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Code minimum an hour every day for the next 301 days and Tweet your progress every day with the #301DaysOfCode hashtag.

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Day 1 : 23rd April 2020

Started to study Solidity language which is use to implement Smart Contracts in Ethereum Blockchain and wrote some codes of the same.

Link for Repository : Smart Contracts.

Day 2 : 24th April 2020

Studied Servlets from this video & Created one on Eclipse IDE and configured web.xml.
This web app is just to simply add two numbers on the server without using Javascript. Here I've just used a simple code in the servlet to create the same.

Link for Repository: Servlets.

Day 3 : 25th April 2020

Studied Data Structures in Solidity from Solidity Documentation and wrote some codes for them to create few Contracts.

Link for Repository. : Smart Contracts.

Day 4 : 26th April 2020

Created a basic Login Web-App using Servlets with the help of Eclipse IDE and deployed on Apache Tomcat Server 9.0.

Link for Repository : Servlets.

Day 5 : 27th April 2020

Studied about Time units in Solidity and variable called "Now" from Coursera and created a smart contract called StateTrans.sol and tested it on Remix IDE.

Link for repository : Solidity Codes.

Day 6 : 28th April 2020

Studied about Queues and Stack classes in Java and solved some problems from HackerRank under section "30 Days of Code". Click here to view the solution.

Studied about JDBC-ODBC drivers and learnt how to connect database to a web application and fetch data from server to store in database.

Day 7 : 29th April 2020

Studied Access Modifiers and Applications in Solidity and created few contracts using these concepts.

Link for Repository : Solidity Codes

Day 8 : 30th April 2020

Studied Time Elements in Solidity from Coursera and implemented the concept in a contract. Link for Repository : Solidity Codes.

Learnt about "Metamask" which is a crypto Wallet that act as a gateway to blockchain apps and learnt how to connect a smart contract to RinkeBy Ethereum test network and adding some ethers to the account.

Day 9 : 1st May 2020

Studied Enums and Modifiers in Solidity and created severel stages in contract. Also learnt how to revert transaction if wrong function has been called in wrong stage.

Link for Repository : Solidity_Codes.

Day 10 : 2nd May 2020

Got to know about "The Foobar challenge: Google’s hidden test for developers" and solved its first problem on strings. For more information about this challenge, you can read this article.

Day 11 : 3rd May 2020

Competed Level 1 of Foobar Challenge and tried to solve Level 2's first question.

Read the last Problem Statement of the course SmartContract which I've been doing on Coursera for few weeks and tried to build its Algorithm for file called Auction.sol.

Link For Repository : Google Foobar.

Day 12 : 4th May 2020

Completed 2nd Question of Foobar Challenge.

Link For Repository : Google Foobar.

Day 13 : 5th May 2020

Solved questions from Codechef's May Long Challenge and tried to solve a Level 3 question of Foobar.

Link for Repository : CodeChef May Long Challenge.

Day 14 : 6th May 2020

Solved first question of Level 3 of Foobar Challenge. Link is here.

Solved questions from Codechef's Long Challenge. Link is here.

Day 15 : 7th May 2020

Successfully completed 2nd course "Smart Contracts" from the specialization of Blockchain. Worked on the last project of course and created a smart contract for an Auction.

Link for Repository : Smart Contracts

Day 16 : 8th May 2020

Studied Dynamic Programming and its two approaches i.e. optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems. Also learned how to apply it to drastically reduce the time complexity.

Completed 2nd question of Level 3 of Foobar Challenge. Check my code here.

Day 17 : 9th May 2020

Started learning Python from here.

Also studied some examples of Dynamic Programing and solved its problems on Hackerrank.

Day 18 : 10th May 2020

Solved problems of DP on Hackerrank and continued to learn Python. Link for Repository : Dynamic Programing.

Day 19 : 11th May 2020

Studied Python further and started to solve problems on Hackerrank in the domain of Python. Link for Repository : Hackerrank Python.

Day 20 : 12th May 2020

Studied Functions and Arguments in Python. Solved problems of python on Hackerrank and earned 2nd star badge.

Link for repository: Hackerrank Python.

Day 21 : 13th May 2020

Started a new course Introduction to Git and Github on Coursera and studied about "Version Control Systems".

Studied Dynamic Programming and solved its problems on Hackerrank in Python Language. Click here to check program which I made.

Solved Python questions from Hackerrank in the sub domain of 'Basic data Types'. Link For Repository : Hackerrank Python.

Day 22 : 14th May 2020

Solved Python on HackerRank and earned 3rd Star. Link For Repository : Hackerrank Python.

Day 23 : 15th May 2020

Created a Dynamic Web Application using Servlets, JSP and gave it a Java Database connectivity (JDBC) using MySql Workbench.

Link for Repository:

Day 24 : 16th May 2020

Studied Dynamic Programming and solved a question on a tetrahedral using DP from Codeforces.

Day 25 : 17th May 2020

Participated in Google Kickstart Round C and was able to solve it's two questions i.e Countdown and Perfect Subarray.

Also Solved questions from Hackerrank in the domain of Dynamic Programming. Link is here.

Day 26 : 18th May 2020

Studied JDBC from the topic Advance Java and Studied Git from the course Introduction to Git and Github from Coursera.

Also solved problems of Python on Hackerrank. Link for Repository: Hackerrank Python.

Day 27 : 19th May 2020

Learned some new commands of Git and implemented them on Git Bash

Day 28 : 20th May 2020

Today, I've just coded some problems of strings in the domain of Python on HackerRank. Link for Repository : Hackerrank Python.

Day 29 : 21st May 2020

Solved problems in the Python section and earned 4th Star on HackerRank. Link for Repository : HackerRank Python.

Studied about Advanced Git Interactions from the course I've been doing on Coursera.

Started a new Course in the specialization of Blockchain i.e. Decentralized Applications.

Day 30 : 22nd May 2020

  • Studied about Decentralized Applications and Ethereum APIs.
  • Deployed my first smart contract in Truffle IDE on localhost and learned various commands of truffle.

Day 31 : 23rd May 2020

Created a full stack Decentralized App for "voting the fruits" on Blockchain Server. Firstly I created its backend using smart contracts on truffle IDE and then migrated and tested those on the same. After that I used some pre-defined templates written in JavaScript, for connecting it with front-end using some of the node modules like "lite-server".

Day 32 : 24th May 2020

Started a new Web development bootcamp from Udemy and learn some functions of Javascript.

Day 33 : 25th May 2020

Studied39 Javascript and Document Object Model from Web development course on Udemy. Also learned about tree structure of HTML which DOM provides us in which every element of tree act as an object.

Day 34 : 26th May 2020

Connected my Dapp to Metamask Management System and gave it a run. Also learned how to manipulate html and css using DOM objects from the web development course on Udemy.

Day 35 : 27th May 2020

  • Learned adding Event Listeners in Javascript.
  • Learned adding sounds in websites.
  • Also Learned about Javascript Objects from Udemy course.

Day 36 : 28th May 2020

  • Solved Problem 2 of Code Gladiator's online coding round. Link is here: Code Gladiators
  • Learned how to add KeyPress Event Listeners in JavaScript.
  • Learned creating Constructors and their Methods in Javascript.

Day 37 : 29th May 2020

  • Studied Exceptions and Inheritance in Python and then solved its problem on HackerRank. Link for Repo: HackerRank Python.
  • Completed Advanced Javascript & DOM manipulation by learning how to add animations to buttons and finally made a "Drum Kit" Website. Click here to visit.
  • Done Problem Solving on HackerRank.
  • And Finally started Node.js and imported my first package from to my "Intro to node" Project.

Day 38 : 30th May 2020

  • Created my first Express Server under which:-
    • Learned how to recieve request and send response.
    • Learned how to get directory name of html page using __dirname from anywhere anytime.
    • Learned how to body-parse content of html on the server.
      Link for Repository : my-Express-Server.

Day 39 : 31st May 2020

  • Participated in a HackerRank contest known as Hack the Interview(Asia Pacific) and solved its first two problems. Link for Repo: Competitive Programming.
  • Completed 30-Days-of-Code and got gold batch on HackerRank.

Day 40 : 1st June 2020

  • Completed Hack the Interview contest and scored 741 Rank. Link for Repo: Competitive Programming.
  • Processed Post requests with body parser in calulator project.
  • Added BMI Calculator plugin in that Calculator Web App.

Day 41 : 2nd June 2020

  • Solved a String problem asked in the Amazon Interview on LeetCode.
  • Completed 5 star in Problem Solving on HackerRank.
  • Completed 5 star in Python as well.
  • Learned about jQuery and its commands.

Day 42 : 3rd June 2020

  • Learned jQuery and some of its functions like .animate, .css, .pretend, .append, etc.
  • Solved CodeForces Round #646.A problem.

Day 43 : 4th June 2020

Took part in CodeForces Round #647(Div. 2) and solved its problem A.

Day 44 : 5th June 2020

  • Building a new web page called tindog using Bootstrap and CSS. Click here to check progress.
  • Solved first 3 problems of Codechef's June Long Challenge.

Day 45 : 6th June 2020

  • Solved two more problems of Codechef's June20 Long challenge, i.e. Total 5 problems till now.
  • Studied SEPM on Coursera.

Day 46 : 7th June 2020

  • Tried to solve Codechef further.
  • Participated in CodeForces #Round 648 and solved its problems.

Day 47 : 8th June 2020

  • Solved 9th problem of CodeChef Long Challenge.
  • Learned some new commands of git for undoing changes. For eg: --amend, git revert, git checkout. Also learned about git branch system.

Day 48 : 9th June 2020

  • Learned how to work with remote repositories using git command line interface.
  • Added some new features to Tindog project using Bootstrap 4.

Day 49 : 10th June 2020

  • Cleared the Problem Solving (Basic) assessment on HackerRank and got certified.
  • Added Bootstrap Carousel feature in my tindog website.

Day 50 : 11th June 2020

  • Came back to Blockchain and learned some improvements of Solidity and tried to implement some Dapps.
  • Also learned about APIs and how to add them in our projects.

Day 51 : 12th June 2020

  • Learned Bootstrap Cards and implemented them to my price tags of tindog website.
  • Started a new series of Graph Theory on FreeCodeCamp

Day 52 : 13th June 2020

  • Participated in CodeForces Round 649 and solved its problems.
  • Learned about git rebase command and implemented its uses.

Day 53 : 14th June 2020

Tried to Solve the 6th problem of CodeChef's June Long Challenge for tuples.

Day 54 : 15th June 2020

  • Completed 6th question of Long challenge and ended the contest with 1553 World rank.
  • Learned about APIs

Day 55 : 16th June 2020

Made a new Application called Bitcoin-Ticker which tells us the exchange values of fiat currencies into Bitcoin currencies and vice-versa. This is implemented using the APIs with the help of npm's request package.
Link: Bitcoin-Ticker.

Day 56 : 17th June 2020

Learned about JSON format and how to parse them into the server body.
Added the same into my app: Bitcoin-Ticker.

Day 57 : 18th June 2020

  • Learned how to make API calls by passing "option" object as a Parameter in request method.
  • Solved few problems on HackerRank

Day 58 : 19th June 2020

Studied Graph Theory from and learned some new Algorithms.

Day 59 : 20th June 2020

Solved few problems from CodeForces and continued the web development course.

Day 60 : 21st June 2020

  • Learned Git Rebasing and Code reviews.
  • Solved CodeForces Problems.

Day 61 : 22nd June 2020

Solved a Google Coding Interview Problem based on Moore's Voting Algorithm in which we've to find out the majority element in an array. Time Complexity of code should be O(n), and Space Complexity should be O(1).
Link of Code : Competitive Programming.

Day 62 : 23rd June 2020

  • Participated in CodeForces Round 652 and solved its first two problems.
  • Completed the course "Introduction to Git and Github" on Coursera and got certified by Google.

Day 63 : 24th June 2020

Solved HackerRank's Problem Solving further.

Day 64 : 25th June 2020

Learned about APIs and how to use "options" object to call them by passing parameters.

Day 65 : 26th June 2020

Learned some new Algorithms from and participated in Hack the Interview V (Asia Pacific).

Day 66 : 27th June 2020

Solved problems of Hack the Interview V and took part in Codechef LunchBox June20 and Solved its first two problems.

Day 67 : 28th June 2020

Participated in Codeforces Round 653 (Div 3) and solved its problems A,B and D

Day 68 : 29th June 2020

Solved few past problems on Codeforces and this time in C++
Also revised few concepts of C++

Day 69 : 30th June 2020

Learned some optimization techniques in coding and done few problems in C++.

Day 70 : 1st July 2020

Studied SEPM and learned some concepts of Javascript.

Day 71 : 2nd July 2020

Studied DCN for my End Sems and solved past contest problems on Codeforces.

Day 72 : 3rd July 2020

  • Solved Codeforces Virtual Contest for Round 654 and solved its first 2 problems.
  • Also solved first two problems of Codechef's July Long Challenge.
    Link : Codechef's July Long Challenge

Day 73 : 4th July 2020

Solved Codechef's Long Challenge and studied for End Sems.

Day 74 : 5th July 2020

Tried to solve Codechef's July Long Challenge's 4th problem.
Studied DCN.

Day 75 : 6th July 2020

Day 76 : 7th July 2020

Studied SEPM for my End Sem Exams.

Day 77 : 8th July 2020

  • Studied Software Engineering and Project Management.
  • Tried problem 5 of Codechef Long Challenge.

Day 78 : 9th July 2020

Studied Java for my End Sem Exams.

Day 79 : 10th July 2020

Tried to solve problem 6 of Codechef's July Long Challenge.

Day 80 : 11th July 2020

  • Started React.js today and leaned about JSX technology and Babel Compiler.
  • Also did some react coding on Code Sandbox and added some styles to my react app.

Day 81 : 12th July 2020

Took part in Google's KickStart 2020 Round D and was able to solve its first two problems. KickStart.

Day 82 : 13th July 2020

Worked on my Portfolio which has used Gatsby.js and React.js

Day 83 : 14th July 2020

Worked on my portfolio and studied about graphQL data query language.

Day 84 : 15th July 2020

Worked on my Portfolio and learned about svg image format.

Day 85 : 16th July 2020

Not done much productive today. Just revised some DSA concepts.

Day 86 : 17th July 2020

Learned about WordPress open-source content management system. Also worked on my portfolio.

Day 87 : 18th July 2020

Learned about React props and made a React app for Contacts where you can create as many contact cards as you want by just importing the properties of a single card.

Day 88 : 19th July 2020

  • Learned how to deploy websites on netlify and gh-pages.
  • So I've been working on my portfolio website for some days. Now it is ready and deployed on netlify.
    click here to visit.

Day 89 : 20th July 2020

Practiced some problems on codeforces

Day 90 : 21st July 2020

Got to know about Readme stat API and designed my front page of github.

Day 91 : 22nd July 2020

Fixed Resume bug on my portfolio website in which Resume was unable to open on mobile phones but it was accessible from Laptop/Desktop.

Day 92 : 23rd July 2020

Practiced Problem Solving on HackerRank from Interview Preparation Kit section.

Day 93 : 24th July 2020

Learned React maps and implemented on Code SandBox

Day 94 : 25th July 2020

Started preparing for Goldman Sachs Interviews. Studied about LRU Cache problem and tried to implement it using HashMap and Doubly LinkedList.

Day 95 : 26th July 2020

Did problem solving on LeetCode.

Day 96 : 27th July 2020

Did problem solving on LeetCode.

Day 97 : 28th July 2020

Did problem solving on LeetCode.

Day 98 : 29th July 2020

Did problem solving on LeetCode.

Day 99 : 30th July 2020

Did problem solving on LeetCode from Linked List section.
view solution here.

Day 100 : 31st July 2020

Did problem solving on LeetCode and participated in Hack the Interview VI (Asia Pacific).

Day 101 : 1st August 2020

Solved a problem of Hack the Interview VI

Day 102 : 2nd August 2020

Studied Data Structures from GeeksForGeeks and practiced some problems based on Hashing and Min-heap.

Day 103 : 3rd August 2020

Did a problem on String Reduction using Dictionaries of Python.

Day 104 : 4th August 2020

Did two problems on LeetCode.
One was to delete all duplicate values in a LinkedList and another was to find maximum subString length.

Day 105 : 5th August 2020

Did problem solving on LeetCode.

Day 106 : 6th August 2020

Studied Dynammic Programming from Geeks for Geeks.

Day 107 : 7th August 2020

  • Studied Dynamic Programming and solved a problem from GeeksForGeeks.
  • Participated in Codechef August Long Challenge 20 and solved first 3 problems for today.

Day 108 : 8th August 2020

Solved 4th problem of August Challenge on Codechef.

Day 109 : 9th August 2020

Solved 5th problem of August Long Challenge on Codechef.

Day 110 : 10th August 2020

Studied Computer Graphics and tried to solve codechef August challenge

Day 111 : 11th August 2020

  • Tried to solve the 6th problem of August Long Challenge.
  • Studied Computer Graphics.

Day 112 : 12th August 2020

Studied Dynammic Programming and solved problems from Geeks for Geeks.

Day 113 : 13th August 2020

Studied Dynamic Programming and solved problems.

Day 114 : 14th August 2020

Studied Dynamic Programming from Coding Blocks and solved problems from gfg.

Day 115 : 15th August 2020

Studied Segment Trees and implemented its build,query and update feature.

Day 116 : 16th August 2020

Studied about Percolation Algorithm and implemented it using Union & Find.

Day 117 : 17th August 2020

Solved DP problems from GFG.

Day 118 : 18th August 2020

Studied Union & Find Data Structures and implemented them in C++

Day 119 : 19th August 2020

Prepared the documentation for my minor projects and solved 0/1 Knapsack Problem using bottom-up DP.

Day 120 : 20th August 2020

Solved DP problems from GFG.

Day 121 : 21st August 2020

Solved "count of subset in array" problem from Dynamic Programming.

Day 122 : 22nd August 2020

Studied Dynamic Programming and Prepared Synopsis for our minor Projects.

Day 123 : 23rd August 2020

Solved few problems on DP from GeeksforGeeks.

Day 124 : 24th August 2020

Studied Computer Graphics and learned about OpenGl.

Day 125 : 25th August 2020

Solved few question in python.

Day 126 : 26th August 2020

Solved Dp problems.

Day 127 : 27th August 2020

Solved DP problems from Gfg.

Day 128 : 28th August 2020

  • Revised C++ STL from Coding Blocks.
  • Started solving problems on InterviewBit section wise and became highest scorer of my college:
    • Solved MCQs on Time complexity.
    • Solved two problems on Arrays asked in Amazon & GoldmanSachs.
  • Found the bug in problem "count of subset sum" and fixed it by changing its initialization.

Day 129 : 29th August 2020

  • Solved questions on InterviewBit.
  • Solved problems on LCS from Dynamic Programming.

Day 130 : 30th August 2020

  • Solved LCS problems and Studied Heap data structure and implemented it by priority queue STL.
  • Solved questions on InterviewBit.

Day 131 : 31st August 2020

Solved DP question on Longest Palindromic Substring.

Day 132 : 1st September 2020

Studied Matrix Chain Multiplication and wrote its recursive code and then memoized it into DP.

Day 133 : 2nd September 2020

Solved few problems on Heap and Stack from InterviewBit.

Day 134 : 3rd September 2020

Solved few problems from Heap and stack from Gfg.

Day 135 : 4th September 2020

Solved some famous problems on stacks like Max Area Histogram, Rain Water Traping,etc.

Day 136 : 5th September 2020

  • Solved questions on two pointers from InterviewBit.
  • Solved 1st problem of Codechef September Long Challenge.

Day 137 : 6th September 2020

Solved problems on MCM on String partition palindrome.

Day 138 : 7th September 2020

Solved problems on heap from interviewbit and gfg.

Day 139 : 8th September 2020

Solved problems from two pointers from InterviewBit

Day 140 : 9th September 2020

Tried to solve codechef's 3rd problem of long challenge.

Day 141 : 10th September 2020

Tried to solve codechef's 3rd and 4th problem of September Long Challenge.

Day 142 : 11th September 2020

  • Successfully solved 4th problem of long challenge. Now heading towards 5th.
  • Studied Tries data structure.

Day 143 : 12th September 2020

Solved 4th problem of codechef's long challenge and tried to solve EQDIV problem.

Day 144 : 13th September 2020

Solved 6th problem of codechef long challenge

Day 145 : 14th September 2020

Ended Codechef Long Challenge with world rank of #2386.

Day 146 : 15th September 2020

Solved some basic problems of recursion.

Day 147 : 16th September 2020

Studied Recursion from Youtube and solved few problems.

Day 148 : 17th September 2020

Solved few problems on Recursion from Gfg.

Day 149 : 18th September 2020

Studied Recursion from Coding Blocks.

Day 150 : 19th September 2020

Solved some recursion problems and a difficult problem from Leetcode based on Heaps.

Day 151 : 20th September 2020

Solved problems from codechef's cookoff.

Day 152 : 21st September 2020

Studied Recursion.

Day 153 : 22nd September 2020

Studied Backtracking and solved problems like "Rat in Maze" and "N-Queen Problem" based on the same concept.

Day 154 : 23rd September 2020

Tried to solve a problem from Leetcode on heaps.

Day 155 : 24th September 2020

Worked on my minors and tried to design algorithm for Percolation Model.

Day 156 : 25th September 2020

Worked on my minors and completed my full code for Percolation Model using Union-Find Data Structures.

Day 157 : 26th September 2020

Studied Backtracting, Binary Search and Sliding Window.

Day 158 : 27th September 2020

Studied for minor and prepared the document for the presentation.

Day 159 : 28th September 2020

Prepared for minor 1.

Day 160 : 29th September 2020

Prepared presentation for Minors.

Day 161 : 30th September 2020

Prepared the presentation for our minor projects and discussed its implementation with friends.

Day 162 : 1st October 2020

Spent whole day doing assignments in various subjects.

Day 163 : 2nd October 2020

Studied Computer Graphics.

Day 164 : 3rd October 2020

Solved a problem of recursion from leetcode.

Day 165 : 4th October 2020

Studied Compiler Design

Day 166 : 5th October 2020

Studied Digital Forensics for mid sems.

Day 167 : 6th October 2020

Studied Compiler Design and started codechef october challenge.

Day 168 : 7th October 2020

Solved 1st problem of codechef long challenge.

Day 169 : 8th October 2020

Solved 2nd and 3rd problem from codechef long challenge.

Day 170 : 9th October 2020

Studied Computer Graphics for mid sems.

Day 171 : 10th October 2020

Studied for midsems

Day 172 : 11th October 2020

Tried to solve Codechef long challenges

Day 173 : 12th October 2020

Completed Codechef Long Challenge with world rank of 2038.

Day 174 : 13th October 2020

Prepared for It-infra mid sem.

Day 175 : 14th October 2020

Studied about Open Stego Stegnographic tool and used it to watermark some images.

Day 176 : 15th October 2020

Studied 3-D transformations about an arbitrary point in Computer graphics.

Day 177 : 16th October 2020

Studied Binary Search and solved problems.

Day 178 : 17th October 2020

Solved few problems of binary search on gfg.

Day 179 : 18th October 2020

Tried to complete DF Assignment 1.

Day 180 : 19th October 2020

Completed the code of Sutherland Hodgeman Algorithm.

Day 181 : 20th October 2020

Studied Binary Search further.

Day 182 : 21st October 2020

  • Solved problems of Binary Search further.
  • Studied about Entrepreneurship and started the course on coursera regarding the same.

Day 183 : 22nd October 2020

Studied Binary search further.

Day 184 : 23rd October 2020

Completed few labs of 30 days of google cloud.

Day 185 : 24th October 2020

  • Did problem solving in Binary Search
  • Studied Tree data structure

Day 186 : 25th October 2020

Completed a quest in 30 days of google cloud.

Day 187 : 26th October 2020

Completed Quest 2 in 30 Days of Google Cloud.

Day 188 : 27th October 2020

Studied Object Oriented Design and Analysis.

Day 189 : 28th October 2020

Done 30 Days Of google cloud

Day 190 : 29th October 2020

Studied Tree Data Structure

Day 191 : 30th October 2020

Implemented Various Traversals in Binary trees

Day 192 : 31st October 2020

  • Done with quest 3 of Google Cloud.
  • Completed Quiz 3 of Venture Ideation.

Day 193 : 1st November 2020

Done the code of spiral order traversal in binary trees

Day 194 : 2nd November 2020

Completed 5th quest of Google Cloud

Day 195 : 3rd November 2020

Solved Diameter of binary tree problem

Day 196 : 4th November 2020

  • Solved Track 1 of google cloud.
  • Completed Innovation and Entrepreneurship course on coursera.

Day 197 : 5th November 2020

Solved 4 problems from Binary Tree on Leetcode and revised a topic from binary search.

Day 198 : 6th November 2020

Studied about height balanced tree.

Day 199 : 7th November 2020

Solved problems on Binary Trees further.

Day 200 : 8th November 2020

  • Solved problems on Binary Trees from LeetCode Medium level interview section.
  • Revised CS fundamentals from GfG for Linkedin Intern Round I.

Day 201 : 9th November 2020

Tried to solve 3d transformation code in computer graphics.

Day 202 : 10th November 2020

Gave LinkedIn Intern Exam.

Day 203 : 11th November 2020

Solved problems on grid based DP.

Day 204 : 12th November 2020

Solved problems on Binary trees and Arrays from LeetCode.

Day 205 : 13th November 2020

  • Studied Lowest Common Ancestor in Binary Trees.
  • Studied Prime Sieve Eratosthenes algorithm to generate prime numbers in linear time.

Day 206 : 14th November 2020

Solved Binary Tree Problems

Day 207 : 15th November 2020

Solved Binary Search Tree problems

Day 208 : 16th November 2020

Studies Binary Search Trees.

Day 209 : 17th November 2020

Studied BSTs further and learned the deletion of node in BST.

Day 210 : 18th November 2020

Studied Bit Masking and solved codeforces round 684's first two problems.

Day 211 : 19th November 2020

Solved problems on bit masking.

Day 212 : 20th November 2020

Solved problems of google kickstart past problems.

Day 213 : 21st November 2020

Studied Bitmasking and solved related problems.

Day 214 : 22nd November 2020

Took part in codeforces round 685 div 2. was able to solve 2 questions only.

Day 215 : 23rd November 2020

Studing Bit Masking and solved problems.

Day 216 : 24th November 2020

Participated in CodeForces Round 686 Div.3

Day 217 : 25th November 2020

Solved Codeforces past contest problems

Day 218 : 26th November 2020

Solved few problems on Binary Search

Day 219 : 27th November 2020

Studied inclusion exclusion principle.

Day 220 : 28th November 2020

Solved Problems on Mathematics.

Day 221 : 29th November 2020

Revised Percolation topic for minors.

Day 222 : 30th November 2020

Studied Computer Graphics and Percolation theory for minors.

Day 223 : 1st December 2020

Participated in Codeforces Educational Round 99.

Day 224 : 2nd December 2020

Studied for Minors.

Day 225 : 3rd December 2020

Studied for Minors.

Day 226 : 4th December 2020

Studied for Minors and gave its final presentation.

Day 227 : 5th December 2020

Solved some array questions from InterviewBit.

Day 228 : 6th December 2020

Solved some problems from InterviewBit.

Day 229 : 7th December 2020

Solved Problems and studied Computer Graphics

Day 230 : 8th December 2020

Studied Computer Graphics for End Sems.

Day 231 : 9th December 2020

Studied Computer Graphics for Quiz and End Sems.

Day 232 : 10th December 2020

Studied Matrix Exponentiation Algorithm for Solving Linear Recurrences.

Day 233 : 11th December 2020

Solved Problems on Dp from LeetCode

Day 234 : 12th December 2020

Solved Problems on Dp on trees from LeetCode

Day 235 : 13th December 2020

Studied Compiler Design for End Sems.

Day 236 : 14th December 2020

Studied OOAD for End Sems.

Day 237 : 15th December 2020

Gave End Sem for OOAD and Studied Computer Graphics.

Day 238 : 16th December 2020

Studied Computer Graphics for end sems

Day 239 : 17th December 2020

Gave Computer Graphics End Sem.

Day 240 : 18th December 2020

Studied Compiler Design for End Sems.

Day 241 : 19th December 2020

Gave Compiler Design End Sem.

Day 242 : 20th December 2020

Solved DP Problems from LeetCode.

Day 243 : 21st December 2020

Solved questions from leetcode.

Day 244 : 22nd December 2020

Gave Digital Forensics End Sem.

Day 245 : 23rd December 2020

Solved Dynamic Programming problems from LeetCode.

Day 246 : 24th December 2020

Gave ISG end sem and solved problems on LeetCode.

Day 247 : 25th December 2020

Solved Problems on LeetCode.

Day 248 : 26th December 2020

Solved Problems on Leetcode.

Day 249 : 27th December 2020

Solved problems on leetcode.

Day 250 : 28th December 2020

Gave IT Infra End Sem and solved problems on Leetcode on binary trees.

Day 251 : 29th December 2020

Studied Python for End Sems.

Day 252 : 30th December 2020

Gave Python End Sems and solve problems from LeetCode.

Day 253 : 31st December 2020

Tried to solve a problem called "Median of two sorted array".

Day 254 : 1st January 2021

Solved problems of dp on leetcode.

Day 255 : 2nd January 2021

Started learning Graph theory from scratch.

Day 256 : 3rd January 2021

Learned bfs and dfs traversals in graph and solved a problem called Snakes and Ladders.

Day 257 : 4th January 2021

Studied Graph Theory

Day 258 : 5th January 2021

Studied Undirected Graphs

Day 259 : 6th January 2021

Studied Directed Graphs

Day 260 : 7th January 2021

Implemenated Kosaraju's Algorithm.

Day 261 : 8th January 2021

Studied Disjoint Set Union and solved related problems.

Day 262 : 9th January 2021

Solved Graphs problems

Day 263 : 10th January 2021

Solved Graphs and DP.

Day 264 : 11th January 2021

Solved BFS on Grid Problems.

Day 265 : 12th January 2021

Solved Graphs Problems

Day 266 : 13th January 2021

Studied Graphs.

Day 267 : 14th January 2021

Solved problems on backtracking.

Day 268 : 15th January 2021

Solved problems on dp.

Day 269 : 16th January 2021

Solved problems on strings

Day 270 : 17th January 2021

Solved problems on sliding window.

Day 271 : 18th January 2021

Studied Graphs

Day 278 : 19th January 2021

Studied Graphs and solved problems. Also took part in codeforces.

Day 279 : 20th January 2021

Studied splitwise algorithm in graphs.

Day 280 : 21st January 2021

Solved problems from Leetcode

Day 281 : 22nd January 2021

Solved problems from InterviewBit.

Day 282 : 23rd January 2021

Solved Problems from Leetcode and Interviewbit.

Day 283 : 24th January 2021

Solved Array Problems on InterviewBit.

Day 284 : 25th January 2021

Solved Array Problems on LeetCode.

Day 285 : 26th January 2021

Solved Array Problems on InterviewBit.

Day 286 : 27th January 2021

Solved Array Problems on LeetCode.

Day 287 : 28th January 2021

Solved Array Problems on InterviewBit.

Day 288 : 29th January 2021

Solved Bit Masking Problems on LeetCode.

Day 289 : 30th January 2021

Solved problems from Leetcode.

Day 290 : 31st January 2021

Solved problems from InterviewBit.

Day 291 : 1st February 2021

Solved Problems from InterviewBit.

Day 292 : 2nd February 2021

Solved Problems from LeetCode.

Day 293 : 3rd February 2021

Solved problems of sliding window.

Day 294 : 4th February 2021

Solved Problems on InterviewBit.

Day 295 : 5th February 2021

Solved Problems on Leetcode.

Day 296 : 6th February 2021

Solved Problems on InterviewBit.

Day 297 : 7th February 2021

Solved Problems on InterviewBit.

Day 298 : 8th February 2021

Solved Problems on Leetcode.

Day 299 : 9th February 2021

Solved Problems on InterviewBit.

Day 300 : 10th February 2021

Solved Problems on Leetcode.

Day 301 : 11th February 2021

Solved Problems on LeetCode.


Code minimum an hour every day for the next 301 days and Tweet your progress every day with the #301DaysOfCode hashtag.






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