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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

a) aged
a) aged
Three or more days without an update on this item
a) escalation requested
a) escalation requested
This item needs to be reviewed for re-prioritization eligibility
a) needs updated description
a) needs updated description
This item's description does not meet basic standards
a) needs updated title
a) needs updated title
This item's title does not meet basic standards
b) complete resolution
b) complete resolution
All requested actions completed
b) partial resolution
b) partial resolution
Only some requested actions completed
b) workaround suggested
b) workaround suggested
No requested actions completed
c) dev origin
c) dev origin
This item was created/reported by a first-party developer
c) end-user origin
c) end-user origin
This item was reported by an end-user
c) 3rd-party dev origin
c) 3rd-party dev origin
This item was created/reported by a third-party developer
d) release 0.1
d) release 0.1
This item's completion is scheduled for v0.1
d) release 0.2
d) release 0.2
This item's completion is scheduled for v0.2
e) API
e) API
This item pertains to the API interface
e) audio
e) audio
This item pertains to audio
e) backend
e) backend
This item pertains to backend operations
e) crypto
e) crypto
This item pertains to cryptography
e) data
e) data
This item pertains to data structures, storage, access, manipulation, etc.
e) dev tools
e) dev tools
This item pertains to development tools and features
e) entropy
e) entropy
This item pertains to entropy bits
e) frontend
e) frontend
This item pertains to the user interface
e) graphics
e) graphics
This item pertains to the visual interface
e) transport
e) transport
This item pertains to the network interface, and/or network transport operations
f) priority 1
f) priority 1
Closing this item is a high priority
f) priority 2
f) priority 2
Closing this item is a standard priority
f) priority 3
f) priority 3
Closing this item is a low priority
g) bug
g) bug
This item pertains to unexpected behavior, not by design
g) change request
g) change request
This item pertains to a configuration change request, documentation, code cleanup, optimization, etc
g) feature request
g) feature request
This item pertains to a requested design change, new feature, etc
g) question
g) question
This item pertains to a question from the author. No changes requested
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers