161 0 -161 0 6 34 c9 47 -7 81 -44 96 -44 18 -100 -7 -100 -45 0 -30 11 -32 28 -5 14 22 61 27 80 8 16 -16 15 -49 -2 -70 -12 -16 -35 -18 -220 -18 l-206 0 0 210 0 210 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m780 -180 l0 -390 -170 0 -170 0 0 123 c0 111 2 126 20 142 24 22 27 80 4 102 -9 9 -12 22 -8 32 24 52 -5 100 -60 101 -28 0 -76 -33 -76 -52 0 -13 30 -9 46 7 20 19 48 19 64 0 17 -20 6 -43 -25 -55 -14 -5 -24 -15 -23 -22 2 -10 -38 -14 -179 -16 l-183 -2 0 210 0 210 380 0 380 0 0 -390z m-1213 -88 c-54 -56 -50 -62 43 -62 47 0 80 4 80 10 0 6 -22 10 -48 10 -27 0 -52 3 -56 7 -3 4 8 22 26 40 l32 33 178 0 178 0 0 -170 0 -170 -390 0 -390 0 0 170 0 170 192 0 192 0 -37 -38z m853 -2 c0 -32 -4 -40 -18 -40 -11 0 -27 9 -37 20 -18 20 -45 27 -45 12 0 -20 29 -44 60 -51 l35 -7 3 -117 3 -117 -201 0 -200 0 0 170 0 170 200 0 200 0 0 -40z m32 8 c-9 -9 -12 -7 -12 12 0 19 3 21 12 12 9 -9 9 -15 0 -24z m-1252 -538 l0 -210 -170 0 -170 0 0 65 c0 50 -3 65 -15 65 -17 0 -137 -158 -132 -174 2 -6 27 -12 55 -14 l52 -3 0 -150 0 -149 -200 0 -200 0 0 390 0 390 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m800 -180 l0 -390 -390 0 -390 0 0 170 0 170 205 0 c130 0 205 4 205 10 0 6 -11 10 -25 10 -14 0 -25 5 -25 10 0 6 16 10 35 10 41 0 60 -26 50 -70 -9 -43 -84 -54 -99 -15 -8 22 -26 18 -26 -4 0 -26 37 -51 76 -51 45 0 86 49 82 99 -4 44 -55 85 -95 75 -22 -6 -24 -4 -21 22 3 26 7 29 47 34 69 8 65 30 -6 30 l-59 0 -12 -45 c-7 -25 -12 -56 -12 -70 l0 -25 -160 0 -160 0 0 210 0 210 390 0 390 0 0 -390z m420 250 l0 -139 -28 -15 c-39 -20 -52 -55 -52 -136 0 -64 2 -70 31 -94 17 -14 35 -26 40 -26 5 0 9 -51 9 -115 l0 -115 -200 0 -200 0 0 390 0 390 200 0 200 0 0 -140z m360 -250 l0 -390 -170 0 -170 0 0 116 c0 104 2 116 18 121 23 6 52 53 52 86 0 28 -35 77 -56 77 -9 0 -14 11 -14 30 0 34 5 37 26 15 19 -19 34 -19 34 -1 0 8 -13 24 -30 36 l-30 21 0 140 0 139 170 0 170 0 0 -390z m-360 41 c0 -26 -17 -40 -52 -41 -10 0 2 31 20 53 22 25 32 21 32 -12z m-1590 -38 c0 -45 -12 -63 -41 -63 -35 0 -36 12 -6 50 25 33 47 38 47 13z m1590 -78 c0 -30 -3 -55 -7 -55 -14 0 -30 15 -42 38 -10 19 -10 28 4 48 28 43 45 31 45 -31z m48 43 c19 -19 14 -63 -8 -83 -20 -18 -20 -17 -20 38 0 57 6 67 28 45z m-1268 -188 l0 -170 -180 0 -180 0 0 120 c0 73 4 120 10 120 6 0 10 13 10 29 0 17 6 31 16 35 13 5 14 9 4 21 -11 13 8 15 154 15 l166 0 0 -170z m-380 -334 l0 -145 -37 -3 c-52 -4 -56 -28 -4 -28 41 0 41 0 41 -38 0 -21 -9 -57 -20 -80 -21 -42 -27 -102 -11 -102 10 0 31 54 31 81 0 18 12 19 190 19 l190 0 0 -160 0 -160 -390 0 -390 0 0 380 0 380 200 0 200 0 0 -144z m380 -66 l0 -210 -180 0 c-121 0 -180 3 -180 11 0 6 14 30 31 55 33 48 31 64 -7 64 l-24 0 0 145 0 145 180 0 180 0 0 -210z m800 0 l0 -210 -165 0 c-141 0 -167 2 -172 16 -3 8 -1 20 6 27 32 32 -11 97 -63 97 -59 -1 -75 -28 -64 -110 l3 -25 -162 -3 -163 -2 0 210 0 210 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m420 71 l0 -140 -27 -3 c-39 -4 -76 -62 -68 -105 l6 -33 -156 0 -155 0 0 210 0 210 200 0 200 0 0 -139z m360 -241 l0 -380 -380 0 -380 0 0 160 0 160 171 0 c95 0 179 -4 189 -10 13 -7 27 -6 44 2 15 6 29 8 32 5 13 -12 -6 -54 -31 -67 -22 -12 -27 -11 -48 8 -13 12 -26 22 -30 22 -12 0 -8 -35 5 -48 19 -19 85 -15 107 7 20 20 41 80 41 118 0 33 -29 101 -46 107 -11 4 -14 34 -14 151 l0 145 170 0 170 0 0 -380z m-1146 54 c18 -18 19 -24 7 -42 -12 -20 -75 -11 -79 11 -8 40 42 62 72 31z m786 -39 c0 -46 -3 -55 -18 -55 -27 0 -42 20 -42 57 0 20 7 36 18 42 35 21 42 13 42 -44z m-1560 35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m1600 -35 c0 -19 -4 -35 -10 -35 -5 0 -10 16 -10 35 0 19 5 35 10 35 6 0 10 -16 10 -35z m-940 -102 c0 -69 106 -102 149 -47 12 15 21 37 21 50 l0 24 155 0 155 0 0 -160 0 -160 -390 0 -390 0 0 160 0 160 150 0 150 0 0 -27z m140 2 c0 -52 -76 -70 -101 -24 -18 35 -4 49 51 49 47 0 50 -2 50 -25z"/>
<path d="M3760 1790 l0 -1590 1600 0 1600 0 0 1590 0 1590 -1600 0 -1600 0 0 -1590z m800 1360 l0 -210 -175 0 -175 0 0 58 c0 32 -3 62 -6 65 -4 4 -20 -5 -36 -18 -16 -14 -34 -25 -39 -25 -5 0 -9 -7 -9 -15 0 -11 8 -13 30 -8 l30 6 0 -93 c0 -69 3 -91 13 -88 6 3 13 25 15 51 l3 47 175 0 174 0 0 -170 0 -170 -390 0 -390 0 0 390 0 390 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m800 0 l0 -210 -161 0 -161 0 6 34 c9 47 -7 81 -44 96 -44 18 -100 -7 -100 -45 0 -30 11 -32 28 -5 14 22 61 27 80 8 16 -16 15 -49 -2 -70 -12 -16 -35 -18 -220 -18 l-206 0 0 210 0 210 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m780 0 l0 -210 -159 0 c-135 0 -160 2 -165 16 -3 8 -1 24 5 35 21 41 -13 88 -65 89 -28 0 -76 -33 -76 -52 0 -13 30 -9 46 7 20 19 48 19 64 0 17 -20 6 -43 -25 -55 -14 -5 -24 -15 -23 -22 2 -10 -38 -14 -179 -16 l-183 -2 0 210 0 210 380 0 380 0 0 -210z m800 -180 l0 -390 -169 0 -168 0 -5 234 c-3 129 -9 239 -13 245 -4 8 -17 3 -37 -14 -16 -14 -34 -25 -39 -25 -5 0 -9 -7 -9 -15 0 -11 8 -13 30 -8 28 5 30 4 30 -26 l0 -31 -200 0 -200 0 0 210 0 210 390 0 390 0 0 -390z m-2013 -88 c-54 -56 -50 -62 43 -62 47 0 80 4 80 10 0 6 -22 10 -48 10 -27 0 -52 3 -56 7 -3 4 8 22 26 40 l32 33 178 0 178 0 0 -170 0 -170 -390 0 -390 0 0 170 0 170 192 0 192 0 -37 -38z m888 28 c9 -15 -20 -57 -46 -65 -14 -5 -28 0 -43 14 -40 38 -65 20 -26 -19 46 -46 140 -11 140 52 l0 28 150 0 150 0 0 -170 0 -170 -380 0 -380 0 0 170 0 170 214 0 c139 0 217 -4 221 -10z m745 -40 c0 -27 5 -50 10 -50 6 0 10 -47 10 -120 l0 -120 -210 0 -210 0 0 170 0 170 200 0 200 0 0 -50z m-2000 -520 l0 -210 -170 0 -170 0 0 65 c0 50 -3 65 -15 65 -17 0 -137 -158 -132 -174 2 -6 27 -12 55 -14 l52 -3 0 -150 0 -149 -200 0 -200 0 0 390 0 390 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m800 0 l0 -210 -149 0 c-123 0 -151 3 -162 16 -21 25 -64 43 -88 37 -20 -5 -22 -2 -19 23 3 26 7 29 47 34 69 8 65 30 -6 30 l-59 0 -12 -45 c-7 -25 -12 -56 -12 -70 l0 -25 -160 0 -160 0 0 210 0 210 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m780 -180 l0 -390 -170 0 -170 0 0 116 c0 104 2 116 18 121 23 6 52 53 52 86 0 13 -10 37 -22 52 -20 25 -25 27 -74 22 -46 -5 -52 -3 -47 11 17 49 69 68 99 37 20 -20 36 -19 32 2 -2 9 -18 26 -36 36 -28 17 -37 17 -63 7 -35 -15 -59 -56 -59 -100 l0 -30 -160 0 -160 0 0 210 0 210 380 0 380 0 0 -390z m440 250 l0 -139 -65 -87 c-36 -48 -64 -92 -62 -98 2 -6 28 -13 57 -16 67 -6 68 -9 69 -177 l1 -123 -210 0 -210 0 0 390 0 390 210 0 210 0 0 -140z m360 -250 l0 -390 -170 0 -170 0 0 146 c0 128 2 148 18 160 16 12 16 13 0 19 -16 7 -18 27 -18 231 l0 224 170 0 170 0 0 -390z m-2750 3 c0 -45 -12 -63 -41 -63 -35 0 -36 12 -6 50 25 33 47 38 47 13z m2378 -20 c-3 -35 -6 -38 -35 -41 -39 -4 -42 9 -10 48 32 41 49 38 45 -7z m-1553 -3 c4 -6 -10 -10 -34 -10 -23 0 -41 5 -41 10 0 6 15 10 34 10 19 0 38 -4 41 -10z m803 -6 c28 -19 29 -65 2 -89 -20 -18 -20 -17 -20 33 0 46 -2 52 -21 52 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 14 27 12 53 -6z m-1258 -194 l0 -170 -180 0 -180 0 0 120 c0 73 4 120 10 120 6 0 10 13 10 29 0 17 6 31 16 35 13 5 14 9 4 21 -11 13 8 15 154 15 l166 0 0 -170z m465 143 c-8 -34 -5 -32 -42 -39 -24 -5 -35 -1 -49 15 -23 26 -34 27 -34 2 0 -26 37 -51 76 -51 36 0 84 46 84 81 0 18 9 19 150 19 l150 0 0 -170 0 -170 -390 0 -390 0 0 170 0 170 226 0 226 0 -7 -27z m675 -2 c0 -20 9 -37 31 -55 17 -14 35 -26 40 -26 5 0 9 -51 9 -115 l0 -115 -200 0 -200 0 0 170 0 170 160 0 160 0 0 -29z m80 -11 c0 -22 -3 -40 -7 -40 -23 1 -59 53 -48 70 3 6 17 10 31 10 21 0 24 -4 24 -40z m-1600 -464 l0 -145 -37 -3 c-52 -4 -56 -28 -4 -28 41 0 41 0 41 -38 0 -21 -9 -57 -20 -80 -19 -39 -27 -102 -14 -102 4 0 13 8 20 18 11 14 13 -2 14 -110 l0 -128 -200 0 -200 0 0 380 0 380 200 0 200 0 0 -144z m380 -236 l0 -380 -180 0 -180 0 0 181 0 180 31 45 c33 48 31 64 -7 64 l-24 0 0 145 0 145 180 0 180 0 0 -380z m800 170 l0 -210 -165 0 c-141 0 -167 2 -172 16 -3 8 -1 20 6 27 32 32 -11 97 -63 97 -56 -1 -87 -45 -65 -94 10 -21 9 -29 -4 -44 -23 -26 -21 -71 5 -99 32 -34 99 -32 127 3 12 15 21 37 21 50 l0 24 155 0 155 0 0 -160 0 -160 -390 0 -390 0 0 380 0 380 390 0 390 0 0 -210z m420 71 l0 -140 -27 -3 c-39 -4 -76 -62 -68 -105 l6 -33 -156 0 -155 0 0 210 0 210 200 0 200 0 0 -139z m360 -241 l0 -380 -380 0 -380 0 0 160 0 160 171 0 c95 0 179 -4 189 -10 13 -7 27 -6 44 2 15 6 29 8 32 5 13 -12 -6 -54 -31 -67 -22 -12 -27 -11 -48 8 -13 12 -26 22 -30 22 -12 0 -8 -35 5 -48 19 -19 85 -15 107 7 20 20 41 80 41 118 0 33 -29 101 -46 107 -11 4 -14 34 -14 151 l0 145 170 0 170 0 0 -380z m440 236 l0 -145 -47 -3 c-66 -4 -70 -28 -4 -28 62 0 64 -8 21 -95 -28 -58 -40 -125 -21 -125 10 0 31 54 31 81 0 11 5 19 10 19 6 0 10 -60 10 -160 l0 -160 -210 0 -210 0 0 380 0 380 210 0 210 0 0 -144z m360 -236 l0 -380 -170 0 -170 0 0 196 c0 182 1 198 21 225 21 30 19 49 -7 49 -11 0 -14 25 -14 145 l0 145 170 0 170 0 0 -380z m-1946 54 c18 -18 19 -24 7 -42 -12 -20 -75 -11 -79 11 -8 40 42 62 72 31z m786 -39 c0 -46 -3 -55 -18 -55 -27 0 -42 20 -42 57 0 20 7 36 18 42 35 21 42 13 42 -44z m-1560 35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m1600 -35 c0 -19 -4 -35 -10 -35 -5 0 -10 16 -10 35 0 19 5 35 10 35 6 0 10 -16 10 -35z m-827 -67 c35 -17 36 -52 2 -74 -47 -31 -101 17 -75 66 12 23 34 25 73 8z m-813 -492 l0 -145 -37 -3 c-52 -4 -56 -28 -4 -28 41 0 41 0 41 -38 0 -21 -9 -57 -20 -80 -21 -43 -27 -102 -10 -102 5 0 15 18 21 40 l12 40 189 0 188 0 0 -150 0 -150 -390 0 -390 0 0 380 0 380 200 0 200 0 0 -144z m380 -76 l0 -220 -180 0 c-175 0 -180 1 -180 21 0 11 14 40 31 65 33 48 31 64 -7 64 l-24 0 0 145 0 145 180 0 180 0 0 -220z m800 0 l0 -220 -158 0 -159 0 -13 25 c-10 20 -11 28 -2 37 33 33 -9 98 -62 98 -56 -1 -87 -45 -65 -94 10 -22 9 -29 -6 -46 -17 -18 -31 -20 -167 -20 l-148 0 0 220 0 220 390 0 390 0 0 -220z m780 0 l0 -220 -140 0 -140 0 0 30 c0 44 -28 105 -54 119 -38 21 -78 10 -104 -29 -22 -33 -23 -44 -7 -97 l7 -23 -161 0 -161 0 0 220 0 220 380 0 380 0 0 -220z m440 76 l0 -145 -47 -3 c-66 -4 -70 -28 -4 -28 60 0 64 -11 29 -77 l-23 -43 -187 0 -188 0 0 220 0 220 210 0 210 0 0 -144z m360 -236 l0 -380 -390 0 -390 0 0 150 0 150 180 0 180 0 0 -40 c0 -51 16 -51 31 -1 7 24 19 41 30 44 15 4 19 15 19 47 0 26 8 53 21 71 21 30 19 49 -7 49 -11 0 -14 25 -14 145 l0 145 170 0 170 0 0 -380z m-1946 54 c18 -18 19 -24 7 -42 -12 -20 -75 -11 -79 11 -8 40 42 62 72 31z m807 6 c13 -7 19 -21 19 -43 0 -40 -15 -57 -50 -57 -35 0 -50 17 -50 57 0 45 38 66 81 43z m-1581 -10 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m780 -100 c0 -5 -18 -10 -41 -10 -24 0 -38 4 -34 10 3 6 22 10 41 10 19 0 34 -4 34 -10z m-120 -47 c0 -60 109 -87 149 -37 12 15 21 33 21 40 0 11 31 14 155 14 l155 0 0 -150 0 -150 -390 0 -390 0 0 150 0 150 150 0 c134 0 150 -2 150 -17z m140 3 c0 -16 -37 -46 -57 -46 -15 0 -53 36 -53 50 0 6 25 10 55 10 41 0 55 -4 55 -14z m800 4 c0 -13 -41 -50 -55 -50 -7 0 -20 9 -30 20 -22 25 -35 26 -35 2 0 -27 20 -42 58 -42 45 0 67 13 82 50 l12 30 144 0 144 0 0 -150 0 -150 -380 0 -380 0 0 150 0 150 220 0 c134 0 220 -4 220 -10z"/>

NOTE: The idea is not sort the elements from the lowest value to the highest; the idea is to traverse the 2-d array in a clockwise snailshell pattern.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/5-kyu/a-man-and-his-umbrellas/main/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
enum Weather {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

You are at the airport staring blankly at the arrivals/departures flap display...


## How it works

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/5-kyu/gap-in-primes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Between 2 and 50 we have the following pairs of 2-gaps primes:
`3-5, 5-7, 11-13, 17-19, 29-31, 41-43`

A prime gap of length n is a run of n-1 consecutive composite numbers between two **successive** primes (

We will write a function gap with parameters:

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/5-kyu/josephus-permutation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ So our final result is:

For more info, browse the <a href="" target="_blank">Josephus
For more info, browse the <a href="" target="_blank">Josephus
Permutation</a> page on wikipedia; Also, [live game demo](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/5-kyu/josephus-survivor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# [Josephus Survivor]( "")

In this kata you have to correctly return who is the "survivor", ie: the last element of
a <a href="" target="_blank" title="Josephus sequence">Josephus
a <a href="" target="_blank" title="Josephus sequence">Josephus

Basically you have to assume that n people are put into a circle and that they are eliminated in steps of k elements,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/5-kyu/number-of-trailing-zeros-of-n/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Write a program that will calculate the number of trailing zeros in a factorial

Be careful `1000!` has 2568 digits...

For more info, see:
For more info, see:

## Examples

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/5-kyu/perimeter-of-squares-in-a-rectangle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ It's easy to see that the sum of the perimeters of these squares is :
Could you give the sum of the perimeters of all the squares in a rectangle when there are n + 1
squares disposed in the same manner as in the drawing:

![alternative text](
![alternative text](

The function perimeter has for parameter n where n + 1 is the number of squares (they are numbered
from 0 to n) and returns the total perimeter of all the squares.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/5-kyu/rot13/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ introvert at NSA? Va gur ryringbef,
gur rkgebireg ybbxf ng gur BGURE thl'f fubrf.

I found this joke on USENET, but the punchline is scrambled. Maybe you can decipher it?
According to Wikipedia, ROT13 ( is frequently used to obfuscate
According to Wikipedia, ROT13 ( is frequently used to obfuscate
jokes on USENET.

Hint: For this task you're only supposed to substitue characters. Not spaces, punctuation, numbers
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/6-kyu/all-star-code-challenge-number-15/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
**This Kata is intended as a small challenge for my students**

Your family runs a shop and have just brought a Scrolling Text
Machine ( to help get some more
Machine ( to help get some more

The scroller works by replacing the current text string with a similar text string, but with the first letter shifted to
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/6-kyu/convert-integer-to-whitespace-format/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

Hereinafter, `[space]` refers to `" "`, `[tab]` refers to `"\t"`, and `[LF]` refers to `"\n"` for illustrative purposes. This does not mean that you can use these placeholders in your solution.

In esoteric language called [Whitespace](, numbers are represented in the following format:
In esoteric language called [Whitespace](, numbers are represented in the following format:

* first character represents the sign: `[space]` for plus, `[tab]` for minus;
* characters after that and until `[LF]` are the binary representation of the integer: `[space]` for 0, `[tab]` for 1.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# [Data compression using run-length encoding]( "")

[Run-length encoding]( (RLE) is a very simple form of lossless data compression in which runs of data are stored as a single data value and count.
[Run-length encoding]( (RLE) is a very simple form of lossless data
compression in which runs of data are stored as a single data value and count.

A simple form of RLE would encode the string `"AAABBBCCCD"` as `"3A3B3C1D"` meaning, first there are `3 A`, then `3 B`, then `3 C` and last there is `1 D`.
A simple form of RLE would encode the string `"AAABBBCCCD"` as `"3A3B3C1D"` meaning, first there are `3 A`, then `3 B`,
then `3 C` and last there is `1 D`.

Your task is to write a RLE encoder and decoder using this technique. The texts to encode will always consist of only uppercase characters, no numbers.
Your task is to write a RLE encoder and decoder using this technique. The texts to encode will always consist of only
uppercase characters, no numbers.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kata/6-kyu/disease-spread/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ epidemic(tm, n, s0, i0, b, a) --> 483

- Keeping track of the values of susceptible, infected and recovered you can plot the solutions of the 3 differential equations. See an example below on the plot.

![alternative text](
![alternative text](
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions kata/6-kyu/easy-diagonal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ diagonal(20, 4) => 20349
When following a diagonal from top to bottom have a look at the numbers on the diagonal at its right.

## Ref:

![alternative text](
![alternative text](

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