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GDPR Module for Magento 1

Free Magento 1 module for respect reform of EU data protection rules (GDPR)

Latest version PHP >= 5.3 Magento 1.9.3




Composer :

composer require ph2m/gdpr

Manual : Download this module and add 'app' and 'skin' directory to you magento


Full manageable, you can enabled / disabled all functionality from your back-office

  • Download, remove and anonymize customer data
    • Live system: customer can directly download or remove their own data from their dashboard
    • [developer only] Queue system: you can enabled queue system for remove or download customer data if you have heavy treatment
    • Email notification
  • Extra features
  • Check GDPR validity
    • Check if all config for respect GDPR is enabled
  • Remove and anonymize customer data:
    • Remove from newsletter
    • Remove customer account
    • Remove customer quote
    • Anonymize customer order
    • Anonymise customer product reviews
  • Download customer data:
    • Download customer account data (you can choose attributes to export)
    • Download customer addresses data (you can choose attributes to export)
    • Download customer orders data (you can choose attributes to export)
    • Donwload customer product reviews
  • BROKEN Manage cookies (with tarteaucitron.js) prefer use external service like axeptio
    • Display cookies consent banner and popup
    • Compatible with magento google analytics (can be disabled)


  • Enable all feature who you want on 'System > Configuration > General > GDPR'
  • You can test download data or remove data from your customer dashboard


Module documentation.

Developer documentation.


GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)

Mini-help for contribution

Auto-generate modman

make modman

Configuration recommended (with magerun)

magerun config:set  "phgdpr/fonctionality/password_format_validation" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/fonctionality/login_limit_attempts" "1"

magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_remove/enable_customer_data_remove" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_remove/enable_password_confirmation_for_delete" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_remove/enable_remove_from_newsletter" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_remove/enable_remove_quotes" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_remove/enable_remove_customer_account" "1"

magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_download/enable_customer_data_download" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_download/customer_attribute_to_export" "prefix,firstname,middlename,lastname,suffix,email,created_at,dob,gender"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_download/enable_customer_download_addresses" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_download/address_attribute_to_export" "prefix,firstname,middlename,lastname,suffix,company,street,city,country_id,region,postcode,telephone,fax"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_download/enable_customer_download_orders" "1"
magerun config:set  "phgdpr/customer_data_download/order_attribute_to_export" "created_at,customer_dob,customer_email,customer_firstname,customer_gender,customer_lastname,customer_middlename,customer_prefix,customer_suffix,discount_amount,grand_total,shipping_amount,increment_id"